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Messages - 88qba88

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I'm using Corona 1.4 from 2016-01-13. My 3dsMax units are set to centimeters and I've noticed that changing Eye Separation parameter has no effect on final image. One more thing I've noticed is that it looks like the real distance is much smaller, as 3d is barely visible (left and right image look almost the same).

I also did a test to check if I'm right:

I've made a VR camera:
Spherical ON
Spherical VR mod ON
Eye Separation 6,3cm
Eye front offset: 0,0cm
Converge Eyes OFF

In front of the camera (2 cm away from the camera) is a small box (1x1x1cm). It's grey, but it's left side is blue and right side is red). From what I know Eye separation in Corona is IPD (inter pupilary distance) in real world. So it means that there are 2 cameras, 6,3 cm away from each other. It means I should be able to see left (blue) side of my box with left camera and right side (red one) with right camera.

Changing Eye separation has no change at all.

Changing Eye front offset has some really strange effects.
For example setting front eye offset to -5 creates 2 boxes (still same scene).

Eye separation is THE MOST CRUCIAL thing in 3d, as it defines the scale of scene and distance of objects.

What do you think guys?


I'm using Corona 1.4 from 2016-01-13. My 3dsMax units are set to centimeters and I've noticed that changing Eye Separation parameter has no effect on final image. One more thing I've noticed is that it looks like the real distance is much smaller, as 3d is barely visible (left and right image look almost the same).

I also did a test to check if I'm right:

I've made a VR camera:
Spherical ON
Spherical VR mod ON
Eye Separation 6,3cm
Eye front offset: 0,0cm
Converge Eyes OFF

In front of the camera (2 cm away from the camera) is a small box (1x1x1cm). It's grey, but it's left side is blue and right side is red). From what I know Eye separation in Corona is IPD (inter pupilary distance) in real world. So it means that there are 2 cameras, 6,3 cm away from each other. It means I should be able to see left (blue) side of my box with left camera and right side (red one) with right camera.

Changing Eye separation has no change at all.

Changing Eye front offset has some really strange effects.
For example setting front eye offset to -5 creates 2 boxes (still same scene).

Eye separation is THE MOST CRUCIAL thing in 3d, as it defines the scale of scene and distance of objects.

I hope it will help you guys!


Wow, thanks again man! I'll try it as soon as possible! And I'll keep on trying to make it work om my server.

BTW. I've started partnership with a company that makes VR programs:
and we're gonna try to create an easy tool for uploading your 3d VR Corona renders to VR space (Google Cardboard, GearVR etc). This one should have extra functionalities, like adjustments of IPD, phone model/screen size, etc)
(something like this: )

A program to upload your 3d FBX projects is already in beta phase.

I'll keep you updated, if you want to!

Thank you again! :)

Ye, the one from works! How did you do that!? :)

ok, i tested it and looks like it doesn't work on webserver as well"

Not yet, I'll try it today and let you know what happens.

Sure, there you go!

I'm sending my folder with all the files in it, it would be gr8 if you could help me, I've all the forums in the world and I've no idea how to make it work.


Wow, thank you for your fast reply Rambambulli!

I followed your advice step by step, in every configuration. Strange, but whatever I do I get black screen - I tried opening *.html file on IE, Edge, Firefox, Chrome, OneDrive on my iPhone 5s. Black screen everywhere.

My file that I rendered has a resolution of 5000x5000 px, its standard *.jpg file. File name is Corona_Panorama.jpg

I can send you my OneDrive Files if you want to chack that out:)

Thank you again!

Anyway, I'm gonna keep trying to make it work today.


Can you tell me where can I find proper js files? I tried to follow your advice at the end of the post I have no idea what should I do...


Yep, you can get it with newest daily build.

to Maru:
After checking your Meadow I also noticed that 3d effect is visible only a little - was the scale of scene corresponding with VR camera and IPD (Eye Separation)?

Another important thing to feel comfortable in VR is front eye offset.

I've done this one just for another quick test, 3d effects are clear and strong. I use
Eye separation =6,3cm
Eye front offset =8cm
Converge eyes = unticked

Another problem in PSViewer is that on some phones it won't keep the horizon in horizontal position, so you can't tilt your head too much.

I used Corona Cam modifier with VR on, resolution 4000x4000, then I separated files in external program. Using PSViewer with correct phone (The program doesn't care about screen size, so when it's too big you have to have big exotropia to see it correctly!) it looks fantastic. Now it's time to test some interiors.

Thanks a lot Maru! I've just tried it and it works like a charm!

I'm surprised there is no interest in this. :(
I have just found a faster and less painful way with no watermarks. And with daily builds' VR support you do not have to use any scripts. I will post everything soon.

I;m waiting for your tutorial Maru!

Gallery / Re: Simple Kitchen
« on: 2015-09-25, 17:34:16 »
Why wasn't it enlarging? Everything should work properly I believe.

PS. We can always help you people from America!:)

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