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Messages - nightwalker

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Hi Nikola,

Thanks for the new Build, great job!!

I do not know if it was already reported, but using sky with HDRI, IR does not work properly: rotating the sky, the HDRI position does not change in IR (the same thing in previous build).

It also appears to be incompatible with the Greyscalegorilla Hdrlink plugin: in this case, turning the sky, Corona crashes.

Sorry for my bad English


Doesn't work here on the PC. There may be two issues:

- Trying to set the save destination is actually a "File Open" dialog so needs you to select a file that already exists, rather than pick a destination folder and file name

- I tried to overcome that by just typing in folder and filename into the parameter rather than choosing one through the OS file select dialog, but even then nothing was saved when rendering, or after 60 seconds when I set autosave to 1 min intervals. Of course, could be that entering the folder and filename directly prevented this from working, so it may just be one issue :)

Thanks for the tests, I tried it too, but it does not work. I did not understand if the files are saved in some other unknown folder.
I did not find on the forum other users who have had such a problem.
I hope this is a problem that can be easily resolved in one of the next builds.

Thanks to the Corona Team for your great work.

How does Autosave work?
In corona preferences I have autosave enabled, but it does not work, corona preference folder is empty. I tried to change folder but can not do it: once i chose the autosave folder it can not go any further, but i can only click on cancel.
Did I miss or forgot some passage? Is a bug or is this feature not yet active?

Sorry for my bad English

Corona build 2017-10-11 - Cinema 4d R18 - MacOs Sierra

I think the 9 oct build is very slow. Also, I think the preview of the materials is not good in the viewport. I attach an image as an example (I do not know if it is my mistake).
Sorry for my bad English.

Cinema 4d R18 and MacOs Sierra

In some of my scenes, Daily build SEP 28 2017 crashes when it starts rendering. With the same scenes the previous version (SEP 5) seems to work properly. Macpro late 2013 and Cinema 4d R18 on MacOS Sierra.

I attach one of these scenes, very simplified but showing the problem, I hope to help you find the bug. Thanks for your great work.

Sorry for my bad English

Sometimes the new build (29/09/2017) crashes. The same scene works well with the previous build. I attach the bug report.

Cinema 4d on MacOs Sierra

Thanks to Corona Team for your great work

[C4D] General Discussion / LightMix and Denoise
« on: 2017-09-29, 11:00:51 »
In beta Sept 5 2017 denoising seems not to work in Lightmix Multipass. can it also be activated in lightmix? In lightselect is properly activated.
I attach an example: of the two images I prefer the lightmix, but I can not use it because it has a lot of noise. How could I fix it?

Build 5 sept 2017 and Cinema 4d R18 in MacOs Sierra

Sorry for my bad English.

i'm doing tests with the latest beta built available but i have to say that the VFB just does not work .. we are talking about c4d R19 and osx 10.9.5 mavericks ... the problems they encounter are essentially interface. Once the render is launched, and trying to play with lightmix, the interface goes wrong almost immediately ... after a while the lighmix is ​​no longer updated ... set a value of a light but the VFB does not update ... if you use the TAB to move from one light to another, it does not work ... if it stops rendering then it is no longer possible to relaunch it because the button makes it stays GRAY and you can not click it ... you have to always go out and come back on C4D until at some point cinema is being crashed and even you have to turn off your computer because even if forced output, corona and cinema do not close … I try to made a new scene and using corona but the same things happens…
anyone OSX users have the same problems with the latest beta built??

Hi, same problem here, on MacOs Sierra and Cinema 4d R18 (latest beta of Corona). The rest seems to work fine.
Thanks to the Corona team for the great work.

Thanks for a great job! Any chance to have this tool for Mac os x?

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