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Messages - relox

Pages: 1 2 3 [4]
Gallery / A simple room scene
« on: 2012-11-12, 07:50:03 »
Hi, im really new about this render engine, in my opinion for an alpha version its an  amazing engine, hereĀ“s a simple room scene i made, waiting for new versions to come will be marvelous if they integrate bloom effects and lens effects, and the new implementation of displacements, cause i cant use displacement maps like bricks on a box, when i aply it, faces come out of the geometry if i have high values and if i lower values looks like if i aply it a bump map not a displacement maps, thanks for the hardwork to implement new realeses with new options. i vote for ies lights in the forum will be great in the next release.

Work in Progress/Tests / Re: Office
« on: 2012-11-11, 23:31:09 »
Great render, really great atmosphere, Not a single scene of an office are used to seeing, how did you place the stones one by one scattered? I have the same cuestion how to make invisible lights with reflections.

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