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Messages - GabrielFP

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Gallery / Denmark Space
« on: 2022-02-05, 17:58:26 »
Hello to everyone.

I wanted to share my latest personal project. In this case, a space inspired by the classic nordic architecture and in particular the Dinesen showroom designed by Studio David Thulstrup.

The software used has been: 3dsmax, Coronarenderer 7, Adobe Photoshop.

I hope you like it, and if anyone has any questions please share them, I'll be more than happy to answer.

If anyone is interested in seeing more of my work you can visit:

Gallery / Re: Coastal Retreat revisit
« on: 2021-10-29, 02:09:10 »
As expected it looks incredible. It definitely captures a coastal feel. Specifically, the fillets of the edges really 'sell' the stucco appearance.

Where do you get your indoor plants from? They always look so good.

Hi Jack

This one in particular is hand made from megascans assets. I normally use 3dsky plants although I am now using the 3d collective plants and I recommend them to anyone looking for good indoor plants.

Gallery / Coastal Retreat revisit
« on: 2021-10-27, 23:46:05 »
Hello to everyone,

After a long break from my last personal project, I decided to revisit it and try to solve an area that I dropped. I just wanted to share the result. If anyone has suggestions to improve or any questions, please leave a comment.  I hope you like it.

I share the link to the full project if anyone wants to check it out:

Software used: Corona renderer 7, 3dsmax, Photoshop.

Gallery / Coastal Retreat
« on: 2021-08-03, 20:35:58 »
Hello everyone!

I wanted to share a small personal project based on the Mediterranean rustic houses. The first intention was to create a bigger project with different spaces. But due to a lack of motivation and a feeling of dissatisfaction with the result, I decided to limit it only to the kitchen area with an additional image of what would have been the bedroom. I hope you can still find something of interest in the project.

Software used: 3dsmax, corona renderer 7, Adobe photoshop.

You can find more of my work at:

Gallery / Re: Carpet in corona render
« on: 2021-08-03, 20:19:45 »
The carpet looks great, of course, it's not the other bad ones, they are all brilliant!
Can you briefly introduce the production process of the following carpets?
Looking forward to it!

The ones done with Dabarti Capture are made as straight as it gets. Just following the instructions of the program. With that, you can generate all the textures you need. The only particular aspect is the use of polarised filters to obtain the texture of roughness. The carpets are simple planes with the different textures applied. I attach an image with the different textures. I hope I have answered your question

Gallery / Re: Carpet in corona render
« on: 2021-07-13, 21:15:52 »
Looks really good, maybe for certain types of rug you could use a hair/fur tool like Ornatrix.

Thank you very much! I tried to do it with 3dsmax Hair&Fur but the result is not very good, especially in close-ups. It's also true that I'm not very good at using that tool. I've seen ornatrix and it looks great. Maybe it's worth a try.

Gallery / Carpet in corona render
« on: 2021-07-10, 20:01:12 »
Hi everyone! This is a small project created with the objective of testing some process to make carpets. The ones with fur have been made using corona scatter and the rest using dabarti capture. 

Due to the limitations of corona scatter the workflow is not as straightforward as I would like, but it is still possible to project the texture onto the scatter as long as the surface is relatively flat. I added an image explaining a little bit the texture setup

I hope you find it interesting. If anyone knows a better way to achieve this effect that doesn't involve forest pack or other object distribution systems, I'd be glad to hear about it.

Software: 3dsmax, Corona renderer 7, Photoshop


Gallery / Re: Tea Room
« on: 2021-04-27, 16:00:48 »
Hi gabriel, really nice images! really photographic look, can you talk a bit on the tonemapping?


Talking about tone mapping is always complicated, as it is a process that,  in my case, changes from image to image and more from project to project. At least, the post-production process is always the same. I save the render in tiff 16 bits and open it with Filter camera raw. I adjust lights, shadows, color, and contrast, depending on the image. Finally, I add a vignette effect (not too strong), chromatic aberration, and a sharpness filter. I never use render passes.

(You can see this link from another project of mine where I explain a little more:

I attach a screenshot of the VFB and a comparison between the render and the post-production.

I hope you find this useful, If you have any other questions feel free to ask anything.

Gallery / Tea Room
« on: 2021-04-25, 14:39:23 »
Hello everyone.

I wanted to share my latest personal project. The first project using the new physical materials system. Some ups and downs and time to adapt but I think the change has been good, some of the new features are very welcome.

Hope you like it, you can see some additional images at:

Best regards,


Software: 3dsmax, corona render 7

Gallery / Re: Nuñez Balboa
« on: 2020-10-30, 22:27:23 »

In regard to adjustment on chromatic aberration, do you do that to give the images more of a 'from a camera' look?

Hi John. Exactly that. It is only there to simulate a photographic effect. I always add it, unless a customer doesn't like it. Regardless, I try to keep the effect very subtle.

Gallery / Re: Nuñez Balboa
« on: 2020-10-28, 17:19:58 »
Great job as always
I really like the mood in is one. it is not so over-bright like the usual work that we see/do for clients yet it is very well balanced.
would you mind sharing where did you get the floor texture from?  I bought recently a few from Megascans and but the quality of the one you have seems superior.
Thanks in advance.

Hello Nawras.

Sorry for answering you so late. Thank you very much for your comment. It's a megascan texture. I don't remember exactly which one. The only special thing I have done is to adjust the color a little and separate the pieces from the texture into individual planks so that I can apply a floor generator.

Gallery / Re: Nuñez Balboa
« on: 2020-10-20, 21:20:15 »
Great work!
If you don't mine me asking, did you use any kind of chromatic aberration?

Yes, For the chromatic aberration I only go to the red channel, I select it and with the deform tool, move the corners 1 or 2 pixels (depending on the image size) out. It's not the most accurate method in the world but it does the trick

Gallery / Re: Nuñez Balboa
« on: 2020-10-20, 20:07:02 »
Great set, lovely lighting and materials

Thank you!!

Gallery / Re: Nuñez Balboa
« on: 2020-10-20, 20:05:42 »
Wow! These are stunning. One thing that stood out to me is how natural and photographic they are.

Would you mind sharing some insights on your lighting, tonemapping and any post processing that went into these? The black and white levels are absolutely spot on, great dynamic range and no visible black crush.

Also, were the renders downsampled at all? They have a great level of sharpness and softness (if that makes sense?).


There is really nothing strange or exceptional about it. The light is simply a cloudy hdri. Much of the softness in the light is from the curtains on the windows. For the curtains I use a rayswitch material, so I control on one hand the visual aspect and on the other hand its effect on the light. This way I have more control than using only 1 material.

Post production is also very simple. (seeing it now I might have even overdone it in some points) As the interior is quite monochrome and where white predominates, I can pass with a render with hardly any contrast (if I had different colours, this would probably have been more difficult). Normally, I just save the render in 16 bits tiff and adjust it in Camera raw. If I'm still not satisfied I adjust the lights and shadows separately with a mask. Something similar to the Sharpness method that I explain a little later.

The renders are at the original size. The only system I use to give sharpness is a high pass layer where I remove the lighter areas to avoid the appearance of halos. It may not look very clear in the pictures, but I recommend you try it
Apart from this, I just give it a little chromatic aberration by deforming the corners of the red channel, a little vignetting and I am done.

Gallery / Re: Nuñez Balboa
« on: 2020-10-20, 19:35:24 »
The glass detail is very good, the iterations in the glass ...
Excellent images, well done.

Thank you!!

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