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Messages - Asticles

Pages: 1 ... 3 4 [5] 6
Chaos Corona for Blender / Render Text
« on: 2017-05-03, 12:39:54 »
Hi all,

I'm afraid that Text is not rendered. I get blank render.

I attach sample scene. Can you confirm?


Chaos Corona for Blender / Re: UVMap Channel
« on: 2017-05-03, 12:23:14 »

With binary the result was worse.


Chaos Corona for Blender / Re: Render Settings
« on: 2017-05-02, 12:42:02 »

Chaos Corona for Blender / UVMap Channel
« on: 2017-05-02, 11:24:16 »
Hi all,

I'm having some troubles with multiple uv channels.
I've made a sample file (attached), where setting uv channels to 0 and 1 does not give the expected results.

Am I doing something wrong?

Also, something is multiplicating the images loaded in the blend file.


Chaos Corona for Blender / Render Settings
« on: 2017-04-29, 20:42:02 »
Hi all,

Another question:

When you select VCM, Gi primary and secondary solver should dissapear?


Chaos Corona for Blender / Re: Shadow catcher projection
« on: 2017-04-29, 13:38:22 »
Okkk Thanks :)

Chaos Corona for Blender / Re: Wireframe shader node
« on: 2017-04-29, 13:37:36 »

Chaos Corona for Blender / Re: Blender To Corona bugs
« on: 2017-04-29, 13:20:35 »
Hi all,

Tested the Hdr issue on another computer with the same result.

Different OS also.

Edit: Have found something: The path must not have spaces. Miko, maybe your problem is the same, set the temp folder to be on a path without spaces, because your user name has.

I just ran quite a few tests and the spaces aren't a problem here.  Are there any other special characters in the paths you are using maybe that aren't being handled?
Spaces shouldn't be causing problems, I will have another look, it may be that the HDR path isn't quoted properly by me.

I'm so sorry, I've found the problem. The hdr file was corrupted, or the format was not correct. Keep investigating.

Edit: Yes, it was the file. Opened and resaved it with luminance and problem solved.
I thought it was spaces because tested with another hdr file in a path without them and worked. I'm sorry for the misunderstanding.

Chaos Corona for Blender / Re: Shadow catcher projection
« on: 2017-04-29, 13:13:19 »
Don't know which is the best way, of course. As you wish, but I think it's better not to have similar nodes for specific functions. Can this be done within Corona Shadowcatcher node?

Also, as a feature request, It could be great that you can set an image background that does not contribute to Environment, so you can preview and match the shadow catcher without compositing. Maybe on camera settings or on Corona Render settings, where transparent background is selected. Is this possible?.
Another good place could be in Corona Shadowcatcher node, switching something like: Use input for background.

Chaos Corona for Blender / Re: Shadow catcher projection
« on: 2017-04-29, 13:00:56 »
Only for Environment projection. In case backplates get mirrored.

Chaos Corona for Blender / Re: Shadow catcher projection
« on: 2017-04-29, 12:51:49 »
Yes! this did the trick, I suppose it is something to be fixed?


Chaos Corona for Blender / Re: Wireframe shader node
« on: 2017-04-29, 12:02:56 »
Thaks to you for your efforts.

Chaos Corona for Blender / Re: Blender To Corona bugs
« on: 2017-04-29, 12:02:21 »

Mix shader node does work when mixing, but with multiply and the others, Amount is ignored. I'm using it with textures (is it correct using with them?).


See the following for documentation on the nodes.

You will see that the amount is only used for the mix node,  Inputs can be textures or any other map but not materials.

Can amount dissapear when other than mix is selected? Just for new user's clarification.
Or some text saying that...

Chaos Corona for Blender / Re: Wireframe shader node
« on: 2017-04-29, 11:59:55 »
Ys, but makes sense you have the the color boxes, if you don't want to use extra nodes.


Chaos Corona for Blender / Re: Shadow catcher projection
« on: 2017-04-29, 11:58:14 »
Yes, hdr is from openfootage.

Edit: File corrected with blanchg solution.

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