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Messages - busseynova

Pages: 1 [2]
[Max] I need help! / Re: Settings for animation
« on: 2018-08-02, 18:44:54 »
Hi, I am sure there is a way to render both flicker-free, but first we will need to understand more about the scene itself:

1) Are you using path tracing only, or path tracing + uhd cache? (performance tab) I would suggest using path tracing only in this case.
2) Are you using denoising here? I would suggest switching it off, as it can produce different results for different frames, especially with not enough passes.
3) How many passes per frame is this?
4) What kind of lighting are you using? Corona's Sun+Sky? HDRI? The idea is to understand what is this bright highlight in the glass material.

This is definitely displacement being re-calculated for each frame. For animations with moving cameras, the solution is to:
1) Use bump maps for fine details, and displacement only to define the overall structure of the material (e.g. bricks)
2) Switch from screen-space to world-space displacement in the performance tab (this will prevent flickering, but displacement will be calculated for the whole object, even if its outside of the camera frustum, so more RAM may be required.
3) Adjust the displacement size in the performance tab to find good balance between quality and RAM usage (lower values mean higher quality displacement, but more RAM usage)

In case of the glasses, you can try the following advice:,16522.msg104046.html#msg104046

1) yep PT&PT
2)yep denoising
3) I'm not sure, I set the noise limit at about 6% from memory
4) I think that was Corona Sun& Sky but the person who set that file up had a weird mix of HDRI/Sky in a few of them, I did strip that out on most of them, I think this one too.


Ok thanks, I'm moving away from using displacement on animations where possible because of render times but that's all good to know.

Cheers! I'll check those threads out tomorrow.

[Max] I need help! / Re: Settings for animation
« on: 2018-08-01, 18:27:33 »
Embedded videos:

[Max] I need help! / Settings for animation
« on: 2018-08-01, 18:15:10 »
Just going through the process for setting up my next animation and I'd like to get the settings nailed this time. Last one had some issues at the rendering stage which I hope can be avoided without the need for loads more passes.

Attached are two crops of the raw footage. two quite different issues, but they may be caused by the same thing? I am wondering if they can be fixed by AA vs GI setting. On the scene with the glasses, this was set to 16, the glass material is pretty standard with refraction, but no caustics and with a bump map for the pattern.

The brick scene was GIvsAA of 32 (I didn't set the scene up)

I'm wondering whether blur/sharpen could have caused/exacerbated these effects? Would I be better off applying blur and sharpening in AfterEffects, which is maybe better suited to interpolating across the frames of a moving image?

Thanks in advance! Would really like for this project to be less of a bodge than the last, and part of that will be nailing the settings down early on.

[Max] General Discussion / DR node assignment
« on: 2018-03-28, 17:05:02 »
Is there any way to alter the way nodes are assigned to different clients (?) rendering on the same network?

We have a render farm running in our office, with most of the nodes on DR most of the time. If someone starts off a job that gets all the nodes, and the next job waits rendering only on the client machine until they become available again. It would good if there was a way to split the number of available nodes across the number of jobs rendering, or at least to manually reassign nodes during rendering.

Does this exist already?

Have you seen this topic:

Thanks! I'd missed that one somehow. The Pixamoon script looks perfect, he's just testing with the new Corona for me and I'll then purchase a copy.


I found this from the max help pages, but no luck with it so far...

Code: [Select]
thePath = getSavePath()--get a path dialog to specify the path
if thePath != undefined do--if the user did not cancel
  theFiles = getFiles (thePath+"\\*.max") --collect all max files in the dir.
  for f intheFiles do-- go through all of them
    loadMaxFile f--load the next file
    saveMaxFile f --save the file back to disk
  )--end f loop
  resetMaxFile #noPrompt --at the end, you can reset
)--end if,topicNumber=d28e91277

Good afternoon,

my company has a lot of model packs of Evermotion trees, interior models etc, which I am trying to make more easily and readily accessible on our system. It would look really good to my boss if I was able to convert copies of our existing files to Corona, and maybe turn them to proxies.

I am aware of the page detailing maxscript converter commands, so I guess what I really need is a 3rd party programme or a script that could be set to run on a whole folder of files, open and run a script on them, then save and close (as a previous version of max as some in our office are on 2013). I found this: but it appears quite out-dated and I can't get it to run.

I am an absolute novice with maxscript by the way, otherwise I'd probably have this nailed by now.

Has anyone had success in anything similar?


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