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Messages - jhindley

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[Max] I need help! / Re: A7 - my first renders - artifacts
« on: 2014-07-02, 14:59:50 »
I don't see any noise. If you do, and are not happy, then make yourself your own scene :)

I note the smiley so I know you don't mean that in a nasty way -

I don't know nearly enough about Corona right now to even pass judgement on anyone's scene
I am at the empty room with a tea pot and sun system in it sort of stage right now. :)

I thought your demo scene was excellent and I have enjoyed looking at the settings - the materials and playing with the renderer

It has helped me get a good understanding of the renderer in a very short space of time.

I can see the effect the portal has on the image and I now understand its about the way the direct light penetrates the scene.
I have learned from this and I can now make my own scene to start using as my own test bed.

I hope I can post that scene up when finished for other people to test with.

Lets see where I get to.

Thanks again for your help -

[Max] I need help! / Re: A7 - my first renders - artifacts
« on: 2014-07-02, 09:33:51 »

Using region render and compositing the layers in PS i have done some tests

I have jacked up the light samples multiplier first from 2 to 4, then from 4 - 6 and finally to 10

I have then rendered out 1000 passes of the region before putting it together in PS

I am still not happy with how this is looking. Any further suggestions ?

[Max] I need help! / Re: A7 - my first renders - artifacts
« on: 2014-07-02, 02:08:57 »
OK - so light samples multipler jacked up to 4

I gave it 700 passes this time - this is full screen render not region and not comp'd

Have a look - im still not happy with that area

any ideas

[Max] I need help! / Re: A7 - my first renders - artifacts
« on: 2014-07-02, 01:01:23 »
Thanks guys,

Good evening Mr Jones - good to see you

Rawalance - thanks for the vid

Ill give it a whirl. The machine is currently balls deep rendering out that scene again but this time I upped the setting to 4 as you suggested.
I also gave it another 200 passes so we shall see what the result is like.

I think in production if i was pushed I would region render and comp as you suggested -
I am just getting a feel for the renderer as this is literally the first thing I have hit F9 on it ages

I will post my result with the amended settings and we shall see.

Thanks again for your advice

[Max] I need help! / Re: A7 - my first renders - artifacts
« on: 2014-07-01, 22:29:02 »
Thanks for the quick reply

Where can I learn how to region render a portion and have it add that to the over all image.
I believe this is possible ???

I mean can i render the $h17 out of that area and then keep that part and continue to render the rest of the image ?
If so where do I learn how or can anyone tell me how quickly ?

[Max] I need help! / A7 - my first renders - artifacts
« on: 2014-07-01, 21:50:02 »
Hi Guys,

First post from me having now used A7 albeit with the demo scene.

I have posted my results here for comment.

I have rendered out the test scene with A7 on Max 2015
I am using a i7 with 8GB Ram

The render was set to stop at 500 passes and I am pretty damned happy with the 1080 render
given it looks pretty clean to me after 2 hours 6 mins.

My question relates to the artifacts in the door frame on the left side of the image.
Is this likely to be something that gets better with more passes or is there something I can tweak to get rid of this.

As I say i think the rest looks clean enough - I would just like to get rid of this artifacting

Any help / advice welcome

[Archive] Alpha Builds / Re: Alpha v7 released!
« on: 2014-06-30, 16:24:05 »
Well done and thank you for finally allowing us to be able to use this with MAX 2015

I have been desperate to get testing your renderer, this is exciting.

[Max] I need help! / Brass / Copper Cladding Material
« on: 2014-06-24, 21:52:01 »
Hi Guys,

I have struggled for  a long time to make a shader to create brass / copper cladding

Please see the links below

any ideas would be well recieved

many thanks

Gallery / Re: Light Test on ambient
« on: 2014-06-24, 21:49:46 »
Over the years architects have gone to great lengths to photograph scenes without people

I hate people in scenes -

I have to say in this instance you have done a good job and it looks plausible but I am afraid it does nothing for this image.

I think your image is really nice -

I agree re: the water edge - looks like cling film not water lapping at the edge.
Having designed a few pools with level deck drainage i can tell you the water edge is rarely that ragged.

please see reference image here

this is real world and you can see where the tile is wet and where it is dry beyond the drainage channel.

Gallery / Re: cecofuli [Gallery]
« on: 2014-06-24, 21:44:52 »
thank you

whils that is helpful i am gutted that it is not a procedural shader

Thanks again for your help - the material i am looking to emulate is

Gallery / Re: Corona render sketchbook
« on: 2014-06-24, 03:03:27 »
The intensity of the DOF makes this feel like the models are "teeeny tiny"

its almost like the furniture is made out of match sticks or balsa wood or something.

Not sure this is the most successful image. All a bit strong on effects for me

Gallery / Re: Satanic gallery of trve evil
« on: 2014-06-24, 03:02:17 »
Phenomenal work.

The detail in the modelling
the materials -

very good -- love it

Gallery / Re: cecofuli [Gallery]
« on: 2014-06-24, 03:00:17 »
Francesco - your work is lovely - - i agree re; carpet and towel
the water in the basin is amazing - i can even see how thin a covering is in that basin -

in other business and i am sorry if this is a minor hijacking - what is the shader you used for the metal cladding
on this image on your website

i try to get a material for KME / TECU florentine brass and this material would be perfect if i made it a touch darker.
Would you share your material settings ?

[Archive] Alpha Builds / Re: Alpha v6 released
« on: 2014-06-22, 22:43:48 »
Uh Peter if you could just go right ahead and release a7 that would be great - mmmmmm Kay

[Archive] Alpha Builds / Re: Alpha v6 released
« on: 2014-06-15, 22:18:23 »
Arrrrrgh !
I'm about to end it

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