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Messages - ilgioma

Pages: 1 [2]
Leo - I am getting it to work, but as stated above, I have to slightly resize the VFB window or click somewhere in the VFB.

This video goes over the B/G features and covers it quite nicely:

The interface has change a bit, but you should be able to figure it out.

I've seen your screens and even me works all in the pass beauty. But it does not work in the lightmix pass where I think it's ok to see it.
After completing the light mix setup I would like to go into bloom and glare and see the final picture in the VFB but at this moment it is not possible ... at least for me :-) In A6.3 it was possible!


Leo - I'd really like to know too.  It's either really intense or non-existent and it doesn't remain.  Also, I am noticing much more noise with yesterday's beta (04-19-17) than I get with the downloadable alpha.

Hi kmwhitt I'm reading the changelog 2017-04-19 that says: Fixed problem that Bloom and Glare was not applied when multi-pass was used.
It is clear that if it was written they corrected it. So I'm wrong. If it was possible to have a small video on the official youtube channel so to make it clear ..... thank you in advance for the whole Corona team


I apologize, but I still do not understand how to use bloom and glare effects with beta version 1 04-19. These do not appear in Lightmix pass but only in Beauty or a virtualbeauty. I do not understand where I'm wrong. Thanks to anyone who helps me


Bloom and Glare not function


[C4D] General Discussion / Re: C4D beta still on target?
« on: 2017-03-30, 12:27:31 »

I really hope that with the beta1 at least you can save and retrieve settings LightMix


[C4D] General Discussion / Re: LightMix setting
« on: 2017-02-24, 17:19:39 »

this is a bug within 3ds max.

what you need to do is go to "render elements" tab. and delete any lines under "Selected Element Parameters" next to the (...) symbol. do this for all the render elements in that tab.

check the image attached.

thanks for the answer, but this is the CoronaforC4d ​​section ....


[C4D] General Discussion / Re: LightMix setting
« on: 2017-02-22, 11:21:31 »

this happen to anyone?

[C4D] General Discussion / LightMix setting
« on: 2017-02-20, 19:13:11 »
Hello to all,
I have this problem:
after the setting of the LightMix of a render save it on my computer. Going to charge that setting I have this error message.
I'm working on OSX 10.11.6 and C4D R16 + Corona A6.2
It 'a known problem or happen only to me?
Thanks for the attention


[C4D] General Discussion / Re: Corona for C4D A6.1 testing
« on: 2017-01-26, 17:48:02 »
Osx El Capitan 10.11.6 on Mac Pro 5.1
C4d R16.050 Visualize
Vray 3.4

Corona A6 crash at start
Corona A6.1 work ok

if I new I communicate as soon as possible for now everything ok


Work in Progress/Tests / Re: New render
« on: 2017-01-26, 15:33:19 »


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