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Messages - Aram Avetisyan

Pages: 1 ... 37 38 [39]
[Max] Feature Requests / Re: Denoiser Exclude List
« on: 2021-06-20, 12:02:29 »
Is it possible to have an exclude list for Denoising?

When i render automotive stuff, i very often would like to exclude the carpaint from any denoise opperation since it kills the metallic flakes.
I'm currently doing it by saving different beauty's with and without denoiser.

It would be just amazing to have something like a internal masking with exclusion.

Thank you.

We currently have this in discussion for tentative roadmap, ideas for masking workflow which can be used for your case as well. We will for sure inform you when there will be updates.
Meanwhile, you can cast your vote for the most wanted features here, if you haven't done yet:


Thank you. I hope to see this have been fixed very soon.
I cannot continue work with my project (with corona 7). Will try with Corona 6

Max 2021 corona 6 hf2 seems broken too

We double checked this for Corona 6 Hotfix 2 in both Max 2020 (Render to Texture) and Max 2021 (Bake to Texture) and it works as expected. Make sure the UV Channels and Unwraps are done properly. Also please try with Render to Texture instead of Bake to Texture if you can.


Is Render to Texture broken with Corona?
Please can you provide some more info? For example; what exactly is broken, Corona Version, 3ds Max version and if possible a scene demonstrating the issue.

3ds Max 2022, corona-7-3dsmax-daily-2021-05-20
It doesn't work with any simple scene

please see the link 


We confirm this not working and currently have it logged. Thank you.

Installed the latest build.
I opened a scene with a few V-ray bushes and grass (the scene was moved from a different HDD where texture paths were not set yet).

When an old corona converter is used, the converter keeps the bitmap nodes (even empty) and has the file name and last path.

When the same is converted with the latest converter - all empty bitmap nodes are replaced with a color map node.

This is the way converter handles maps, mixing with some color for consistency.
You must find the Bitmap node (even empty) way down below, the Bottom node for the Left Mix map.


[Max] I need help! / Re: Bending light through prism
« on: 2021-04-16, 09:37:10 »
The thing with dispersion/caustics for a specific scene or effect you are trying to achieve, the cover of Dark side of the moon album in this case, needs a bit of planning ahead to get what you want with reasonable times and optimized scene.
Here is a result I got.
If you use volumetrics alongside with caustics and dispersion, chances are you will never get a clean render.
The light you see in the render below is not "in the air" or "in a volume". The light source is casting light on a plane on which the prism is set. The render is kind a plan view of everything going on.
There are alos other subtleties to consider while creating this, like light source intensity and its rotation, another auxiliary light source for composition, abbe number of the material etc.

[Max] I need help! / Re: Max freezes after rendering
« on: 2021-04-09, 09:26:15 »
Hi Tom and Sailor.
Thing like this happened to me, not often but I can recall few times when this happened. I don't think it's something connected with Corona nor Wacom tablet. If Max or any other program freezes, it's mostly a heavy workload of a hardware which just causes to not get any info from the software anymore. Keyword is freezes, it does not crash but freezes.
If you go to Photoshop and then come back to Max and see it frozen, that kinda hints to GPU (I remember sometimes stress tests or games freezing, not crashing).
I cannot recall nor cue to some specific troubleshooting for this, as it may vary from scratch disk parameters to windows update but here are some general steps I would suggest to further understand what causes the freeze and how to get rid of it.

1. In any case, please try to fully update Windows, and then update the graphics card driver. If Nvidia, try using the Studio Driver.
2. Try rendering a very small and simple scene in Max (15sec to 2 minutes). Save the rendered image, see if Max frozen. If not, try opening other software, like Photoshop, play around and then get back to Max, see if it is frozen.
3. Try getting info from Task Manager about Max's process, attach it so we can get better info. The CPU, Memory, Even disk drive and GPU load preferably.
4. Do you use any kind of overclocking, XMP, core boost etc.? If so, turn off the XMP, it is known to cause freezes, which then lead to a crash.
5. Fun thing. When frozen, try opening Task Manager and double clicking on the frozen process. Few times that got the app back for me, try it, why not :)
6. Do the freezes happen only with Max or other applications as well? Try stress testing your PC and see if it leads to freezes.
7. Try using another version of Max. If freezes still happen, then its probably something hardware connected.

Give us also the full specifications of your PC, as detailed as possible.
This seems a general freeze, not something Corona related. And so you better make sure you troubleshoot it in whole, from PC configurations to updates and hardware.

Cheers and happy troubleshooting!

Hi Alex,

I took a look at the file and here are my investigations. Maybe you will find them helpful. Of course, some of the points mentioned below may had been already tried by you.

• Anything >0.5 for the terminator shadow shift seemed to fix shading artifacts on the model.
• I noticed that the XForm for the model was 1000%. Resetting it and welding vertecies with 0.05mm threshold did fix the problem. Rendered as expected with 0.0 shadow shift.
• There has to be something with the way it was imported/generated/converted in 3ds max, as dashed (hidden) edges are visible in Editable Poly, and for basic shapes, dashed line appear only when retriangulating/turning the edges and then they disappear. For the model you provided, they seemed to not go away/turn invisible in any case (even when converting to Editable Mesh, making some of them visible and some of them not and then converting to Editable poly) and it would be interesting to know how that happened.
• An interesting solution/workaround I found, was turning on NURMS subdivision (just checking it in in Editable Poly) for the model. It does show up bad in the viewport but renders completely fine. Shadow shift is 0.0 in this case as well. If there is a quick/one click solution (like terminator shadow shifting) you are looking for, maybe this can be one.

We confirm the issue. Visibility from object properties does not affect the volumetrics/SSS part of the material.
This has been reported as a bug.

(Internal ID=323891067)

Hi Techtrooper,

Shadowcatcher material has a pretty straightforward usage. Though there are some intuitive and logical steps in the points you described, I think you made it more complicated that it needs to be.
And by the way, you can perspective match with CoronaCamera and it does have more functionality than a regular one which can relate to matching. Important thing is to have a not "Targeted" camera (untick in CoronaCamera) and you are ready to go. Just from my personal experience, which is most likely a 3Ds Max thing rather than a Corona related, sometimes it gets weird and just does not respond.

I have downloaded the scene and tested with your materials and maps.
Regarding, of course, what exactly you try to achieve, the solutions may vary. But here are some screenshots of renders and the scene, so you can see:
1. A simple shadowcatcher on the floor, no room boundaries
2. Shadowcatcher applied to the whole cage, Visible to camera enabled from object properties, no shell for the cage
3. Same with cage
4. Bonus with Torust knot
5. The material setup
Sun is being used in all the cases with CoronaSky.
Both the shadowcatcher and Direct visibility overrride have the CoronaToneMap applied as you see, to better link the background image and the scene (easier control).

You will find that the 2nd and 3rd versions are not that optimal, as it took long time to calculate the UHD Cache and it renders slowly because of the lighting.
The option with a plane of course works and renders much faster.

Hope this helps with what you want to do. In general, no faking or very little non-physical faking is required for compositing while using the Corona materials/maps.
If any questions are still left, feel free to post.

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