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Messages - white

Pages: 1 [2]
[Max] Resolved Feature Requests / multilight
« on: 2012-11-15, 11:33:14 »
like in maxwell "multilight" would be useful too...

Work in Progress/Tests / Re: Not quite finished stuff... ;)
« on: 2012-11-15, 11:31:57 »
"beer" sounds damn goood!!! :)....cheers

[Max] Resolved Feature Requests / render pause
« on: 2012-11-15, 11:18:32 »
will it be possible in  next/final release to pause render and continue later?

Gallery / Re: Test Restaurant
« on: 2012-11-14, 16:23:23 »
....looks like displacement isn´t usable (now) for interior walls etc....had same problem with a small area of grass-displacement...

Gallery / white´s first interior tests
« on: 2012-11-13, 15:44:09 » i wasn´t really satisfied with the mood of my first interior tests (wanted to try a darker black/white mood) i changed it to wooden and warmer (still darker wood...).
noise was reduced a bit with "denoise" in Photoshop.

i made an overnight test (~9 hours) in 2500px. it doesnt look better than  this image (3500px longer side) after two+/hlf hour; so i think for a cleaner image i have to optimise render settings/materials?- if i want sharp textures and see detail (bump on the walls) i have just to increse resolution (better than cook longer)??

still a bit noise in the darker areas of the ceiling if you zoom in (perhaps a bit to strong bump?)...

huh, questions, questions, questions....:)

in the second image i wanted to make an minimal interior

...still working on another interior....ahhhh, hmmmmm...this is getting a pure architecture thread ! hehe....

Work in Progress/Tests / Re: first corona interior tests
« on: 2012-11-06, 20:25:03 »
thanks for the helpful a vray-user (a little tired of making thousands of adjustements to get a good lightened image) i´m really satisfied with speed...
still learning material settings...glossy effects etc....

i think i´m going to the next test-project...hmmm...i should´nt forget to have a life outside of corona...:)

Work in Progress/Tests / Re: first corona interior tests
« on: 2012-11-06, 14:48:22 »
oohhhhh, Rawalanche; much better...used your curtain material, made it a bit more translucenc, also modified glass material...for a two hours rendering in resolution 2500/1450 its really clean, i think....

brightened up image with intesity value as i wanted to keep a dark floor...

Work in Progress/Tests / Re: first corona interior tests
« on: 2012-11-06, 06:39:37 »
no, keymaster...wasn´t out of origin, i think it was bad modeling....

here´s the almost final image...critics are welcome...
it was an overnight render...

ceiling is still a bit noisy, will try to get rid of it (material setting?!)

Work in Progress/Tests / Re: first corona interior tests
« on: 2012-11-03, 20:08:55 »
Here you can see the new image with settings of Rawalanche...i modified the kitchen material a little (no bump, more glossy...a bit too much now, but doesn´t matter for this tests...)

This is a Raw-render, no postwork...

Rendering was much slower at the beginning (~50 minutes), but seems to be faster later on...

@maru: i´ll upload a new image with brighter background for comparison; as the facade is not lit by the sun i thought to make it a bit darker...

@keymaster: thanks for the infos.

.....still testing....:)

Work in Progress/Tests / first corona interior tests
« on: 2012-11-02, 10:22:54 »
Hello to everyone!

I´m vray user since i started in 3d-visualisation years ago, so i collected a huge library of models and materials - a main reason, why i´ve never worked with other renderers seriously (also unibiased is too slow for my workflow).
Now, it looks like i´ve found a new baby i can play with - the vray-materials converter is damn great and one of the most important tools for me to keep hands on an alternative render to vray if i wanna make really realistic images!
Also the Backgroundimage-material is very helpful and easy to use!
So i´ve tested corona a few days, here you can see my first looked pretty good after 90 minutes. Finally i wanted to stop rendering, when the darker area in the kitchen on the left is clean enough....Resolution is 1600/928...other information you can see in the picture (corona stamp). CPU ist overlocked to 3,8MHz.

All materials are vray-materials converted with corona-converter-tool. Only played a little with opacity of curtains etc...

I´ve done a quick postwork very slightly. Maybe it doens´t look too realistic as i´ve only a cheap monitor...

Render settings are default (except: Precomp Step of HD-cache is "2").

As i´m new to unibiased, i´m not sure if the value "ray/s" (bottom right corner) is an indicator to speed of rendering?

Pages: 1 [2]