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Messages - minimaldesign - Blaž

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In last daily build (Version: 5.0 daily Aug 30 2019 (core 5 (DailyBuild Aug 30 2019)) I can't save .CXR file form VFB, there is also no option save as, render interactive rendering...the tabs doesn't open in anyway.

We are on WIN7, C4D R16

Not sure what you mean - click and hold on Save in the VFB opens the drop down for me, with the Save All and Save CXR options there (which is where they always were). Is that not happening for you?

this has worked to this day ... unfortunately it doesn't work in latest version
p.s. I'm attaching the c4d file if anything helps


In last daily build (Version: 5.0 daily Aug 30 2019 (core 5 (DailyBuild Aug 30 2019)) I can't save .CXR file form VFB, there is also no option save as, render interactive rendering...the tabs doesn't open in anyway.

We are on WIN7, C4D R16

[C4D] General Discussion / Re: scene recreation advice
« on: 2019-07-19, 08:56:26 »
Use the existing image as a background and make the scene. :)
I do not know what exactly do you mean/want with "recreate a scene"?

Test 3

Our update with Daily build:

I noticed if I use "use high quailty filtering" corona needs around 310 passes to reach noise level limit 4
If I use an old Type "tend" filter, it only needs around 200 passes to reach noise level limit 4

hmm ... I'm a little confused (very high price for to me invisible difference in quality)'s around +33% and more in render time!

Below are tests with my home old PC.

310 passes is really a lot. What is the render resolution you used. I just did a similar scene (matt and glass ball on background with HDR light @1600x900 4% noise level limit) and both scenes took only 5 and 10 passes for both HQ and tent. (tent was in time 1seconds faster)

What is you GI/AA balance settings (standard=16), when I try it with "2", I do notice the HQ filter is 50% slower then the tent.But "2" is really only needed if you need fast but grainy results. Useless for a 4% noise limit

default corona settings and 800x600 for all comment :( Ok It's an old comp...but anyway..insane render time

Our update with Daily build:

I noticed if I use "use high quailty filtering" corona needs around 310 passes to reach noise level limit 4
If I use an old Type "tend" filter, it only needs around 200 passes to reach noise level limit 4

hmm ... I'm a little confused (very high price for to me invisible difference in quality)'s around +33% and more in render time!

Below are tests with my home old PC.

Our update with Daily build:

I noticed if I use "use high quailty filtering" corona needs around 310 passes to reach noise level limit 4
If I use an old Type "tend" filter, it only needs around 200 passes to reach noise level limit 4

hmm ... I'm a little confused (very high price for to me invisible difference in quality)'s around +33% and more in render time

Hey @ Minimaldesign.

I also use the latest 4 Beta (for Mac) at the moment.

Maybe it´s because of the Layer in which you inserted your metal-stripe bitmap.

I always put such metal scratches into a filter, so you can control everything... glossiness, contrast, etc.
Color you give to the metal in the color slot of the reflection channel... but I'm sure you know that.

Until now, at me such bitmaps never caused anything like in your description.

Yes I know that....last daily build is super fast...2min for the same render :)

I don't have (Daily Build 2019-04-16) anymore on PC.
Old versions ((Daily Build 2019-04-16)) is no longer available (Changes in Corona Renderer 4 for Cinema 4D (Daily Build 2019-04-16) ( I can't do any test :(

P.S. I found it ... I overlooked the folder up! I'm so ... :D

P.s.2: It looks like there is something wrong with our .STEP file so we have long render times or it's some of metal material...hmm
Anyway..10h for 3500pix render noise level 3 (just 3d model + hdri, without floor, empty scene) is insane?

Would be fun seeing what the normals are doing :)

It's problem with metal material brushed inox (render time with plastic material 40min, same 3d model with inox from 3h 40min to 10h)...insane :(
P.S. normals are all OK

I don't have (Daily Build 2019-04-16) anymore on PC.
Old versions ((Daily Build 2019-04-16)) is no longer available (Changes in Corona Renderer 4 for Cinema 4D (Daily Build 2019-04-16) ( I can't do any test :(

P.S. I found it ... I overlooked the folder up! I'm so ... :D

P.s.2: It looks like there is something wrong with our .STEP file so we have long render times or it's some of metal material...hmm
Anyway..10h for 3500pix render noise level 3 (just 3d model + hdri, without floor, empty scene) is insane?

I think the latest (Daily Build 2019-05-03) is a lot slower in comparison with (Daily Build 2019-04-16)....or it's just me :)

Oh... OK.

1. Error about missing 'api-ms-win-core-version-l1-1-1.dll' --- i assume a bad installer was compiled - not suited for w7/8. Works only with w10.

2. Since some already have NVidia's AI denoiser libraries, is it possible to have an option (checkbox) to "DON'T DOWNLOAD"?
Along the lines, for those who prefer manual installation (Unpack only), a simple note about "Where to put denoiser's extra libraries" or "What to do otherwise (set env. variable or...?)" would be nice.  (freshdesk doesn't cover this yet).


we are on win 7 pro + Cinema4D R16


I can not install it,
windows 7 pro

me too :(

[C4D] General Discussion / Re: Render times
« on: 2018-12-03, 15:00:29 »
[..] it's possible to see a slower render times with newer version, but not as slow as we get at work.

It is possible to see whatever you want to see, but if you'll do quick math, you'll get following numbers from Ben's tests.

Interior: mean - 34:58, B2 final - 33:01
Exterior: mean - 8:00, B2 final - 7:51

I think that's faster not slower ;]

Sorry...I missed the core tags ;)

[C4D] General Discussion / Re: Render times
« on: 2018-12-03, 09:30:34 »

I will prepare the scene as soon as I can.
However, even with upper tests, it's possible to see a slower render times with newer version, but not as slow as we get at work.
p.s. I have the latest daily version

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