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Messages - amitshneor

Pages: 1 2 3 [4]
well...tried it in opacity slot...white in front face black in backface...the model turns black.

am i doing it wrong?

is backface culling not working in corona?
i have a box with flip normal modifier and backface cull in object properties, but it renders as 2 sided.

any clue?

i created simple Corona scatter of some pyramids with noise in density map.
animated the noise phase, in interactive view the scattering changes accordingly.

sent it to final render, the scattering is not animated.

your thoughts...?

Can it be attached to a keyboard shortcut,too?

[Max] I need help! / net rendering only render elements?
« on: 2015-06-30, 11:23:31 »
what is the way to send only the render elements to the render farm ?
the "render only elements" button works on a single frame only,right?

i need to send some passes fast without the diffuse pass taking its time...


how do I lock the interactive render view to the dimensions of the final render?
If I have say a 200x800 dimensions, it doesn't fit the window to it...

amazing !
thanks guys for fast reply !

is there a way to run the interactive view from a button on the toolbar, not having to open the render settings window and clicking it there?
would be great to have a script that can be attached to a shortcut or a button to open the viewer instantly..


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