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Messages - siadebisi

Pages: 1 [2] 3
Hi there,
if found a little bug while using the blend material. When assigning a Blend Material there is no possibility to view the Mask- Map in the Viewport. I have to connect the mask to any slot of Material 1 (Value 0) to make it visible.

If there is a Blend Material  connected to my Blend Material I even have to assign a new material with this my Mask- Map to make it visible and change it back after scaling UVW.

Greedz :)

I am also interested to hear back on Rhino/Alias to 3DS max workflows.
Due to the poly heavy and often nasty conversion of trimmed Nurbs to Polys I found the unwrapping a complete nightmare until I realised that Rhinos own unwrapping is really bloody good (as the seams can be selected at NURBS level)!
I then just export as obj and have been pretty happy with results, just a relaxing tool would make it perfect.
Still dreaming of the day a proper NURBS to quad mesh translator appears, I have seen a few papers on successful methods, it just has not been commercialised yet (as far as I know).

I´m using 3DSMax 2014 right now. Did they improve integration of nurbs in 2015? My Workflow right now is to Make Nurbs to Meshes before exporting them. This way it works, but isn´t really efficient. An most times the topology is a mess... No ring selection or something like that :(

Hello, the Max the Unwrapping was an nightmare for me, but now with the pelt mapping and with the correct unwrapping workflow much faster and esier. Somethimes the headus Uvlayout is the better choice.
The XrayUnwrap is a cool plugin. Fast and efficient. and here is the layz one...This is really helpfull if you need fast and accurate uvw for rocks or other nature stuff. For tree...well maybe same good for it.

Anyway..Just learn the max's UVW editor. There on the youtube has some nice tutors for the Max 2014 UVW Unwrapping editor.
And here is a really cool stuff, and cheap, helps a lot:

I saw the Lazy Unwarp in the big plugin thread ;) I will have a look at it in the future :D
And thanks for the tutorial advice :)

Hi there ;)
I have to switch from using Blender to 3DSMax, because i have the feeling that there will never be a full integration of everything i want (like Corona) in Blender :D I don´t have time to wait for 2 Minutes every time when starting a rendering.

I started to have a look at 3DSMax now and figured out that my biggest problem is the UV- Unwrapping which works quite well in Blender, but seems to make big problems in 3DSMax. I´m asking in this forum, because there seems to be really advanced 3DSMax Users in this forum ;) So here are my questions:

1.  Is there a workflow which works properly for architectural scenes? Like Unwrapping Walls, Couches, Seats etc.. quickly and with correct Aspect Ratio? Do you use plugins / external software? Is there something better than Xrayunwrap?

2. Which is the best tutorial series to learn the programm and good worksflows in a short time?

3. What i really really like in Blender is the possibility to move things along their axis without using the mouse. Like Gumball with Keys. In my optinion the best and fastest way to move stuff around. For example I press g (move) and x to move objects along x- axis. g + y for y.... And if i press Shift + Z i move the objects along x and y. Like the 3DSMax cursor with keys :D Is there a way to set this up in 3DSMax?

4. Are there any plugins i really really neeeed for Architectural Work? I work with Rhino and Export to Max for Rendering. Maybe there are Plugins to improve work with nurbs?

Thank you ;P

[Max] I need help! / Re: Physically Correct Camera & Sun?
« on: 2015-02-17, 01:35:26 »
Thx for your help ;) I was looking for a Corona Cam under the Camera Setup ;)

[Max] I need help! / Physically Correct Camera & Sun?
« on: 2015-02-16, 06:16:54 »
Hi ;)
I´ve got a problem with the camera setup. When i add a sun system (Intensity 1 / Sin Size 1) it is way too bright. When i use a vray cam shutter speed and f- stop don´t change a thing. With the standard- cam i dont have the possibility to change these parameters.

Is there a way to setup the camera in a proper way to work with real light sources and lumen?

Thanks :)

Hi, great tip ;) It´s working like a charm with 3.8 Million Primitives using Corona Scatter!!!! I can´t believe it ;)

But is there a way to use Corona Scatter with a Map for Distribution of the Proxys?

Sadly, ohsnapitjoel seems to have lost the will to work freely on the exporter. :/

Thats really a problem... :( Hopefully they can work something out...

I have two more requests ;) It would be nice if there would be a converter of Vray- Materials and the possibility to export and import Corona Materials from and into 3DSMax.
The second one would be a "Multi- / Sub- Object" Layer which keeps things organized :)

Hi Keymaster,
i would like to have:

- Mix Curve in the Falloff Map or in general a Mix Curve to Mix Colors like in Corona for 3DSMax / Vray (really really important)
- Composite Map

And the most important of all, the blend layers ;) I know it´s already on the list, but i wanted to ask how long we will have to wait for them ;) Since the full Version is coming, you probably have figured out if you make a bing blend layer with Blend 1 / 2 etc.. like in Vray or keeping it the way it is right now :)

Thank you very much for your awesome render engine! I already regreted buying a GTX 970 when i started Corona and got these nice results within Minutes ;P I would love to use it in Blender in future! :D

Maybe you could figure out a way to get RT working for Blender in a way that only the selected / changed object gets "reloaded" to the Standalone. This way it would be possible to get fast results without reloading the whole scene to the Standalone every time if i want to check another setting :)

Hi, i would just like to add a simple 2D PNG File to my Blender Corona Scene. It looks fine (transparent) until i add a material. When i do this it gets a black background which shows in the rendering. Activating Masks like in 3DS Max is not possible and i dont find the right Button for getting the "plane- background" transparent again. Can someone help me with this?

[Max] Resolved Feature Requests / Re: Texture Baking
« on: 2015-01-03, 04:06:35 »
Sorry, i was looking for "Texture Baking" and didn´t find anything. I´ve voted for Render to Texture now ;) This feature would be really really nice!! :D

Thanks a lot!! ;)

[Max] Resolved Feature Requests / Texture Baking
« on: 2015-01-02, 18:33:52 »
Hi there ;)
I would love a texture Baking feature. I´m an architect and this would be so lovely for a virtual "live" round trip through a house :)

[Max] Resolved Feature Requests / Re: Corona Blend Material
« on: 2015-01-02, 17:28:07 »
This feature would be really really great. There are some features like rusty metal where this is so useful :D

Hi, i´ve got a little problem with Blender and Corona. There is a timelock on my current Version, but which Version am i supposed to use with Blender? There is a "new" Alpha for 3DSMax, but i cant find something similar for Blender.
Thx for your help :)

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