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Messages - jrgby

Pages: 1 2 [3] 4 5
Gallery / Re: For All Audiophiles
« on: 2019-06-17, 10:44:02 »
Lovely attention to detail, especially the twisted copper wire. Did you use path deform for those or some other method?

Thanks Man!

make basic spline  ---> create custom shape (star like) ---> loft  ---> get shape --->play with skin parameters (shape/path steps) ---> Deformations (twist) ---> adjust spline shape ---> end of tutorial

Good tutorial, thanks!

I forgot that loft has those deformation parameters, usually try to avoid max compound objects but sometimes they do exactly what you need.

Gallery / Re: For All Audiophiles
« on: 2019-06-14, 14:08:25 »
Lovely attention to detail, especially the twisted copper wire. Did you use path deform for those or some other method?

5 restarts and it's reinstalled without nvidia denoiser and problem solved.

Thanks everyone.

Hi jrgby. Have you tried uninstalling Corona and then reinstall it whitout Nvidia denoiser?

That's what I did, because of my old graphic card.
Good suggestion, trying to do this but easier said than done...!

[Max] Resolved Bugs / Fast preview denoising freeze crash
« on: 2019-06-14, 11:19:36 »
This option will freeze and crash my 3ds max without fail since it was introduced as my GFX isn't new enough.
Some warnings do pop up but crashing is unavoidable by that point, so this feels like a bug.

Obviously I have it turned off for maxstart, however any old file I open will have this feature enabled and it's an easy thing to overlook.

Could this be disabled by default or could corona perform some sort of check on GFX and at least warn you if it's non-compatible before attempting to render?


Windows 7
Max 2019
Corona 4
Geforce gtx 770

[Max] I need help! / Re: Shortcut to start IR?
« on: 2019-06-13, 16:18:23 »
here i made this script long ago...been using this for a long time.

-just drag the script to your 3ds max window.. you can find the scripts in cui-category-ebbmaxscript
-you may add a shortcut,add to menu,quad, etc. I set mine to F9

Thanks, exactly what I was looking for.

Almost feel like this should be a default behaviour with corona - I never want to start a production render without first checking a bunch of options.

Ive had the same problem before a few versions ago and found it happened sometimes if i slicked save then changed the format to cxr rather than long clicking save and selecting save CXR
Yup, that may be a confusing. We have an internal task to fix/improve this.
(Internal note: id=281128900)
I just did this again today and lost a couple hours - but now makes sense after reading the above.
Fingers crossed this behaviour gets fixing in rc4.

[Max] I need help! / Re: Please help to identify the texture
« on: 2019-05-08, 16:02:23 »
Could be a type of Portland stone:

[Max] Feature Requests / Re: Opacity map with depth?
« on: 2019-04-16, 13:35:25 »
I'm attaching scene, so you can inspect it by yourself.
Clever... and confusing! Thanks for sharing.

The current solution is to use the rayswitch material or rayswitch map.
Ahh, I didn't know there was a rayswitch map as well as the material!

Work in Progress/Tests / Re: Automotive Look Dev
« on: 2018-11-05, 11:52:42 »
Corona Swirls R&D - Look Dev

I tested Bump only and Normal maps only.
It's faster with normal maps but should be easier with bump. Waiting for an improved Corona_bump (too slow to "compute" hi res micro detailed map for now).
The bump value is very very low in case someone is wondering. Pretty much the only thing to know when doing micro surface details such as Swirls.

Still need improvements...
I thought I was looking at reference photos for a minute there. Very nice.

[Max] General Discussion / Re: Lightmix problem
« on: 2018-10-04, 09:42:20 »
It could be that you didn't save as .cxr with the BEAUTY pass selected in the VFB dropdown.
If you're changing the lightmix values in the VFB it will change to LightMix and the corresponding .cxr will be for that view only.

It's a little hard to tell from your image, is the problem that the emitting object is very complex?

If this is the case then the way we tackle this usually is to assign a material with some self illumination to it, then model a low poly mesh around the object to aproximate the volume and apply a corona lightMtl to this.
Set the lightMtl to invisable, not to obscure other lights and adjust intensity to the desired level.

[Max] I need help! / Re: Camera lens distortion
« on: 2018-08-01, 12:00:38 »
Thanks Maru.

I'm getting the sky portion of my renders lost to alpha when I set .bat to save as png

Is there any way to tell it save as png RGB 24bit? (this fixes the issue in VFB, but CIE does not have any save as options)

Also getting this message roughly every 50 frames or so:

Error: Render element does not exist, or cannot be considered for denoising (it is hidden, or it is not an RGB element).
However, the frames can be processed manually without a problem (8/200 frames affected).


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