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Messages - alekba

Pages: 1 [2]
@Juraj is right, besides that, saying you're new in C4D. You chose the difficult examples for a beginner, instead go with something simpler. Before that you have to learn the basics ( mograf, Xpresso etc. ), so you'll be able to put the right questions and understand the answers. Later, you will be able to ask specific questions on appropriate forums.

  On YouTube, Vimeo have bunch of free tuts, Digital Tutors have many for beginners, there is more serious tutorials.

[C4D] General Discussion / Re: material library
« on: 2015-01-12, 13:06:33 »
User material library is good idea. I analyzed several materials from free example scenes, just to have starting point. Maybe a new topic where users post materials are a good solution.

[C4D] General Discussion / Re: Alpha v1.2 download
« on: 2014-12-31, 00:47:38 »
Ahhhh.... Santa Claus has not forgotten poor C4D users :)

As far as I know the ideal material converter does not exist, there are always remain some details to fine tune. Your plugin does a great job, it would be good to be included in a future version of Corona. Thanks for this.

In the comments is mentioned an other way. So, put  Fresnel in filter, so you can access to curve + have possibility to tune each channel separately... red, green .....
 Another thing bothers me, adjusting the bump channel. It seems to me that Corona is more responsive to Normal Maps. So i make some experiments with Height to normal ( plugin for C4D ) and Cinema native normalizer. The results are ... inconsistent. Sometimes it responds well, sometimes I get a weird result.
on left are plank with BW bump map, right is height to normal plug. I love this plugin. itself has plenty of options for adjusting, for some quick work is ideal. But in other cases, the result was unusable.

Render is good, I see you dispelled clouds :) The glass is clear without noise, what is render time ?
btw.  on second render you have some yellowish tint, whether it is intentional or it is a color bleeding?

It is nice that you develop  Laubwerk Plants for Corona, it takes some time for all things snap into place. One day when Corona for C4D becomes fully functional, it will be nice to have Laubwerk in toolbar.

.... I just said the same thing.
Corona team has an open mind, open for opinions, critics and nagging sometime :D They listen  their users, and that is the only real way to Corona become a great software. Therefore there is no need for faking a lawyer, with an attitude take or leave. I will continue tests on smaller scenes, after all I have already recommended Corona to some C4D users.

C4d Corona is for brave ones now
eh... this is some kind of joke right?
Mapping problem is strange, probably bug or something like that.  Corona promise, have own look, but this is early state. I hope the Corona team in future releases do something about these strange settings.  Corona is made a good start, exlude / include options for light, sky, hair is supported to some extent etc., the list will surely grow with time. Some of these things are not yet in Vray for C4D, and he is developing for years.

I caught a bit of time to again try Corona render, again I made ​​a scene from scratch. But again problem with bump maps... intensity is 0.001 and it's still too hard? Same for reflection,  must have very low values. Corona sun and sky..... they also have a weird setup. In Cinema internal renderer and Vray, never mess with default. In Corona default is too strong, because I have to go to the value of 00:15, setting the camera on a completely unrealistic values ​​etc. I lost a few hours of fighting with this nonsense, constantly  making test renders, to see  result.
  Then for the grand finale I have a problem to put ordinary image on disk, whatever do, whichever way mapping applied, get unusable results.  Test in AR and Vray is fine.
I give up, I'll finish this in another render, and wait for Alfa 2-3-4

maybe this can help someone ...

read comments, there is some more tips

Work in Progress/Tests / Corona for C4D, first try
« on: 2014-10-14, 06:04:05 »
My first attempt at Corona for C4D.....  The setting is simple, perhaps too simple :D  I hope that in the future will be more options for making material. Some values ​​ seem strange, for bump I had to use in some cases the value of 0.004- 0001 ????
This is a small scene based on the picture I saw somewhere on the internet. I'm reduced glow,  photographer was literally burned half of the room :)
and some more ps, not so successful....

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