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Messages - Designerman77

Pages: 1 ... 30 31 [32] 33 34
[C4D] Bug Reporting / Re: Beta A1 that works with R20 ?
« on: 2019-03-31, 17:36:55 »
Any idea when these fixes will be released?

Gallery / Re: Patio_Verde
« on: 2019-03-28, 19:36:21 »
Looks super real... :)

[C4D] Bug Reporting / Re: Beta A1 that works with R20 ?
« on: 2019-03-28, 19:10:10 »
Well the current state ( Core 3 ) is not optimal.

If it became like in Core 1.7 - would be great.

If you will make it even better - as you say - then, hey, you and the corona team are more than awesome! ( we all know you are... :)  )

I´m very curious for the new function.

And... please don´t forget to change the reduced denoising on bumps.
See how nice & clean the scene looks form Core 1.7 - even on a 6 year old machine and 1:30 render time.

Of course it has not all micro-details... But if one needs them, one simply gives it a few more passes and reduces the denoise.

Machine: iMac i7 3,4 Ghz

[C4D] Bug Reporting / Re: Beta A1 that works with R20 ?
« on: 2019-03-28, 18:50:05 »
Hi Houska,

I didn´t refer to any Alpha behaviour of displacement.
Only that displacements - applied on polyselects - should not cancel or influence eachother just because of being stacked materials. Neither the first material on the left should influence them.
This would be the important basic behaviour - in my oppinion. It was like this in Core 1.7

How they behave with alphas... your suggestion sounds somehow logical to me.

I attached you a C4D scene here with a displacement / alpha test which I made long time ago on Core 1.7
Works like one would logically expect it.

P.S. I removed the HDR from the scene... too big to upload.

[C4D] Bug Reporting / Re: Beta A1 that works with R20 ?
« on: 2019-03-28, 17:35:05 »
Hi Houska,

thanks a lot for your super quick reply!

My suggestion about changing the behaviour on displacement: it should function exactly like in Core 1.7 !
Actually like the "natural" behaviour of C4D- materials.

Left material is only the base material. Polyselect - assign material (with displacement). That´s it.
Repeat on as many poly-selects as you please.
No big rocket science... native C4D-behaviour.

The displacements on the stacked materials MUSN´T influence or even cancel eachother... like it is at the moment in the release version...

[C4D] Bug Reporting / Beta A1 that works with R20 ?
« on: 2019-03-28, 16:57:58 »
Hi guys at Corona,

ist there a Beta ( pre B2 ) that works with C4D R20?

I mean specifically a Beta that does not have the "new denoising" that denoises less on rounded edges & bumps?
As well as with the old displacement behaviour on stacked materials ! ( Material on the most left is NOT dominant )

Actually, one that behaves like Beta Core 1.7  -   only that it should run on R20.
Core 1.7 runs only until R19...

Thanks for your replies.

[C4D] General Discussion / Re: Correct use of HRDI
« on: 2019-03-28, 14:59:35 »
HDR in a light material is correct.

Gallery / Re: Residential building in Sweden / Full CGI
« on: 2019-03-25, 17:28:38 »
Nice work.

Only the letters at the entrance have a veryunusual fluorescense.

Give the Swdish some better weather. :)

Hi Houska, hi Nikola,

thanks a lot to both of you and the Corona team!

With the LicenceServer that you, Nikola, uploaded now, everything works nicely.
My older Core 1.7-Beta got activated automatically. Didn´t even have to do it manually when C4D starts up. :)

I attached a screenshot with those two funcions, that your team MUST correct in Core 3 - as they were in Core 1.7

1. Same amount of denoising on ALL surfaces, including round edges & bump.
Otherwise, long render times are necessary & quick test renders stay super noisy in bump areas.

2. The old stacking behaviour when using displacement on poly-select! The material on the right MUST be dominant and displacement MUSN´T be overridden by the material on the left. Like this one can easily apply multiple displaced-materials to poly-selects. Saves a huuuge amount of time in the workflow.
Actually, it´s simply the native C4D-behaviour !

If you will redo these two, old - and perfect - functions in Core 3, plus the new features like UV-randomizer and the great new node editor, then Corona will be a truly phantastic software again.

Looking forward to this day!
Hopefully soon.  :)


Hi Nikola!

Thanks for your super fast reply ! :)

Yes, on my older iMac i7, I´m runnung an older OSX.

I will give it a try and let you guys know if it worked... very much hoping...


Correct Path and LicenseServerLogin - .txt-File  ???

Hey Houska,

thanks to your team for this.

When I try to install the LicencingServer .dmg, I get an error message, saying that it is "not an activable data system". See attached image.

Alternatively, I followed the instructions under point 2 and created the .txt doument under: Library/Application Support/Corona.
When I start C4D, the older Corona (Core 1.7) can´t be activated. It shows "customer activation error.14"

I also don`t really understand point 4 in the instruction. What application bundle to run?

Quite complicated, in my oppinion...


Houska, that´s good news.

This is Corona and Corona customer team as we know it from before...

Hey Houska, thanks a lot - that´s really good news!

Please make sure Core 1.7 will be among the older Betat that you will make available.

From my long-term experience with it, Core 1.7 (hotfix 2) from 21.12.2017 worked super nicely !

Greetings !

Okay, Artisticpixel. From where to know this ? Nobody ever gave me this info before ! Namely, that you can still use the older Betas, if you purchase a license.

Thanks for the info!

Then I will of course buy the license! ... In order to use the old Betas... somehow ridiculous... :)))

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