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Messages - lollolo

Pages: 1 ... 13 14 [15]
Did you run the Corona Licensing Server? It will need to be running in order to hand out authorizations to the Client machines.

No, I didn't. And to be honest, I can't even find an application called "Corona Licensing Server". Is it even an application?
Where should it be located on Mac? Thanks! :)

I wanted to test the problem I had with the Proxy. For that I updated to Corona 3 final and activated a demo license.
But now TeamRender isn't working anymore. (With the native render engine is everything working)
I got thousands of "[Corona4D]
Aborting synchronization: dumpExr failed" on my render client and I had to quit it with the task-manager. 

What could be the reason for that?

-Corona proxy is not working with Team Render.

Do you have a scene or steps that would help us reproduce the issue? I created a simple scene, added a Corona Proxy object and it renders fine over TR both locally and on a remote render client.

I'm rendering another scene right now. But I will test it tomorrow and give you a feedback.
The main issue for me is just the thing with the RAM. Thats my favorite issue do be fixed. ;)

Do you have any news here? Can it be fixed in the near future?

It is quite hard to render high-res images with this bug. I had just another crash today morning. In this case 125GB RAM for C4D. Just too much for my iMac and C4D became unresponsive.

[C4D] Feature Requests / Re: Support for several UVW-Tags
« on: 2018-12-18, 18:45:02 »
Hey there!

Just out of curiosity, you'd want the ability to map to different UVW tags because you'd like to control each texture projection through its own tag, right?

Yes, you are right.
It would be much easier to blend textures together.

I would like to do things like in this tutorial here:

[C4D] Feature Requests / Support for several UVW-Tags
« on: 2018-12-18, 17:44:26 »
I miss the possibility to choose between different UVW-Tags in Corona.
It could be inside of the Corona bitmap shader.
I used Maxwell Render before and that was a very useful feature.


I rendered a new scene yesterday. I rendered again only on my render client and not on my main computer.
My render client used 28GB RAM while my computer (which didn't render) used around 60GB RAM (42GB C4D + 18GB kernel_task).

I hope you have any news soon!

I had the same issue. But it didn't happen during the last days/weeks.

MacOS 10.13.6
C4D R20
Build timestamp: Oct 31 2018

So I assume the maximum size is too large that cause the problem.

That's my second guess. Problem with smaller chunks however is the increase in render time.  Need against misery i'd say ;-)

One question though: Has anybody tried the latest corona build?

I guess too. I had the same problem, thats why I changed the maximum size to 25MB.
I'm using the Final Beta. (I think this is the latest build)

I just rendered a scene two times. I only chanced the settings in the Team Render tab of the render settings.
Client update interval: 10s
Maximum size: 25MB
Time: 26:20

Time: 53:04

The different is just HUGE!
Something is completely strange with the Automatic mode turned on.

[C4D] General Discussion / Re: LWF - Once more with love
« on: 2018-11-02, 13:30:34 »
Ahh, thank you!

[C4D] General Discussion / Re: LWF - Once more with love
« on: 2018-11-01, 23:14:34 »
I'm also trying to understand LFW. So I read a a few things about it but I have still not a clear idea what it really means.

These two articles helped me a lot but I didn't understand it completely so I did a quick test.
I created in Affinity Photo a black - white gradient which I used as a texture inside of the displacement channel.
The gray plane is to check the result
The green one is with displacement and activated option "linear" as color space profile (inside of the bitmap-shader)
The red one is also with displacement and on "embedded". (same result with sRGB)

As you can see, I got only with the linear profile a correct result. Do I have to change the settings for all black/white textures (gloss, bump, displacement) to linear? Or only in my case here? Or how can I see which option is right?
Thanks for your help!

[C4D] Resolved Bugs / Crash while exporting corona proxy
« on: 2018-10-29, 13:14:50 »
Here is the bug report for corona proxy.

-Take an object and put it in your scene.
-make it editable
-duplicate the uv-tag
-export it as corona proxy

By the way: multiple uv-tags are not supported by corona, right?

Yes, you are right. That's the problem I have. It is increasing with the time, I can see it when I render high resolution images or an animation. Single frames which render only a few minutes are not problematic.
The example was a scene with many tree clones inside, rendered as a 4k image.

Also the cpu on my Mac is more active than when I use the native c4d render engine. I had some strange cases but I could't reproduce them yet.
I will make a post here when I know more.

Yes, I already know that thread.

[C4D] Feature Requests / RAM issue when using Team Render
« on: 2018-10-26, 20:06:27 »
Hello guys!

I work on MacOS 10.13.6 and C4D R20 and Corona DailyBuild Oct 15 2018. Another computer with windows 7 is for the rendering with Team Render.
-Started Team Render only on the pc so my Mac is free for other things.
-In the beginning C4D/Corona on my Mac used 6.7GB RAM.
-After I returned home and checked the finished render 36GB were in use and I got a warning
===== Warning(10004) =====
System is running low on RAM. You may experience excessive parsing times and/or crashes. You will probably have to simplify the scene.

22.1 GiB of physical RAM used by Cinema 4D
29.1 GiB of virtualized* RAM used by Cinema 4D
33 GiB of virtualized* RAM used by all running applications
32 GiB of physical RAM installed on system
33 GiB of virtualized* RAM provided by OS

* virtualized RAM means physical RAM + swap file on HDD/SSD

Corona RAM usage breakdown:
  229.4 MiB beauty/multi-pass

Team Render was deactivated on the Mac, the only task was to show the image with the picture-viewer. I had the same issue now several times.

Some other things I have seen:
-Crash while exporting corona proxy when the object has more than one uv tag

-Corona proxy is not working with Team Render.

-Mograph multi-instance is not working.

-Layer-Node get lost after restart of the application.

Thanks for your work!

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