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Messages - Stefan-L

Pages: 1 ... 32 33 [34] 35
Hi Houska,

thanks,  yes i felt this must be a bug and not intentional.

here a simple file attached, hope this can be fixed soon in a daily version:)
play in the file with the material 1 opacity settings, you see it affects the full layered mtl, not just the layer1(as it should i think,  and as also the v-ray blend mtl works).


i not want to make skin, but real world coated materials(painted or oiled wood, or concrete, for furniture, and so on).
skin mtl isnt really ideal for that i think

what makes a layer shader with 10 layers sense if it is not layering but mixing only?
it seems only missing that mtl opacity should respect the layering, which seems missing(bug or missing feature)


i wonder if Corona now in v4 allows for a coating reflection layer in the layered material?
so far i still see only a simple mask or slider for mixing one mtl with the others.

but it seem impossible to create some added reflection layer, like a clear painted wood or concrete etc

does this not work on corona or do i have to think this different?

thanks for help, i hope there is a way?

we try to port some materials from our vray libs to make them also for corona,
but the c4d corona mtl yet has some limits yet with layering materials maybe?

in v-ray the mtl opacity lets the mtl shine through to see the material below in blend shader, which is the expected result.
in (c4d) corona the base material gets also transparent, so an unwanted weird "mixed" material that is half transparent instead of layered/coated is the result.

thanks for help!:)

p.s the more i try i guess this might be a bug? in case move the thread pls to bug section:)

yes please,
that would be great for more or less every texture slot (as in vray or in max vray/corona)

[C4D] Feature Requests / Re: Support for several UVW-Tags
« on: 2019-05-08, 15:12:13 »
super important yes, pls +1

[C4D] General Discussion / Re: Render nodes on c4d prime
« on: 2019-03-21, 19:00:25 »
"Team Render is not an option for me.. too slow, to buggy, "

>>same for me....

gr8 thx! :)

i test it this week asap

i see what happens next week in office:)
if it happens again i tell you.

great would be if the teamrender lic woudl be more flexible and realisze the lic server is running:)


ok after restarting ALL machines, incluning the local one with server, it seems to work now.

but that seems a quite "unstable" or dangerous setup yet, if the nodes for some reason not want to connect to server they can reconnect to it, i hope this can be fixed. if it re appears again i post it here.

yes  full and legal licenses i have from render legion.

i added now a 4th node now to test, this also refuses to work. so from 4 nodes 2 cant render:/

corona lic server runs of course as it runs local and on 2 of the 4 nodes,
all 4 have internet connection and connection to the main machine where the lic server runs.

lic server runs before i installed and started the nodes. i installed all 4 today, all in same way, 2 refuse to work, the others are ok.
some seems wrong yet sadly in TR....

the same nodes runs fine in other renderers or c4d internal. so it seems some corona specific.

i do get the same error, "Aborting synchronization: dumpExr failed..."" on one node of several machines in same network.
it has internet and works fine with other engines.

i use the latest v3 hotfix.

any idea how to fix this?
i tried manual and automatic TR settings in corona settings both make the same issue

THX for help!

p.s the hack above with the txt file placed in corona hidden folder didnt help


it is a big drawback for our use for several use that corona lights are no c4d lights too (like control lights via mograph effectors p.e for things like media facades, or use in light listers)

[C4D] Feature Requests / Re: Support for several UVW-Tags
« on: 2019-01-10, 11:52:37 »
it would be great to support UV channels, so each shader can use its own UV by choosing the according channel.
as in max possible or also c4d vray;)

yes +1 for me too to the above:)

[C4D] General Discussion / Re: Corona & Team render
« on: 2019-01-10, 11:37:47 »
actually most did work with vray dr, and a lot more things that not work on TR.
only the internal c4d shaders cant run on v-ray standalone, which i for example not are fond to use anyway as most are inferior to my use.

anyway we obviously seem not to need the same things for the work, which isnt a problem i guess.
i also not asked to replace TR but to add DR as options, for pro users. so i guess no worries, i am sure tr will stay:)

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