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Messages - thvo82

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Hi guys,

Well working on the second phase of getting to know with Corona, i wanted to try out a Film-noire kind of style along with Corona Sun ( which i was curious to try out and check the plus and minors). First of all i want to say i was impressed with the natural look of the shadows. I love the soft halos and the contrast around the outline of shadows. This scene  is actually a small part of a project i am doing at the moment and the "Staircase" is part of it.

Although here, i just wanted to push it a bit towards my BW, contrast and some stylish framing. AXYZ models were used. Render time i think around 35 minutes ( around 440 phases i think).

I also like the options you have around exposure compensate, sky intensities along with sun intensities and overall contrast on post process.

I am waiting a lot more from the Software, but i think they are on their way!!!

While the design is not completed yet.
The first test. Integration Corona in C4D used when rendering all 32 GB of RAM and freezes for some time.
The same scene in 3d Max rendered very quickly and uses only 12 GB of RAM

Nice ones han. I know, i have the same issues with the eats quite a bit, but i assume these will all be improved with time.

And one more...

At the moment i'm actually putting a lot of effort on making the first commercial work with the Alpha. I will be making a small series that i will post as finished project next week. At the moment just showing a small sample of the close ups. Needless to say...the owner of the apartment went crazy with the previous set!! did I.

I had some crashes due to RAM issues ( from time to time the file went around 18 GB...but it is all full of stuff ) but overall still i go along pretty good.

There is also a small issue with some scaling on the UV that doesnt seem to change, even though i change the size of the tiling...but i will the developers about it...

So ....Cinema guys...till the next update of images....keep it up...and be patient!!

cheers Thomas

Can you be more specific about what you are missing (except for multilayer material)? BTW: If 3dsmax freezes during texture loading, make sure you have the latest servicepack installed, there was an error in 3dsmax 2014 causing this.

Sorry....probably it wasnt clear, although i have it on the title, i am talking for Corona for C4D alpha i am testing at the moment!! :)

These are from this one and not from the Alpha version for 3Dsmax. Missin gstuff like HDRi, more complex layered material editor etc.
hope that this one clearifies the misunderstanding!


Work in Progress/Tests / Re: beach house
« on: 2014-06-19, 11:35:42 »
This might be not the case in your problems ( gamma issue for sure)...but i would like to make a suggestion on the cropping of the image. Try to adjust your framing cause it is too frustrating.

But yes i would also say that your image looks washed out!

Hi guys,

Some updates from the apartment.

This is not actually the same....although they have the same design, cause it is a variation. I will try to post some more from this one. This will also go commercial. I decided to push myself and take the risk to try this out  on real conditions. Again, lots of stuff are missing from Alpha...but still i enjoy it. All renders together had to be done in less than 10 hours ( total renders were 5 and average 2000 res). Times were ok ( at least for me). I didnt experience many troubles with crashes or difficulties.
Although there were times where the Material Editor was freezing till textures are loaded on the preview.

Overall, i am quite happy so far, and optimistic with what this software will do when it reaches full power.

cya soon

This is great new for all C4D users. Thsnks for sharing.

One thing only... some render sample showed that are with post effect (Photoshop) or just rendered....?

Hi there iacdxb.

 All renders were done only on C4D. The interior ones are only processed with C4D filtering which is something that i consider it no post, cause it comes as a C4D implementation.

As for the studio shots, they are exactly as they were rendered..meaning there was no filter what so ever. Usually i do it like that so that all my library objects have the same effect on them fro any lights i put.

I always like to set up a studio for my library objects. So i gave it a try and set up a small 3point studio. Used the Corona lights for that one. Rectangle or circle, you can pick what you like. i placed also displacement on the carpet...and the speed is insane. I do have a dual 10 core Xeon E5-2680...but still all renders took around 8-9 minutes to clean.

Good night for now,

More stuff i will try to run through and check before all you guys can have a look, so stay tuned!



Well i really spent not more than half a day. And it is my first ever time with Corona. So i am still curious to see how much further it can go ( even in such an early ...really early release).

So i am really optimistic, being a Cinema 4D user for such a long time.

Trying to keep it real..i will stick with no PS retouches on these...just the renders out of Cinema only....keep them as close to whatever Corona is capable now...rather what we are capable on correcting in PS!! :)

Hi Guys,

Well i got to try out Corona for Cinema4D. First time with Corona in general. I do am a dedicated Cinema 4D user and Vray user also. So Corona was a long awaited renderer.

First impressions are promising, although in really basic options and of course lots of things to be added. But someone waits these things with something that just starts and has a long way ahead still.

I had some hours to put through some basic mats and familiarize with the settings and the Material Editor. Not so difficult to work it out though.

 Actually i will be continuing this scene, which is a scene i already did in Vray. So this is a wip that in the end will be a First thorough Corona Project. i am excited and happy that this is finally going to happen to Cinema..meaning Corona.

Keep close and stay tuned for more the next days. I will be also try to point out some personal notices and comments.

Well done to the guys in Corona. I know they work hard for this!!!



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