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Messages - Kost4d

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General CG Discussion / Re: Rendering Price Calculator
« on: 2021-03-29, 17:42:33 »
... and note to self ;)

Practice, patience, perseverance, discipline... zen.

Everything is combination of politics, lobbying, getting connections, bribery, corruption, exposure, recognition, branding, propaganda... Quality sure helps and matters most to real experts. But main thing IME is to never limit yourself within a single idea or mono-culture ;) There's never a clear border. As you have chosen, you are, or strive to be 'visual artist' consequently becoming master of "light and expressing matter" which by itself encompasses 98% of spectacle 'seen' as human life.

First, start relieving yourself of fear, angst, pain. Wake up and eat good.
Don't show your weaknesses (yes, work on your quality). Use words scarcely. Communicate with imagery.
Tend to stand your ground. Be character. Think critically, argue reasonably.
Complement with compliments.
Stay  humble letting others enjoy your presence as you enjoy theirs.
Don't be scarred to make mistakes as experiences gained will make you less prone to new ones.
Finally, perfection comes when one is ready to let it go. Wabi-sabi.
Rinse, repeat... stay organized, ready and sleep well.

In practice do, as Odd Visionary states: "Always use reference."
Know, behind everyone there's loved one. It's why we can stand balanced on shoulders of giants.

Thank you!

General CG Discussion / Re: Rendering Price Calculator
« on: 2021-03-29, 15:52:30 »
Now I have very hard times to get the clients, I don't know why? Is this the quality? The market? The competition (but we have competition everywhere)? The market structure?

General CG Discussion / Re: Rendering Price Calculator
« on: 2021-03-29, 15:49:00 »
Thank you!

At first I though it was a joke about rising 5 times... coz for local market... you know how do they think: "Hell! $300 for the image! no way!"

I will review the prices tonight!

General CG Discussion / Rendering Price Calculator
« on: 2021-03-29, 13:57:47 »
Hello, people!
It has been a while I've posted here, but the life is so different and so compticated always!
I hope you are all doing well and productive!

Last week I created and implemented some rendering price calculator for my website. Actually I copied the conception from another related to 3d visualization website, but now I cant find from which one :(

Animation looks a little overestimated now, but keeping in mind that we usually rendering animation on the render farm it may be ok.

So, here is my Rendering Calculator for testing. Any comments are valuable!

Gallery / Modular Sea shipping container house in Australia
« on: 2021-01-14, 11:35:53 »
One of the first comissioned architectural visualization projects by were the sea shipping container houses. These visualizations were created in collaboration with Australian visualization studio Luda Studios.

Affordable, eco-friendly and fast to build, shipping container homes offer no end of architectural possibilities. These extra-tough units can be stacked in almost any layout, not to mention customised with every luxury amenity under the sun. From metal mansions to stylish industrial retreats.

Thank you for watching! More here

Gallery / Castle of Bar visualization
« on: 2020-05-18, 15:54:14 »
Hello, my friends and colleagues!
It has been a while since I posted here in gallery, but now I have very special post. I live in the small town of Bar in Ukraine where the Castle of Bar stood in 16-18th centuries.
Now it is all deserted and lost.
I have big article about it in my blog. I'll put few images from my visualization series and if you are interested all the rest you may read/see in my blog.

More you can read here coz I dont wish to spam in this respected forum gallery!
Thank you!

I can not send current exterior scene, but I will prepare some personal "nature/dinosaur" scene which I believe tenders longer with NVidia AI

Thank you!

When using Nvidia denoiser, the image always will look more clean, because said denoiser is running in real time and what you are seeing during rendering, IS denoised image. The other two denoisers starts only after rendering is finished. And that is main reason why i almost exclusively run Nvidia's denoiser, even if its quality isn't the best of the three.

Oh, yes! I did not think of it in this way... yes, what I see is already denoised!

no, I mean somehow rendering goes faster and image looks clearer in less time then when using usual denoise method

[Max] General Discussion / Re: 4k exteriors
« on: 2020-03-09, 22:11:33 »
Usually I render up to 3 or 4% of noise. Even 4k. It is mostly 230-270 passes. I am afraid of noise. In current project I'm using NVidia AI denoiser and it goes much faster, but I am on the draft stage so far

Hello, colleagues!
Some time ago I did some testing of noise reducing algorithms in Corona Renderer, but did not notice huge improvement of speed using NVidia AI noise reducing. In the most cases I use Corona HG. On recent project I've got cool/fast results with Intel AI. But now... just in the middle of the exterior project I switched to NVidia AI and it rendered the 1280x720 @ 4 % of noise in 1 hour instead of 4 hours with Corona HQ.

Do I do something wrong usually and got this particular scene right this time? Or is this the kind of scene that runs fast with NVidia AI?

Does anyone have similar experience with NVidia AI? When should it be used mostly?

Thank you!

General CG Discussion / Re: Interior panorama 360
« on: 2020-03-02, 09:42:54 »
Thank you, my friends. Clients did not want anything to cover windows, so I just lowered the refraction and it looked ok. I would add some exterior buidings to the environment, but they were in a hurry and they liked it as I showed them.

Thank you again!
The result is here:

General CG Discussion / Re: Interior panorama 360
« on: 2020-02-26, 23:36:23 »
I am sorry for being uncertain in my explanation!
I have some modular office in the square of a city. I want to render interior panorama 360, but I do not have the outer environment for the square/city (outside the office).

What is the best way to create this rendering? Create frosted glass for windows or put some images of the site as backplate (despite of the fact they are really bad)?

Thank you!

General CG Discussion / Interior panorama 360
« on: 2020-02-26, 17:32:15 »
Hello, people!
I need your advice about interior panorama 360.
Client requsted this in the very ladt moment. All set in interior for rendering, but outside a building is a city square, for which I do not have the hdri, naturally...
What is the best way to solve the problem? I prepared two exterior views, but the windows are on three sides and all all the square must be visible.

I was thinking of reducing refraction and making glass kind of frosted. Could it work?

Is there some general rule for such cases?
I thank you for any help!

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