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Messages - davetwo

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[C4D] Daily Builds / Re: Bumping the bump bug
« on: 2023-11-02, 11:06:51 »
I feel that the Corona Bitmap node needs an urgent update in general. There are several threads on this forum noting its various shortcomings.

[C4D] I need help! / Re: Volume glass and mat sticker
« on: 2023-10-31, 09:47:21 »
Try and copy real life is always a good suggestion. Is the label a separate object or is it a poly selection of the main glass?
If so you're mixing the refraction on the glass depth. It should be a separate label on top.

Use the split command to make a new poly object and apply your label to that instead

Thanks for the testing! Watching with interest as you never know when something like this will trip one of us up.

I'm probably not adding much here  - but for what it's worth it rendered at 7:52 on my M2 MPB/Ventura/64gb (with a couple of other apps running too).  I'm not sure why the ultra speed is so slow in comparison.

Renders in 5:02 on my old threadripper, which has a worse cinebench score than the MBP on paper - but better performance IRL.

The scene does contaiin all legacy materials, plus native c4d compositing tags, which may or may not have some sort of effect. (I dont see why it should TBH).

Hmmm - I tried recreating the issue in a simple file - but it worked fine.
Its still happening in my 'real' file, but I can''t share that unfortunately....
I'll see if I can isolate the difference when I have some time spare

Thanks for the tests so far

Corona 10 hotfix 1 and 2. Happens with materials without texture maps too.
Will try to make a demo tomorrow

When copy and pasting either corona layered or corona select material between files, the linked materials are not carried over.

For instance I have a sphere with 4 alternative coloured materials set up in a corona select material. After pasting, the slots are empty and need to be manually re-added.

C4D's File>Merge works fine, but then it brings over other lights etc that you may not want from the original scene.

(windows 10, c4d 2023)

[C4D] I need help! / Re: Custom material
« on: 2023-10-02, 20:04:22 »
See attached...

Yeah, I tried to use fresnel but it could not find a way to drive the discolorization in localized areas.

Fresnel is just a kludge as the colouration of the weld is due to heat/oxidisation not viewing angle. A colourised noise would probably work as instead.

[C4D] I need help! / Re: Custom material
« on: 2023-10-02, 11:05:29 »
See attached...

[C4D] I need help! / Re: Custom material
« on: 2023-10-02, 10:56:38 »
for localised effects like the weld areas you could try using a layered material with the Corona distance shader as the mask. then use (hidden) geommetry to position weld areas. The weld metal tones can be achieved by using a coloured fresnel shader in the second material.

Stupid question possibly - but why would you want to add a light with colour temperatiure, and then cancel it out in the post processing?
Why not just use a simple white light if thats the look you want?

I'm not sure what your level of expertise is, but this should be a fairly simple task. But what are you really trying to achieve?

Other than being 'white' untextured models, the reference images you attached all use different styles of lighting. in very different scale rooms. Should it be lit by large windows, or an enclosed space with artifical lighting, or a mix, or just a simple set? the setup would differ depending on the desired result

[C4D] Feature Requests / Stupid simple fix? CIE naming
« on: 2023-09-13, 09:52:40 »
I know its pretty trivial. But when saving from the Corona Image Editor, the un-abbreviated file format naming is difficult to scan read. And more often than you'd hope, I select the wrong one by accident.

Can we just use standard naming conventions please :)
ie just 'TIFF' instead of the unwieldy 'Tagged Image File Format'

Heres to a simple life!

Thanks for coming back to follow-up with your solution. Really useful!

A (pet) rat ate throughg my modem cable yesterday. Needless to say when I came to begin rendering this morning the lack of wifi meant that corona wouldnt work as it couldnt contact the licence server. Incredibly frustrating. Makes it feel like a piece of browser software.

I dont think you can conflate exposure and tonemapping settings with gi depth in a scene like this TBH. No-one expects the default tonemapping and exposure to match between different render engines. A feew small tweaks in the VFB and you could match pretty easily IMHO.

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