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Messages - Nik

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[Max] Resolved Bugs / Re: Render gets stuck
« on: 2017-04-10, 10:28:27 »
This happens only in one scene?

Displacement can be disabled/enabled while IR is running.
But if you will stop IR and switch Displacement, then next time you start IR, Displacement status won't update.

[Max] Resolved Bugs / Re: Render gets stuck
« on: 2017-04-10, 09:44:00 »
Only time limit is set? No passes or noise level limit?

General CG Discussion / Re: IDTool for Corona?
« on: 2017-04-10, 09:31:34 »
It works for any renderer because it changes 3dsmax native property "gbuffer object id". I use this script with Corona and had no problems

Merged two spherical light in yesterday build and it's okay. Can't reproduce it too.
Maybe you can share the scene and lights?

Which one?
I'm switching apps all the time and I know about this bug and I know that it was fixed :)
I gues it was this build,13400.msg96209.html#msg96209

This problem was fixed some dailies ago. Which version do you use?

It's not really a group problem. It's about parent links. If exclude list contains only parent then all his childrens will be excluded as well. This is only Corona behaviour. Objects became excluded even if they are not in exclude list, this is a problem.

It's okay if you have GroupHead in list and all GroupMembers became excluded as well. But this is okay only for Groups, not for all hierarchical systems in 3dsmax :)

Exclude lists should work the same way in all renders. It's not only corona feature. How will you even convert a scene with this magic feature?

Users have hands and brain. Most of them :) scatter is one object, forest pack is scatter too. Groups is not, because it can be opened and... and then what?

I'm sure that devs can add any magic to their + buttons (add childrens automatically in list) but lists behaviour should be consistent to all renders.
It seems I'm alone :)

UPD. Maybe I didn't understand Frood message correctly.
I think this solution could be better: when GroupHead (no matter opened or closed of course) added to exclide list, then exclude all childrens of grouphead (I guess nobody wants a mask for grouphead helper, right?), but If a GroupMember object is in list and GroupHead is not, then exclude only this object. There is no problems with scatters because it's not hierarchy. So this solution probably won't broke too much old scenes with some excludes, but will be more intuitive solution.
If Frood meant something like this then I agree with him :)

I found a reason. It's some kind of Corona bug :)
So I created 3 spheres and link them as chain. Right one is root. Then I excluded root from FreeSpot light source and rendered it with Vray. Result is intuitive - only root is excluded. Then I switched to Corona and voila, all spheres became excluded but exclude list contain only root.

I'm too lazy at 23:40 to make it pretty, so here are some ugly images attached.

When user clicks + and picks the object, then all his childrens are added to the list. BUT, if you will remove childrens from this list manually, then they still will be visible in mask, only because their parent is there.

So, if you will leave this behaviour, but let user remove childrens from list manually, it could be compromise. For one simple reason - only objects in list should be visible in mask, IMHO.

It's okay when childrens added to the list automatically, but let users remove them.

UPD. Make it work exactly like Material Override Exclude + button. It adds childrens but you're able to remove them if you wish.
CTexmap exclude list works in the same "wrong" way :)
I believe all + buttons and include/exclude corona lists should work the same.

UPD 2. My bad. I'm wrong about material override exclude. Sorry

As far as I know there is no way to "clear path" for render elements. If you clear it, then it will be replaced by default automatically and save in default folder. I tried. Path remains empty until you start render.

Oh, it seems you need to clear paths to overwrite them and get rid of an error. My bad :)

I vote for checkbox "include childrens" in CMasking element.

Some people like it, others don't (like you and me).
In some cases is useful, in other is pain.

Corona devs don't like to overcomplicate GUI but I don't see any other way to please everybody :)

[Max] Resolved Bugs / Re: Refraction override "bug"
« on: 2017-02-22, 12:48:07 »
Well, these rays are not only reflected from small sphere, but also refracted by big one.
So I don't think there is a way to override it like you want.

There is one way to fake, but still maybe it's not what you want.
On big sphere try RaySwitch with empty reflection slot, so it won't be visible in reflections of small sphere. You will get weird envir reflect/refract but maybe you could work with that :)

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