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Messages - mferster

Pages: 1 ... 32 33 [34] 35
[Max] General Discussion / Subscription emails...
« on: 2016-09-20, 18:35:03 »
Alright guys,

These subscription emails are kinda getting ridiculous every month. 

I'm sure it's just your e-commerce platform not allowing any flexibility and you have no control over it; but I just wanted to see if you guys have looked into see if its possible to consolidate them down to 2 instead of 5.



So I'm thinking about putting together a budget render node with the glut of 2670's around.

What would be a good dual socket motherboard model that pairs with the E5-2670 ?

I found this guy, but I'm woefully ignorant when it comes to motherboards.

How does this compare to the board you used in your build?

[Scatter] I need help! / Re: Corona Scatter
« on: 2016-08-19, 23:44:40 »
Not sure what your scene is like... but you can also apply this trick [fifth post down (,9728.0.html )] to only scatter on surfaces your camera sees.

Gallery / Re: WELCOME
« on: 2016-08-15, 19:10:52 »
oh god, "Welcome 3" just turned this post into a horror movie.
Great atmosphere and details though! Good work.

Edit: If you want to get super detailed/accurate, I would transition the grass into dirt or gravel under the house/porch as grass wouldn't be able to grow beneath it.

Work in Progress/Tests / Re: Maru's random stuff
« on: 2016-07-20, 23:01:11 »
Cool, how was this made? displacement?

Gallery / Re: Vr Tour
« on: 2016-07-19, 23:24:36 »
Nice work, what were the final resolutions?

[Max] I need help! / Re: How to create this type of concrete
« on: 2016-06-30, 19:38:25 »
Sorry for the life of me I cant seem to understand the difference between a map and a texture and a shader and a material..
Ive attached if someone maybe in the future want to use this

Map and texture are kinda interchangeable. I personally differentiate them by referring textures as tiled images, and maps when the texture is defined by unwrapped uv's ;

Individual materials are what you see in the material browser with their own attributes. Shaders aren't really visible during production, they are sets of instructions that interpret the materials attributes during rendering.

This is how I have always understood it, but if someone has more accurate information I would love to be corrected.

Gallery / Re: rainy forrest - Cinema 4D
« on: 2016-06-30, 17:44:43 »
The road painter must have been drunk when he was doing this section of road :P

Gallery / Re: Oxy Apartments Stones Corner
« on: 2016-06-27, 22:07:22 »
great atmosphere in your images.

Those wood soffits over the balconies are really bugging me though. Was that the architects decision to cut them off before the edge? =/

Gallery / Re: Tolgahan-Corona(avisgrafik)
« on: 2016-06-27, 18:56:35 »
Some great images here.

I would lose the goofy steamy man holes for two reasons.

1. They are very much only a distinctively NYC and some other cities thing and is really out of place in this setting. (also the 4 lane one way road right out front of the building).
2. It really draws attention away from the building itself.

Gallery / Re: Edison
« on: 2016-06-27, 18:30:29 »
The refraction on the light bulb seems off to me... I suspect it's because it's only single planed; If this is the case add a shell modifier to the glass.

Then again it could just be the scene.

[Max] I need help! / Re: Neon Light Material
« on: 2016-06-20, 22:24:05 »
Here is what I came up with.

It's actually two objects a larger spline with a shell modifier applied to  it for the glass.
then the neon material, a corona light material with a fall off map in the opacity slow.

[Max] I need help! / Re: too long parsing
« on: 2016-06-20, 19:14:20 »
Have you tried merging your scene into a brand new fresh scene? It's super annoying, but doing this has solved some of my parsing issues in the past.

[Max] I need help! / Re: trees
« on: 2016-06-20, 18:58:33 »
Honestly it depends on the scene. If they are a prominent element in the scene I would go with geometry. But if they are in the background and are obscured by the rest of the scene, I usually just use a backplate with trees that mimic the lighting conditions/direction.

Here is an example of what I'm talking about of a scene I made awhile back.

the trees in the background are a backplate with foreground geometry (although the tree in the foreground is quite shit now that I'm revisiting it).

Hey there,

so just noticed a  quirky thing.

Turning off the clear "VFB inbetween renders" option clears the alpha channel regardless.  is this intended and can it be fixed? It's kind of annoying.


1. Render a full image with clear vfb turned off
2. region render a small section
3. vfb clears the alpha outside the region area in the vfb

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