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Messages - max45

Pages: 1 2 [3] 4
[Archive] Chaos Corona for Maya / Re: release 0.28
« on: 2014-08-29, 09:58:40 »
1)Color conversion in file, area, portal light work fine! Thanks!

2)How works dump and resume?

3)It would be nice to have checkbox that does not save a stamp in the file.  I liked the stamp in render view.

Waitinggggg  bump, diffuse level, textures(quality) in viewport and I will be testing in project)

[Archive] Chaos Corona for Maya / Re: release 0.27
« on: 2014-08-21, 16:25:24 »
What do you mean with "Don't save image size in render settings.."?...

set  1920x1440.  Close maya.  Open, image size 960x540..

[Archive] Chaos Corona for Maya / Re: release 0.27
« on: 2014-08-21, 11:57:10 »
Render region, per face shading, render stats work fine! Thanks!

You can  make cast/receive shadows in render stats?
Don't save image size in render setting(width/height)
"option for srgb/linear correction in the file node"  - for  gamma correction?  does not affect the image

[Archive] Chaos Corona for Maya / Re: release 0.26
« on: 2014-08-06, 17:24:23 »
To be honest, I have no plan at all when to implement which feature. I hoped to get a bit more feedback from beta testers to see what's neede most. But there was almost no feedback, so if you have a wishlist, let me know it :)

Ок, I will send my wishlist on email

[Archive] Chaos Corona for Maya / Re: release 0.26
« on: 2014-08-06, 16:08:00 »
In Maya 2015 work fine, but no texture gamma correction

Yes, I din't care about any gamma correction until now. Here is the question how I should implement it. Using the "Color profile" value in the file node is one way. But this may change in the next maya version or even in the extension pack. If we only need a sRGB conversion, I could add it with a check box as an option.

I think better add it with a check box as an option.
Do not want to depend on maya)

When do you plan to implement render region and render stats?

[Archive] Chaos Corona for Maya / Re: release 0.26
« on: 2014-08-06, 14:17:37 »
In Maya 2015 work fine, but no texture gamma correction

[Archive] Chaos Corona for Maya / Re: release 0.24
« on: 2014-05-07, 07:53:42 »
-Now textures work perfect
-Maybe Keymaster forgot to introduce the diffuse level parameter in the API. In 3dsmax diffuse level has

Look forward to portal light, bump mapping)

[Archive] Chaos Corona for Maya / Re: release 0.24
« on: 2014-05-06, 04:38:15 »
All  textures rendering black.
Noticed in surface shader no diffuse level parameter

[Archive] Chaos Corona for Maya / Re: release 0.23
« on: 2014-04-14, 09:20:39 »
Could you do me a favor? In your case the problem seems to be that a library is not found, or a wrong library is used. The reason can be that e.g. an old version of a corona .dll is somewhere found in the system path. If you put this lines in a bat file and replace the CORONA_MODULE line with your path to the corona module, you can start maya with this module only and with the correct path at the very first position:

Code: [Select]
@echo off

rem corona
set CORONA_MODULE=c:\<yourPathToCorona>\mayaToCorona

set PATH=C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2014\bin;%PATH%

start maya.exe

It would help a lot. If this works, there is some problem with the path or the modules in your maya and we would need to find out what it is. If not.... well then I have no idea.

Create .bat file - same error.  Tried moved folder CoronaToMaya and run from the disc C:  All time same error(((

[Archive] Chaos Corona for Maya / Re: release 0.23
« on: 2014-04-14, 07:34:58 »
Okay, and the other ones worked fine? Does some infos appear in the output window?

no infos in the output window

And you simply replaced the complete mayaToCorona folder? Not only the mayaToCorona.mll?

Yes, simply replaced the complete mayaToCorona folder. Reinstall VS 2013, but didn't change...

[Archive] Chaos Corona for Maya / Re: release 0.23
« on: 2014-04-13, 13:12:14 »
Okay, and the other ones worked fine? Does some infos appear in the output window?

no infos in the output window

[Archive] Chaos Corona for Maya / Re: release 0.23
« on: 2014-04-13, 05:39:00 »
Can't load this build. Error...

// Error: line 1: Не найдена указанная процедура.
// Error: pymel : Failed to get controlCommand list from mayatocorona //
// Error: pymel : Failed to get modelEditorCommand list from mayatocorona //
// Error: pymel : Failed to get command list from mayatocorona //
// Error: pymel : Failed to get constraintCommand list from mayatocorona //
// Error: pymel.core : Failed to get depend nodes list from mayatocorona //
// Error: line 1: Не найдена указанная процедура.
 (mayatocorona) //

Maya smooth mesh preview.... really very good news. Thanks a lot!

Chaos Corona for Maya - Bugs / Re: mayaToCorona Bugs
« on: 2014-03-14, 15:49:47 »
Haggi, hi!
New implemented features work fine for me, except "round corner, radius" parameter - units scale.

Looking forward features: texture gamma correction, subdiv, portal light, IES:)

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