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Messages - moadr

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[Max] Daily Builds / Re: Daily Builds 1.5
« on: 2016-10-10, 07:57:22 »
Scratch that, reproduced.

Sorry, accidentally missed your first reply and didn't come back with more info on the topic. But for me it also didn't seem like something that is hard to reproduce as it happened quite often, when I forgot to rerender my image in the regular way before saving out some previews.

Thanks for the fix, now everything works fine! :)

Hey man, just letting you know that I will take a look at the exporter today.
I haven't used dDO since Substance Painter 2 got released, maybe they have changed stuff around.
Will make a new post when all is fixed :)

Thanks a lot in advance :)

I was having a look into both of those softwares, but as I was not into any of them I decided to give Quixel a go, as the already built up library with all the materials inside seemed like something, that could have been a bit more useful for some archviz stuff. And by that time Megascans was just around the corner so it was also a +1 for that side. I just read a couple of things about Substance and checked some tutorials but never actually took the time to have a deeper look into it :)

I have a bit of problem (or maybe just misunderstading), but hopefully it is going to help also to others to figure things out :)

So I show you an example of a brick material from the quixel basic collection. This is how the maps are looking like inside photoshop before exporting them

And this is how the exported images are looking like after using the corona export function

And this is how they look like if I use the built in specular PBR (GGX) option (just for testing purposes, I have no other reason to use this specific one)

As you can see the differences I am facing are the following:
  • the glossiness map in the corona version is looking off compared to how it looks originally in photoshop (also producing weird results in Max)
  • the normal map in the corona version is flipped, I have to flip it back inside corona normal map to get the right direction of bump
  • with the corona exporter I am not getting the roughness map, which should be equal to the displacement map that I should use if I am correct

And here are the two previews as a comparison to see how the end result looks like when I use the exported maps to set up my material inside max:

Material with the textures coming from the corona exporter:

Material with the textures coming from the specular PBR exporter:

Material setup was made with using the textures without filtering, reflection is at max, the glossiness map is inside a falloff to get the proper reflections at grazing angles, normal map is inside a corona normal container to get the right gamma. Maybe I am totally off and missing something, but I thought it would be easier to figure out things together :)

[Max] Daily Builds / Re: Daily Builds 1.5
« on: 2016-10-07, 21:24:49 »
When I render something in interactive render and than try to save an image out of the framebuffer, Max crashes on me. If you need any more info on that, please let me know.

Hey man

I usually use
8/16 bit RGB       for Color Maps and Normals
8 bit Grayscale   for Gossiness
32 bit Grayscale for Displacement

(When your displacement is 32bit, the number you put into your Displacement modifier acts as a multiplier. If the value in the displacement is 10 and you use 1cm, you get 10cm height. If the value is -26 and you use 1cm, you will get -26cm height. 1:1 representation, for those who didn't know)

Perfect, thank you very much for the heads up!
I am working on the expansion of our Siger library at the office. Getting prepared for the final release of Corona 1.5 ;)

So, first and foremost: thank you Dubcat for the great explanation and tutorial.

I started to play around with Quixel in general and wanted to check out their smart materials, how they work, how you can tweak them and how you can import them to 3ds max.
I am using the corona exporter preset, that you have created. One quick question - what is the suggested output to get the best result with it? 8bit JPGs should work fine for all the different maps? (also keeping in mind, that I would like to use these materials in complex scenes, so I guess 32bit TIF is not the way to go :) )

Hi. When auto saving a render with render elements, all elements get saved in subfolders named after the element. For example "CESSENTIAL_Indirect_CESSENTIAL_Indirect", "CESSENTIAL_Refract_CESSENTIAL_Refract" etc. This was never the case with V-Ray. IS this a Corona thing or a 3ds max thing? Can I disable it somehow so that all saed elements end up in the same folder?

Are you rendering on a farm using Deadline maybe? Because otherwise it should be fine, but with Deadline that is the default. Our solution was to write a faster and more simple submitter script which manually overwrites also all the renderoutput paths to match the one that the Beauty has. Maybe there is also a setting in Deadline, but I can't really advise you on that.

Gallery / Re: Nordhemsgatan 67 B / 360
« on: 2016-09-22, 18:02:47 »
What I love is when we are done with a project, we have done a couple of images for an apartment and later on the client decides that they would like to also have a pano-tour. If there is magic in the world than to make those work is definitely one of them! :D

Gallery / Re: swedish-apartment
« on: 2016-09-22, 17:36:01 »
cgarchitect gallery since the web redesign is basically long spam-list. No one watches it.

Yeah, this is so true. And I also agree with the fact, that posting personal projects is nice, but can get boring after a while. On the other hand side posting commercial projects can get unfair criticism, as there you usually have a budget, a deadline and also requests that you most of the time have to take into consideration whether you agree with them or not.

Regarding DBox I found out that they keep posting quite often on their Twitter page. Not just recent things but also old projects and behind the scene things, which can be interesting :)

[Scatter] I need help! / Re: Problem with scatter
« on: 2016-09-13, 10:52:21 »
Have you tried and check the "Translation" values on your scatter setup? That could cause a problem like that. Or if you have a lot of different objects you scatter, and one of them has it's pivot point further away from the object. Those are my two quick guesses.

Off-Topic / Re: Looking for a 3D Model
« on: 2016-07-29, 13:41:44 »
IKEA has all of their furniture modeled. I don't know why they don't set it for free to download since probably they would sell more. Finally I had to model it from a similar one. If anyone needs it just ask me for it by PM.

Thank you all!

I had the chance to talk to Martin Enthed from IKEA, and he said, that it would be one of his goals to release their 3d library to have people use it. It would be a good way of advertisement and just to flood the market and many of the regular archviz images with their products (people tend to like free stuff ;) ). The problem is, that there are a lot of different levels and opposite ideas and it is not that easy to get something through in a big organisation like them :) But let's hope for the best!

[Max] Feature Requests / Re: The most wanted feature?
« on: 2016-07-25, 15:25:02 »
I don't know if this is the right topic to write this request, if not, than sorry :)

It would be really nice, to have Corona and Deadline work together in a better way. Unfortunately the tile rendering is not supported, and not working properly yet (as we have also discussed that at the EUE). Is it maybe on the list to make it work?

We are actually using a workaround now to make it work, but for that we have to turn off a couple features in Corona 1.4, which I personally love and I think makes ones life easier :) We wrote a script so when you submit your job to Deadline with tile rendering, it automatically turns off adaptivity and also turns the denoise amount in the original Beauty pass to 0 (so this way you can avoid getting seams from the tiles where they get attached together). To get the proper image, the UHD cache also needs to be rendered out separately and you have to load that in on all the machines for the rendering.

Now all these steps are controlled by the script, which sends out all the different jobs to the farm so they depend on each other and render them one after another. But while we get a much faster and smoother way of rendering images, we loose the nice feature of adaptivity, proper denoise and noise level limit.

So it would make us really happy and I think it would be a useful feature for many :)

[C4D] General Discussion / Re: RoundEdges map
« on: 2016-07-25, 14:48:59 »
Where do I use the RoundEdges map?  I have tried it in the bump channel and seems to work but then how do I add in additional bump?  Screen or multiple in the Layer shader?



You can add a CoronaRoundEdges map in the bump slot, with the maximum "1.0" amount. Than inside that map you can control the radius of the edges, how much they have to be rounded. Under that option, you should find an "Additional bump" slot, where you can add your original bump map and also control the strength of it.

Gallery / Re: Nordic House
« on: 2016-07-20, 14:45:56 »
Thanks guys for your comments! In my opinion the day shots are overexposed too. I really had a hard time getting it nice in postproduction. Not sure what is the best way. I tried getting the blue sky back with arionFX (saved the render as a 32 bit exr). But i did not get the desired result :-(

Use alpha mask and exchange it in post production ;)

Otherwise a "built-in" solution would be to use the same light setup, that you used to light your scene, but with a lower intensity in the "direct visibility" environment override, that way you can get back the colors (you can do the same trick and tweak the reflections separately). But be careful with it, it is quite easy to separate them too much and make the image shout "fake" :)

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