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Messages - synolog

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If i use corona_bitmap shader in light material the bitmap is upside down. Why?

Render engine faster than A6.3.

Hdri render ok with corona_bitmap shader using light material; but if i insert an image in the bitmap shader the image is upside down.

Hdri ok using c4d_projector shader in emission light material.

light material (high emission intensity >10) -> emission c4d_projector -> hdr or jpg -> c4d_sky object
light material (low emission intensity<1) -> emission c4d_projector -> hdr or jpg -> Corona direct visibility override

Hi basor, I use photoshop script "load into stack" to load a folder with beauty, alphas, etc.

Hi, I'm trying to render and animate a displaced brick. I've used a C4D brick shader in Corona beta1 and C4D 18.041. With Corona the edges are always jagged. In attach there are different displacement blur offset effects (very usefull also with bump,15518.msg98501.html#msg98501 ). I've attached also a version realized with the C4D displacer, but the geometry become too complex and render times are higher. Is there a solution to smooth edges in Corona displacement ?

Direct visibility override crash

See attachement.

Try to matrix extrude your cube 3 times and it will crash. Without hdri doesnt crash.

Without hdri ? there isn't hdri in the scene.. The backplate is just a .jpg
direct visibilty override dont work with a cube, or a complexe scene.. (both with sun and sky)
Frontal, cubic, spherical, it crash.

Yes sorry the backplate jpg. I've tried to render in viewport and doesnt crash. With complex scene crash. Maybe a memory problem?

Direct visibility override crash

See attachement.

Try to matrix extrude your cube 3 times and it will crash. Without hdri doesnt crash.

Not much to say: Load scene, press "Render", restart C4D.
C4D is 18.041, crashes with Corona A6.2 and A6.3.
System is Windows 10 PC.
Renders fine without "Keep Displacement" or without "Material Override" at all.

C4D 18.041, win10, Corona beta 1.
Crash on render.
without "Keep Displacement"=crash
without "Material Override"=crash
without "Keep Displacement" AND without "Material Override"=crash

Hi Team,

The installation work well for me, Win10, R18.041.

The hdri dont work.
- create a sky object, add a material with hdri in diffuse, crash without rapport.
- Scene environnement, override c4d environnement with a hdri in diffuse, crash

-scene with a sky and sun, add a corona light, multipass, enable, ligthmix, light select, add the corona light. VFB, hit render, ligthmix, play with value and nothing change.

Win10, c4dr18.041, beta1 clean install

Hdri and simple cube:
- create a sky object, add a material with hdri in diffuse = no crash
- Scene environnement, override c4d environnement with a hdri in diffuse = no crash

Same scene but with 1 matrix extrude cube = no crash
Same scene but with 2 matrix extrude cube = no crash
Same scene but with 3 matrix extrude cube = crash

I confirm crash with HDR on windows.
Create a new scene, put a light material with hdr to a sky object and launch the render from VFB, crash

Reproduced! I'm on it now! :-)

well, I hope will be resolved soon because now I can not use the beta version, in all my scenes i always use hdr :)
in the meantime use the Alpha 6.3 version



With a simple sphere 64 segments and reflect material, sky with hdr light material = does not crash.
With a simple sphere 512 segments and reflect material, sky with hdr light material = does not crash.
With same setup but with sphere under subdivision surface = crash.

this would be really nice.. vray does it since the start (uv's are stored inside the proxy info)
there are also some models (maybe not 100% correctly build? or simply too large?) that produce an error when exporting.. vray on the other hand can export the exact same object within seconds :/

dont get me wrong on this, vray had its days by now, sure there are some things left that vray does better but only because they had more time over the years to develope... i really enjoy and love corona, as soon as
  • proxy (export/datalimit?/teamrendering)
  • corona DR (hopefully it will be more stable/faster/flexible then teamrender)
  • node based editor
  • and ofc finally fixing the composing tag (shadow catcher *cough*)
are fixed, corona will pull ahead by far.. even without those 4 things the lightmix alone is more then enough reason to use corona over other engines atm for me..

Hi, what do you mean with "fixing the compositing tag"?

[C4D] General Discussion / Re: HDRI Lighting Issue
« on: 2017-04-01, 22:53:51 »
Hi, with the new beta1 light material can be used as environment map.

How did you get this Beta 1 running? I keep being asked for a licence.

I have the same license truble. I've seen in the description that we can use a light meterial in env map.

just had a chance for a quick look and it's working fine here on win 10, C4D 18.041.

You could try removing corona from the plugins folder and sometimes there used to be a few files floating round in the main C4D folder but not sure if there still are - then reinstalling?

No chance so far unfortunately. Thx for your help.

Same problem. I've tried uninstalling all, delete appdata and clean the registry. Nothing to do.

[C4D] General Discussion / Re: Bloom Effect
« on: 2017-04-01, 19:42:58 »
Hi, i have bloom and glare as posteffects in the corona_vfb. A6.3

[C4D] General Discussion / Re: HDRI Lighting Issue
« on: 2017-04-01, 19:29:04 »
Hi, with the new beta1 light material can be used as environment map.

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