[Max] Corona Goodies - User Contributions / Linear Falloff Map
« on: 2015-04-21, 02:58:45 »
I have recreated the linear falloff map that Viscorbel is talking about HERE
Viscorbel has uploaded two OSL shaders that people can use in V-ray to correct the maps, but as far as I know, we can't use OSL in Corona.
I have uploaded a max 2013 scene with the custom falloff map and a Material Library.
Would be awesome if Corona got some kind of OSL support.
This is the OSL code that make linear falloff. Made by Wobi.
Since we can't use the OSL, you have to plug the fixed falloff map into an Output map to adjust it.
Look into his eyes !
Viscorbel has uploaded two OSL shaders that people can use in V-ray to correct the maps, but as far as I know, we can't use OSL in Corona.
I have uploaded a max 2013 scene with the custom falloff map and a Material Library.
Would be awesome if Corona got some kind of OSL support.
This is the OSL code that make linear falloff. Made by Wobi.
Code: [Select]
shader facing_ratio_linear (output color Col_Out = color(0.5))
float floatOut = acos (1.0 - (1 - (dot(normalize(N), normalize(I))* -1)))/(M_PI * 0.5);
Col_Out = color(floatOut , floatOut , floatOut );
Since we can't use the OSL, you have to plug the fixed falloff map into an Output map to adjust it.