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Messages - Frood

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You can use the Corona render stamp to save important information in CXR files along the way, because Corona always stores it in CXRs - even if switched off in the frame buffer settings.

1. Define a render stamp with the information you want to store, for example:

%d | %i | %c / %ct | Passes: %pp | Noise: %pe | Total time: %pt | Corona %bn - %b

2. Render CXRs

3. To read that information later, use exiftool like this against a CXR:

exiftool -s3 -CoronaRenderstamp <filename>

Good Luck

[Max] I need help! / Re: object attributes in Corona
« on: 2023-11-01, 10:26:10 »
but something isn't playing nicely now.

Maybe you are just not aware of the fact that you need to restart interactive rendering when changing object properties to see the result. Because your example just works here :)

And yes, if assigning IDs would be ok for you, plug all maps into a CoronaMultimap node, check only "Object GBuffer ID" and that's it.

You can user it in combination with CoronaMultiMap of course.

What exactly are you referring to? While you can use both, OSL named attribute and CoronaUserProperty to get a value, you cannot use it to either control CoronaMutimap nor CoronaSelectMap afaik.

Good Luck

One of the main things I'm concerned about is if a slave is rendering and someone closes the slave, what it was rendering (within the sync interval) won't be transferred.

Yes, that's true, but as said, it's just one sync interval render time that is lost at maximum (If you stop DR at the master, even fractions get transferred in contrast). So if you render a pano for 2h, it's neglectable imho.

Will another system pick this up or will it create a dodgy area on the final render where that system was rendering?

Render should be fine, slaves render full format. The "area" is the entire image from which parts get transferred (according to the "Max pixels to transfer at once" setting. You just need enough passes all in all. Problems may arise when dr slaves are very different in render speed, but that's a general issue of using dr.

In the case of VRs that go on headsets this'd cause issues with the images.  We haven't used DR for years and when we did (corona v5/v6) it'd create dodgy blocks on the render.

We also do not use dr much these times, mainly because dr server does not handle max/scene cool down times correctly (large scene dr rendering, cancel, start again -> hickup because dr server want's to control a max instance that still loads the first job). But for a "final" scene it works fine generally. Would be interesting to see such a bad result you mentioned.

Generally I'd try to avoid dr rendering, since single frame rendering is always better in every aspect. What is working good when it comes to top/down panos is to split top and bottom to different nodes using a crop render, so submitting two crop jobs to Backburner/Deadline - whatever. Also lowers ram consumption, especially if you render a lot of render elements or light mix stuff alongside.

If another system doesn't pick this up then maybe it's best to keep the interval to it's default setting.

If it does, what would you suggest I up the sync interval to based on what I'm currently rendering?

It depends more on your network. If 11 nodes deliver render results every minute in average (sent as CXRs strips, so quite large but/and depending on "Max pixels to transfer"), you may run into transfer issues. So I'd be cautious and set the interval to something higher like 3 minutes while keeping the max transfer value.

Do you know if the sync interval is scene or system based?

It's scene based (renderer property "dr_synchInterval")

Good Luck

[Max] Feature Requests / Re: Corona Material Library
« on: 2023-10-31, 09:53:00 »
You can convert the current library to a standard max library easily if you want to keep it. Not sure if this is allowed by eula though.

Good Luck

If I understand this correctly, you want to know what happens if a dr node shuts down during rendering? You would only miss some render progress, at maximum the result the node would be able to render in the time specified in "Syncronization Interval" of the "Distributed Rendering" tab. It's 60 seconds by default, so not really much loss (I'd go higher when rendering on 11 nodes at 8k though). We run dr server as windows service so the dr servers can be started and stopped randomly, depending on system load and this has never been an issue. There are other glitches using dr :)

Good Luck

but it can get a bit tricky when you are importing 100+ people proxies.

I'm sure it will be fixed since even starting to render does not load the proxy - definitely a bug.

Good Luck

anyone experiencing this?

Yes, me, simply pressing "Reload from disk" works for the moment (if you mean merging into a scene by "copying").

Good Luck

General CG Discussion / Re: Scripting
« on: 2023-09-29, 08:54:59 »

just check max script help and search the web. and are good resources for script stuff if you are stuck.

Although this is has been the "I need help" section regarding Corona, here is a quickly written script as a start for you. It converts to Poly, adds a vertex weld modifier with a threshold of your choice (thres) and then collapses the stack:

Code: [Select]
thres=0.01 -- vertex weld threshold

for o in $selection do (

try (
format "Processing object '%1'\n"
ConvertTo o Editable_Poly
addmodifier o (vertexweld())
maxOps.CollapseNodeTo o 1 true
catch (
format "Error processing object '%1'\n"

Good Luck

It's a proof that Corona did not load at all. And at the end of the log (starting at 12:45:36) you can see a failed spawn attempt of the CoronaDRServer and a quite unambiguous line:

2023/09/22 12:45:59 INF: [14196] [25392] SYSTEM: Production renderer is changed to Missing Renderer. Previous messages are cleared.

I installed the corona render-NODE version

Not sure what you mean here. Could it be that you only installed DrServer accidentally? DrServer is just a "spawner" that launches and controls Max. You need a Max with fully installed Corona for that version to use it as render node - no matter if using BB or DrServer or any other client/server setup. You'd have to tick "3ds Max 2023" if you do a custom install. Reinstalling with the correct options should solve it.

Good Luck


at a first glance this looks to me as if the beast does not load Corona at all, or any old version. Can you post the max.log of the rendernode as well?

Good Luck

[Max] Daily Builds / Re: Cryptomatte playground!
« on: 2023-09-20, 09:02:54 »
Still +1 (ever since Cryptomatte has been implemented). It's on top of my list of Corona's

"Missing/lost or unusable features (with the possible exception of a developers teapot scene)"

Good Luck


I could write quite a few lines bashing CoronaBitmap due to various issues (which are all logged). The dependency on the "Baked Procedural Maps" setting is just one of them. I currently even consider to use a script to automatically convert to standard bitmap whenever a scene is loaded. Only the out of core feature could be a reason to use it (and - the display quality in the viewport is slightly better with highres bitmaps, yes :).

Good Luck

Hi Maru,

we are not aware of any similar reports

we had some similar reports in the past which were related to iToo


I can confirm (equal or) longer loading times with Corona 10, depending on the scene. Tested with 3 standard scenes, mixed results:

Scene A (Some CBitbaps in the scene that I missed to eliminate or have been in Xreffed scenes/objects)
3:18 - Corona 9
5:09 - Corona 10

Scene A (Cbitmaps converted to std Bitmaps)
2:45 - Corona 9
3:12 - Corona 10

Scene B
2:41 - Corona 9
2:51 - Corona 10

Scene C
2:51 - Corona 9
2:53 - Corona 10

Out of core cache has been off, there are Xreffed scenes/objects in all scenes and yes - Itoo stuff as well. Everything loaded via network/UNC, using Max 2023.

Viewport settings should not make any difference since all viewport stuff starts after loading the scene. The time values are those reported by Max in the log, that is: the difference between the #filePreOpen and the #filePostOpen event.

Btw: And again CoronaBitmap making things worse.

Btw2: That more or less persistent "loading Corona assets" message is just some UI issue imho: Corona seems to use the "TempPrompt" of Max (I use it in scripts as well) and it just does not get cleared by some new message, in this case the last queued string just stays there.

Good Luck


I'm pretty sure those decals use CoronaBitmap. Be aware of the fact that CoronaBitmap uses the "Baked Prodcedural Maps" setting of the viewport configuration. Either change that value, or use standard bitmap - both options should work properly.

Good Luck

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