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Messages - mike288

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In C4D there is native MoGraph that can be used for scattering. Isn't that an option?

Hi, you have to switch the Corona Scatter object to 1D (spline scattering) mode

[Max] Daily Builds / Corona Scatter speed improvements
« on: 2020-07-13, 09:35:37 »
Hi, in last Corona daily (corona-6-3dsmax-daily-2020-07-07.exe) we improved Corona Scatter w.r.t. speed and user experience. Please, do you feel some difference? Or maybe, are there some issues with that?

Corona Scatter no longer freezes UI when recomputing in heavy scenes, also when using Corona Distance map in density slot.
  • UI of the scatter is generally more responsive and performance is greatly improved.
  • Loading scatter scenes is faster (on average by 28%, in extreme cases by 78%, depending on number and size of textures used in the scenes and number of scattered instances there).
  • Also fixed the viewport not updating when changing time on the timeline in some cases.
  • Fixed the viewport not correctly displaying instances in some cases.
  • Fixed rare cases of different scatter results between master and node in DR environment.

Thanks, we have some plans regarding that ...

Hi, please, do you mean that it should automatically group converted instances into a single group?

Hi, as for materials - we provide Corona Material Library with hundreds ready-to-use materials - check it out. Velvet material is there. You can find the library on Corona Toolbar. ;-)

Hello :)

I sort of jump into this thread to share an opinion about batch editing imaging with CIE. I think this method doesn't match the Corona philosophy ... user-friendly, simple, straight-forward, but powerful nonetheless. Do you guys have plans to propose a GUI for batch editing images with the CIE ? it would be amazing to fine-tune an image in the CIE, and then call batch editing from a simple menu, aim a folder where the images to edit are saved, set a few options, and go !
Despite the fact I'm old enough to have known DOS commands time as a daily stuff, I think command line things should stay something from the past ;)

Well, my 2 cents :P

Hi, thank you for your input. You are right, but I must say that the batch editing script has never been an official tool meant for a wide audience and has never been part of Corona releases. It was given to the community as an example showing how some Corona expert users or render farms could plug the command-line CIE into their workflows. In the future, we might introduce more user-friendly ways how to deal with such things but there is no time estimate for that right now.

I have 2 questions, regarding the command line options rather than the batch script:
1) Can I set format output options, like 16 or 32bit for EXR, and with or without alpha?
2) Can I set the output using tokens, like {name}_{frame}_post_{element}.{format}?
Hi, EXRs get always saved with alpha and with 32bit depth. There is no token support, but you can script it and rename outputs to whatever needed.

Sorry to resurrect a dead thread. Can the Batch script use the postprocess settings that are already in the CXR?
Im finding the process of having to open the CXR to save out a TIF of that CXR pretty cumbersome when youre dealing with a studio's worth of images.
Hi, IMO it works by default when you remove the alongside Postprocess.conf file. The file works as override of the settings baked in CXRs.

Let me take advantage that Jpjapers resurrected the post to ask:
Batch currently saves the output in the same folder as the original .CXR file. How can I edit it so that it starts to create a sub-folder called "Outputs" and save the outputs inside it?
Hi, you can always script it and move results wherever needed.

We cannot estimate it right now.

(Internal ID=349322907)

[Max] I need help! / Re: Showvfb maxscript
« on: 2020-01-24, 10:42:00 »
The showVfb() function accepts bool parameter selecting whether VFB should be actually showed or closed (see for details). It does not work?

Thanks, we will take a look.

Hi marchik, and could you please share the Forest Pack scene from the above screenshots with us? It would help us understand what exactly you need. Thank you.

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