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Messages - BardhylM

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[C4D] I need help! / Re: How to enhance SSS effect over 100%
« on: 2022-06-06, 19:59:56 »
 -Just to chime in and give an argument on the opposite, not that necessary the tools do not need to advance. I just think the system corona uses it's quite simple for most of the cases.
Can't argue that it serves all the materials that you can think of, wouldn't think so. But I personally love the current system of SSS in corona, and Hated it in Vray. So many variables that maybe I didn't get to comprehend some why they were even there.

 -That said I made two small tests trying to come close to the reference you posted, made them in Max not in C4D sorry, but I think the concept stands. There are small variances even slight tints that make or ruin this material. You need to set the lighting and the color correction/tone mapping first so you can get good results, it matters a lot (even a Lut can change everything)
I tried two options, both in Physical Material:
One is with Subsurface Scatter the other with Volumetric Scatter. For these I didn't use any black colors just colors close to the reference (Used curvature map for lighter corners), also for the transparency I did not make it completely transparent.

Maybe not the best, but just to show you can get a good base for better refinements later.

I do not think the problem is with the sky, it is more of a water material problem (struggled myself too).
You can see in your examples the sea is darker than the sky, as in you will have haze in the sky closer to the horizon, but not in the sea(except in extreme cases).
As BigAl3D mentioned that it may be the case that in that scale sea does not have the "glossiness" of a close up water, but is far rougher and it does not have regular sheen.
Not an expert but probably the waves that far turn the surface matt just as micro surface bump affects normal objects.

TLDR For oceans and sea water, the further from us seem like do not reflect and therefore darker. You can somehow fake it with the legacy material in the Reflections with a Fallof map choosing Towards/Away option.

[Max] General Discussion / Re: Corona 8 round edges
« on: 2022-04-25, 22:24:01 »
It would be really helpful to have the legacy option, as a lot of times the 3d models of the buildings are not clean, and with the new option there are a lot of round edges where there should not be.
The legacy option solved this easily, the other option is to remodel the objects :/

These additions are turning v8 into a great upgrade, obviously just needs some testing and tweaking for the final stage (as you always do)!

For me the UI is not as "non-friendly", maybe we just need to readjust. What I found is that corrections work as layered stack starting from the top, being added
towards bottom (the opposite of Photoshop). The correction names kinda confuse me, but it is rather a thing to get accustomed with.

With that said, trying with the daily build it crashed in couple of times:
-Moving the corrections to rearrange the "layers", it is possible to put them under the buttons of "+" and "Reset", and for me that crashes Max.
-Saving images in History with "Show with original postprocessing" and comparing the images it goes bonkers.

Probably you have already found these and know them, hope you fix them easily :)

Learner’s Corner / Re: Feedback for Kitchen Project
« on: 2022-02-07, 13:38:51 »
In my opinion it looks better, but it is a matter of taste. So if you are doing it for a client, consult with them for a better feedback, as it is from their side what they want.
If you want a little more space maybe make the image a little wider, keeping the same height. Check the height of the camera too, if it needs to be a little lower.
Others look fine to me, the kitchen is presented quite well.
Oh and experiment with the backplate to find a more suiting background, have in mind the perspective and the horizon line.

Keep up the good work dude!

Learner’s Corner / Re: Feedback for Kitchen Project
« on: 2022-01-28, 16:09:08 »
Nothing man, hope it helps.
Yes, you can pull the chairs and add a layout complete with a table in foreground, not sure in the matter of pointing the attention to the table and removing it from the kitchen.
You can experiment with it if you want to keep that ratio. Just put the intended models and it should help if you decide in design and know that you wont be changing again.

Learner’s Corner / Re: Feedback for Kitchen Project
« on: 2022-01-28, 13:41:13 »
I do not think you are far from achieving what you intended, just probably your eyes have gotten used on this ambient (that is I assume why you've started the thread, for a new perspective).

What I can suggest is the "outsides" in the windows should look overexposed normally, but you can fake it in the way you used backdrops. I just think it is too dark, things inside are brighter
than outside. Keep it but just make it brighter to a point where you can still make out what is it (the backdrop landscape).

The reference attached, I just edited a little the contrast and made it just a tad bit darker overall cause for me it looks just a little overexposed.
The chairs maybe need a turbosmooth, and try adding a light that lights only the chairs for a defining the shapes more maybe.  And try croping a little the empty space that is on the tiles, maybe push the carpet a little toward the kitchen.

Hope these suggestions help you in any way, and good luck to you!

Gallery / Hybrid Community Center
« on: 2021-01-29, 13:27:09 »
Hey everyone, hope you are doing fine!

Just wanted to share my latest project that I did it in Corona, and hope you find something at least attracting :).
It was done just for my personal enjoyment and rather designing exercise.
The whole architecture part is my design and everything is modeled also by me, except for the exposed sculptures under glass domes and the pottery on the tables.

Here is the Behance link to view some more images:

Hope you like it!

[Max] I need help! / Re: Wanted Gabion Wall texture
« on: 2020-08-17, 18:13:32 »
Maybe you can use two materials:
-One for the stones, can be a stacked stones texture or a stonewall cladding. Just normal material with displacement.

-The other can be a material with alpha for the cage wires, or you can model these with a spline turned in to geometry.

This way you can control the size of the wires, the type of the stones inside. And you'll also have the shadows of the wires hitting the stones.

Maybe this solution would solve it for you.
You have to unwrap those glass object you need, and assign a different map channel if you need for other textures to have a box mapping.
The parts that have relief you make planar mapping or whatever and fill the UVW unwrap window with them.
Where as the other parts just scale them down to a point that the texture does not have effect on them.
It's a dirty solution but worth a try.
BardhylM - thanks for the reply.  I don't follow you regarding the map channel.  Are you saying I should unwrap all of the glass surfaces and shrink those to not be effected by the normal map.  Or are you proposing multiple UV tags?  I didn't know you could use multiple UV's in C4D.  I'd appreciate a little more info.  Thanks again, Kevin

Hey Kevin, no problem man. Just saw it and had the same problem a while back. I think that is what i used as a solution.
I'm a max user and didn't know C4D didn't have multiple map channels. But for this I think it wont matter much, because it's glass and the main polygons are the outer ones.
Yeah unwrap all the glass and leave a normal usable size only for outer polygons, others scale down. I used this method a while back because separating with Mat ID would get funky refractions.
It's probably fixed now, haven't checked.
Hope you find a solution, and have a nice day dude.

Maybe this solution would solve it for you.
You have to unwrap those glass object you need, and assign a different map channel if you need for other textures to have a box mapping.
The parts that have relief you make planar mapping or whatever and fill the UVW unwrap window with them.
Where as the other parts just scale them down to a point that the texture does not have effect on them.
It's a dirty solution but worth a try.

[Max] I need help! / Re: coronacamera setting
« on: 2020-05-14, 22:45:12 »
For the film gate standard is full frame in digital which is around 35mm sensor. Different companies manufacture slightly different dimensions.
It comes as standard from the film era, the 135 film, probably you'll remember changing film cartridges with 36 exposures if you are old enough.

[Max] General Discussion / Re: Tonemapping - Plz Halp
« on: 2020-05-03, 19:36:40 »
That photo looks so unrealistic, cameras should start using Fstorm tone mapping. I mean we do not need to have neutral results from render engine and apply our artistic choices.
We want Corona to do our job, completely. What's the point on putting materials and tweak the lights...etc... Why cant we have a "make my work" button.
And in the end, Corona is such a sweetheart, not trying to bash or anything... heehee.

- That is how some of you sound here, if you have not figure it out still.
I've been lurking here and don't get engaged in topics, mostly because they are always helpful and it's held up by really good members that keep on giving.
But this "Fstorm gud, others bed" has no place here i think. Yes it's been discussed here about tone mapping and ACES and everything, in a more educated approach.
Not in a "I think this looks better than this" approach, when there are biased views.

To everyone sorry for sounding so hostile, and making the forum a little bitter. Not my intention, I just had to...back in my cave again.

You're very right about distance coming in play. The only changes are the micro lens distortions in real cameras that in overall doesn't change much.
But we are dealing with digital cameras and that's not a problem. So you have a point :)

If you are talking about digital cameras that we have in Max, then yes focal length can lose it's purpose with perspective corrections.
But in real life it is different perspective for different focal lengths. The vanishing points change place and that is a distortion i think.
So don't patronize those "professional photographers" that might know something.

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