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Messages - ASIMO

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[C4D] Daily Builds / Re: v9 More Interactive Crashes
« on: 2023-03-06, 17:15:47 »
Any Updates on this ?

Anyone feel a change with 9 Hotfix 1 ? Just asking before I re-install.

Thank you. Best – Asimo

[C4D] Daily Builds / Re: v9 More Interactive Crashes
« on: 2022-10-25, 11:50:58 »

Same with me. I am running either C4D 22 or C4D 25 on macOS Monterey.

I noticed a lots of crashes as reported almost every 5 to 10 minutes. They occur randomly so far only when using the Interactive Render option. Final renders seem to work fine.

The same is true for new as well as for old scenes. Corona Render 8 run extremely stable. Almost no crashes for a couple of days.

I will try to upload some error reports soon.

Best – ASIMO

c4d gets very slow when it misses or searches textures, in specially if you have many search paths.
using absolute texture paths helps in my experience

Yes true. But this has nothing to do with it as I use the exact same setup in C4D 22.

In 22 it opens in 10 sec. In 26 the same file with same paths is 1 minute.

This is not super crazy but still annoying when you have to change files quite often ...


I'm having very long waiting times for opening any file in Cinema 4d S26 and Corona 9. I contacted Maxon support because I thought the problem was some materials with textures connected to my Database of the new Asset Browser but in the end we realized that the problem is the long loading of the materials using Corona renderer. Without materials or using native 4D cinema materials this does not happen.
For the rest once opened the Corona 9 scene seems to work well


I have the same issue. Is there a solve or work-around yet ?

Thank you for your help


[C4D] General Discussion / Re: Corona for Apple Silicon M1?
« on: 2022-06-30, 22:51:35 »

Is there any short answer on how much speed I would gain from running a M1 Ultra in comparison to an 3.6 GHz 10-Core Intel Core i9 iMac ?

Since I read that not all benchmarks are accurate. What can I really expect ?

Thank you for your opinion :)



Since I use Corona (for some years) I always encounter the same problem. When I use geometry provided by clients or myself I often have triangular mesh, as this is how openings are connected to the surface.

It seems impossible to avoid wrong Displacement. As you can see I am always confronted with artifacts along lines. Especially when they are close. It creates dark areas.

Is there any work-around or solution on this ?

Thank you very much :)


Even better ! Nice feature with that Outward / Inward option !

Very nice ! Thank you :)

Thank you so much for your support.

I will give it a try to figure it out :)

Thank you for your reply. This means the to use it for dirty corners and so on is not really the correct way then ?

Or to put it in other words :

To make a concrete with worn edges it would be correct to go with the curvature tool ? Or what would you recommend to have best control on this ?

How would you control the direction offset ? It seems this is only possible with AO ?

Thanks again :)


So I tried the Corona Curvature. Basically this is a nice feature, but still have similar problems, since the red colored edges shins through the outer geometry. See attachment with settings.

Also I do not understand the logic of the AO. Why is there an effect visible although two elements are not intersecting at all ? See the two cubes.

This seems to me the main problem as it should only influence surfaces when they are really touching, no ?

Best – Asimo


Thank you for your reply. No not yet. I will have a look :)

Dear Community

I have a question regarding the AO shader, mostly used for dirty edges. I use it for concrete objects in architecture.

From time to time a face a problem I can not solve as the Max. Distance also includes the objects surfaces, not only the edges.

See screenshot with the object gets colored red in thin parts or where surfaces get close.

For me it seems impossible to make a thin object (concrete plate) without getting dark or colored on the surface when Max. Distance is bigger.

Is there a work-around or a different function ?

Thank you so much for your help.


Dear Community

Since the release of the new material system with Physical material I miss the option to control the exact intensity of a reflection.

This was possible by using the Level-Amount or even apply a color in the Reflection Tab in the Old System (Legacy Material)

It was possible to create surfaces that have 100% Glossiness but would reflect only 50% if needed. IOR would stay the same.

This was helpful for less reflective glass surfaces to create an anti-glare effect for switched Computer or Tablet screens.

How would this be correctly done in the new system ?

What is the logic behind it ?

Thank you for your feedback :)

best – Asimo

« on: 2021-11-26, 15:15:42 »

Hello Community

I have a (hopefully) simple question.

I would like to have a simple object like a cube that is above a landscape and casts a shadow caused by Sun/Sky or an HDRI on that landscape. See attachment.

Is there a possibility to have the scene rendered with just the cube and the shadow to get a transparent PNG file featuring both elements ? Without the landscape and background visible ?

I would like to have the cube with the shadow in Photoshop so I can put different colors in the Background.

How do I get that shadow and the object as one thing ? Is this even possible ?

Thanks a lot !

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