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Messages - mpavlos

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Gallery / Porsche Spyder 918
« on: 2015-11-10, 12:53:28 »
Personal project. Full CG Porsche Spyder 918.

[Max] I need help! / Re: AA around highlights
« on: 2015-07-21, 07:15:55 »
Thanks a lot, guys! Really appreciated!

[Max] I need help! / Re: AA around highlights
« on: 2015-07-20, 21:19:24 »
Ok, got it! Many thank Rawalanche!

I come up with idea :) Not sure if it`s possible but what if we can put a texture over sun to get a gradient with black edges and really hot dot in the center?

[Max] I need help! / Re: AA around highlights
« on: 2015-07-20, 20:59:43 »
yeah, it looks ok, but it is reflections of those 2 highlights in fender. So this is not direct highlight but reflection of it, and somehow it looks good. 

[Max] I need help! / Re: AA around highlights
« on: 2015-07-20, 19:24:07 »
Thanks a lot!

I tried many things here, reducing MaxSampleIntensity to like 15-10-5; uprizing Light Sample Mult over 10 and higher, put AA balance to 2-4-6 and so on. Nothing work!

Here is image with Internal Resolution = 2. Still the same.


[Max] I need help! / AA around highlights
« on: 2015-07-20, 18:46:07 »
Seen a lot of images in gallery with same problem and don`t have a clue how to fix that poor AA around highlights. In this image it`s just a sun with only 0.02 power. But the sun highlight is still very overbrightened. Even with Highlight Compress at 50 its still has a problem.
Any suggestions how to deal sun highlights AA?

Gallery / Re: ps3 gamepad
« on: 2014-11-15, 19:27:00 »
Looks like DOF is post effect. And it looks poor. Overal image is great!

[Max] General Discussion / Re: REBUS RenderFarm
« on: 2014-05-04, 17:34:19 »
It would be great to have save to EXR option. Why it is not supported yet? Will it be?

Gallery / Re: Lamborghini Aventador
« on: 2014-03-27, 16:47:14 »
DOF a bit wrong here which creates "miniature" look. Carpaint needs more work.

[Archive] Alpha Builds / Re: Alpha v6 released
« on: 2014-03-18, 16:59:29 »
Thanks a lot Ondra and his team!

I see!
Again, thank You very much!

Thank You!
I don`t know how it work in Maxwell, i didn`t use it, but i was talking about a bit different thing then  interactive light editing. I asked about simple pass, where you can pick light source and it will generate lighting pass only for this selected light. In Vray you can find such pass called "Lightselect". I guess it work different, then Interactive light in Maxwell. Am i wrong?

[Max] Resolved Feature Requests / Selected Light in passes?
« on: 2014-02-21, 13:48:34 »

Is there a chance to add selected light pass to render elements list?


Gallery / Re: Render tests
« on: 2014-02-21, 09:25:02 »
Do you need Ps extended to use the exr? becouse when i save an image on exr it  turns withe with some splotches of color, and the layers are not there.
I don`t think it`s Ps issue. Got Ps, still can`t save to exr from Corona normally.

It got nothing to do with Photoshop, guys. Well, i don`t see why you have problems saving EXR from corona. My only guess is you save it in 2.2 gamma, that`s why you get "over-brighten" white images. Save EXR only in gamma 1. I hope it will help you ))

[Max] General Discussion / Re: Shader reflection "options"
« on: 2014-02-20, 17:21:02 »
Thanks! Now all it takes is to wait till A6 ) I hope it`ll be soon!

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