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Messages - thvo82

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Gallery / Re: Spa Resort
« on: 2014-12-09, 09:41:38 »
Congrats!!!Amazing feeiling excellent choice on the materials and lighting long time since i last saw a beautifull scene!!!

Thnx a lot. sorry for being away...too many little things make big troubles!!! Yes the whole project came to be really warm and as we were planning it. Hopefully i will share some photo in a few months when this will be finished!!



Gallery / Thru the Pines
« on: 2014-12-09, 09:39:02 »
Hi guys,

We had the chance here in Slashcube and the luck to assist our friends in Laubwerk with their new release of their Conifers Pack. They kindly ask us to test their new release and it was great.

We made this foresty scene with their conifers pack, along with lots of objects from Silva3D also.
The scene was modelled in Cinema4D and rendered with Corona for C4D. We were happy to pull this out in a short period of time, so we hope you like it guys.



Gallery / Spa Resort
« on: 2014-11-23, 14:03:00 »
Hi Guys,

It has been a while since the last time posting something on the forum. Some heavy work the last month.
I wanted to post this project we did some time ago for a Spa Resort here in Switzerland. Cinema 4D and Corona C4D were used for the Project. We try to put as much effort to keep CoronaC4D on our daily workflow so each project has its unique approach with Corona.

Time was short for this one, but still things went smooth almost all the way.



I would be careful with the concrete ceiling bump maps. It creates far too much micro-noise (at odd scale, prolly due to lowres), and doesn't reveal the low-frequency details at all.

Hi Juraj,

Well the map itself is around 6K. I also noticed the noise on the bump, made it quite subtle...but still it kind of looks rough. There can also be a bit the high pass filter afterwards in PS. But i do want to check out again this bump fix.

Hi guys,

I know these dont look like WIP's, but the whole project is just a week more will come and changes will be made. But i wanted to show you the progress. The spa has some more romos and i will be posting some more "real " progress rather than images like that.

I will be posting some more ideas on mats and general stuff...but these are the basics.

Amazing work there! I think this belongs in the gallery not the WIP section!
Really lovely materials and great lighting.

Keep it up!

Well i still need to make some more moods....and then i can call it done!!!  :)

Awesome work! Did u use first alfa version os Corona for C4D or this is closed newest version for beta tester?

Well it is something in between this and the next one. Some minor stuff still. But the hotfix release will come soon i guess. I love the Hdri usage and the speed overall! Im getting some more stuff with this scene done also. We will see!!

Thomas u are as always master

Thnx Shevchenkoserj! Nothing too much different from the standards though.

An over the night one..

And another one..

Work in Progress/Tests / Interior Apartment - Corona for C4D
« on: 2014-09-17, 01:11:13 »
Hey guys,

Long time no see. Had some vacation time and some traveling, so i had little time on the new Corona update. I m making a new scene , which is actually a Vray conversion. I will be testing some new moods and of course HDRi lighting.

I will try posting some variations, till i settle on some major settings and likings!!!

Average time on these...around 40 min each on a dual core Xeon  E5-2680 V2 workstation.

Thanks Marvey,

Yes i do expect to have a bit more tools to play with. Still all these are on the most basic level there can be. My awaiting is for sure some Hdri experience with the software...and a more complex flexible, like the native one, material editor!!!

But i am patient and optimistic!!!!

Hey guys,

Another one for the test here. I ve doing some fast fast interior shots for a project, so i though going Corona again. I ve testing Corona for C4D quite a bit and i am already fully got used to it. I will be passing by tomorrow with a full set of these images. The thing that keeps amazing me is the easiness you can control what you want to show...and not to much the "How" to make it.

4 days,3 scenes,8 renders...and plenty of time for thought in between!!!!!

Hope you like it in the end and be sure to drop comments and for the Cinema users....any questions are more than welcome!!!!


Work in Progress/Tests / Re: Corona Alpha 7 test render
« on: 2014-07-06, 14:54:37 »
I think bloom is over too much. Try less bloom...or try masking it out...and put it at least in areas around direct light where is most commonly "seen". Otherwise you can end up with "blurry "bloom rather than "warm-nice" bloom.

Hope that can help you out!

Looks really interesting.

I hate those AXYZ models, such stupid poses. Don't you want to try animating a moving character ? And giving him strong motion blur ? Could give it a really nice feeling.

You are right Juraj. I was thinking about the same thing. I do like the image to be more fluid. I will surely give it a try. I will try out the axyz people with anima...its time to test that also.

But it it always not easy to fit 3d people with your approach..but in this case i am thinking of just trying it out..i do like to try them out with some shadowing...the scene is really helping on that one.i made some previews with other shots also like the one below...i will see!!

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