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Messages - James Vella

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Ive used quite a few, i find the simplest one for me is Google Chrome Remote. I use it on my phone aswell

[Max] I need help! / Re: Corona VFB Shortcut
« on: 2018-01-11, 09:39:15 »
macroScript CoronaVFB
   CoronaRenderer.CoronaFp.showvfb true

Copy this into your maxscript editor window, select all the text and drag the text into your toolbar, it will make a button you can change to a VFB image or whatever, off you go

[Max] I need help! / Re: 1.7 RAM
« on: 2017-12-17, 11:56:16 »
as mentioned, this is 3dsmax not corona. 3dsmax autosaves with 1 cpu only towards the HDD the project directory is saved on (usually your C drive if you havent changed it). No ram involved in this. Either turn it off or change it to once every 45 minutes if that helps (15mins is too short in my opinion)

[Max] I need help! / Re: Camera Response/LUT
« on: 2017-11-29, 22:19:05 »
I see what you are looking for now. With jpeg obviously not its baked in, with the RAW files I can nudge you in the right direction as I want to do something similar myself but having some issues with getting the calibration to transfer the HALD file (as its a tif and not a raw file).

Hopefully someone with more experience can jump in here but from my understanding, you will need the HALD file and 3D Lut Creator to follow this method. If you watch the video you will see what I mean but still trying to get the technicals sorted. My thinking was if you can export the HALD to 3D Lut as a Mask, you can then export a LUT to use in your render:

Again if someone can jump in on this and give their 2cents I would really appreciate it - I also want to de-expose an image I took of my X-Rite Colour Checker (as its over exposed) and will not calibrate for a shoot I recently did. I can get it to match in 3D Lut Creator with a Log de-exposure but then I cannot export this as a DNG file. Any help on this would be appreciated, Im sure these 2 are closely related and could solve a few problems in one.

Edit: Update on this, I was able to get a good match using Adobes DNG Profile Editor.

I was also able to export the Camera Profiles (Faithful, Landscape, etc) to a DNG file. Im working through now how to convert these to a LUT.

Can I ask whats the intention? Could you shoot on raw and apply the colour/wb with a colour checker passport?

[Max] I need help! / Re: Camera Response/LUT
« on: 2017-11-28, 13:07:22 »
well as Dubcat explains in that link any adjustment you make to an image affects the curve of of that image (brightness,contrast, etc)

If you use a Canon Camera they are in this order (check the manual of your camera for specifics)

As I have tested shooting picture modes also affect the RAW - which is why I typically shoot in faithful (no colour additions) as I intend on adjusting in post

[Max] I need help! / Re: Scene optimizing
« on: 2017-11-28, 12:21:43 »
I had a spare 20 minutes so I thought id share.

Model I made of a plant recently with Blur of 1.0:

Nothing changed except Blur to 0.1:

Time saved 5 seconds per plant, I was expecting a little more. Im guessing on average if you had 100 plants on that wall your only saving yourself 8minutes or so. Probably not enough to warrant changing workflows over - which is a relief to be honest, less buttons to click :) You may be correct in saying this has been addressed in some way, I would be curious to see the result over the wall of plants. I would also suspect the Alpha Clipping to help dramatically as this shaved time off this Plant render as well - cant remember how much but I tested this while making it to ensure speed.

[Max] I need help! / Re: Camera Response/LUT
« on: 2017-11-28, 12:00:27 »
when you say picture modes, are you referring to portrait, landscape, faithful, etc?

[Max] I need help! / Re: Scene optimizing
« on: 2017-11-28, 11:43:36 »
@James Vella, you keep telling that filtering bluring is significantly affecting performance

Yes, it has a major affect on speed - Ive been doing this with vegetation textures for quite some time to speed up the render time (quite a lot in in some scenes). You can test for yourself when you get time. I am not referring to the Filtering method on opacity maps as this was clarified by you earlier which I have acknowledged and thanked you for.

AFAIK, filter bluring has little to do with grazing angle, instead it controls how much texture will be filtered (blurred) depending on its relative size in the view, so for something as small as leaves, it might make sense to keep bluring on the lower side.

I have no doubts you are correct. I use this specifically for sharpening textures when I need to - especially those close to camera.

[Max] I need help! / Re: Camera Response/LUT
« on: 2017-11-28, 09:29:17 »
haha, I have been saving his posts in my research bookmarks folder, lots more to understand but grinding away :)

[Max] I need help! / Re: Camera Response/LUT
« on: 2017-11-28, 08:37:42 »
Dubcat shows a useful method to extracting LUTs here for the frame buffer:

To answer your second question Dubcat has also provided a PSD file to see the adjustments to the curve your LUT is doing here:;all

[Max] I need help! / Re: Scene optimizing
« on: 2017-11-28, 08:33:50 »
Filtering of opacity maps is disabled globally by default...

thanks for clarifying the filtering, I remember reading this but glad to hear it verified.

...@James Vella - with no filtering in the opacity map, you mean blur to 0.01 for the opacity maps?

Change this to 1.0 on all the maps for the vegetation if they have been changed - usually the diffuse map is the killer one for this.

Bitmap 0.1 filtering blur is great for things like floorboards where you want to see the texture on grazing angles perfectly, however on leaf maps its generally a bit over kill unless its a hero tree right next to the camera.

[Max] I need help! / Re: Scene optimizing
« on: 2017-11-27, 16:23:16 »
check 2 addional things on your plants should speed up quite alot

- bitmap blur is 1.0 not 0.1
- opacity maps are on "Clip" and no filtering in the bitmap option

[Max] General Discussion / Re: system low RAM
« on: 2017-11-22, 08:22:38 »
Just to add to this, I ran into this issue (my current workstation is a laptop with max memory of 32gb). I needed to keep the render elements I was using but was exceeding my ram limit so I found that by downsizing any texture over 4k by half this drastically reduced the memory consumption from 98% to 30% and I was able to finish the job. I do recommend more ram atleast 64 to keep artistic freedom and visual appearance, but sometimes things must be done to utilise your setup I suppose. A good script I found to do this automatically (resizes 1k,2k or 4k, copies the bitmaps to a new folder and relinks them for you including bump,spec,gloss maps etc) is found here

Be aware this will not work for CoronaBitmap - only standard bitmaps

[Max] I need help! / Re: Fault Tollerance Heap
« on: 2017-06-29, 00:43:44 »
Thank you for the information, ill pass this on

[Max] I need help! / Fault Tollerance Heap
« on: 2017-06-28, 07:48:33 »

"Windows enabled 'Fault Tolerant Heap' for 3dsmax or dependent processes. This may have severe performance impact on Corona. Please follow the link to learn how to solve the problem."

This information is listed in the help - I passed this on to our IT team as we have this message on every workstation and random crashes which means we are missing some of our deadlines. However - they told me that this is something the Corona team should be looking into as the FTH is there to help windows in these situations. It seems odd to me that any software would require changing system properties to work correctly?

Any insight into this would be much appreciated

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