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Messages - minimaldesign - Blaž

Pages: 1 ... 9 10 [11]
[Max] General Discussion / Re: Glossiness behaviour
« on: 2014-09-21, 10:19:43 »
Below is the "recipe" for stainless steel components :P
(The major components of stainless steel are: iron, chromium, carbon, nickel, molybdenum and small quantities of other metals.)

Work in Progress/Tests / Re: Corona for C4D first test
« on: 2014-09-21, 05:43:39 »
Thx :) It was half day for learning, two days to complete the project.
Choosing a software which you do not know (Alpha version, possibly bugy,....) in 2 days deadline, It was Russian roulette...I survived!!! :)

Render time was over night/5000x3750 pix cca 7h+- :) was exactly 100 passes.
It's easy, look how much time it take to 10 passes and you got the final time (for example: if 1 minute / 1pass , will be 100min / 100 pass, etc).

Portals do not work in this fact you do not even need a portal :) I know it's hard to understand simplicity because of the way we work in vray...just set 150 pass and this is it :)

default settings :)

Gallery / Coffee time with Corona for C4D
« on: 2014-09-15, 21:25:14 »
free time work for fun :)

Work in Progress/Tests / Corona for C4D first test
« on: 2014-09-07, 12:36:10 »
Here is our first test/WIP with day of work :)

[C4D] General Discussion / Re: Corona for Cinema 4D started
« on: 2013-11-25, 13:48:48 »
I sell my friend's kidneys to get Corona for C4D :)))

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