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Messages - Jpjapers

Pages: 1 ... 98 99 [100] 101 102 ... 112
[Max] I need help! / Re: Nodes suddenly renders 10x longer
« on: 2016-10-28, 17:19:25 »
Just a thought. I remember in older versions of backburner it would sometimes do this thing where if rendering animations it would render a frame, finish it and than start the next one without closing the previous rendering process meaning on a small number of machines it would just open lots and lots of backburner processes eventually filling the ram and causing rendertimes to soar due to lack of ram and they would do this until you restart or manually end the processes. since DR uses backburner could it suffer from the same fate? Or has that been fixed in later BB versions?

Hi All,

A while back i ran into a problem whereby you cant render volumetric fog when the camera is inside the volume. Is this something youre currently working on or have any plans to work on in the future?

Thanks :)

[Max] I need help! / Re: Multipass crippling time penalty?
« on: 2016-10-28, 16:56:18 »
How big is your render?
Ive been doing 4k renders for the past week and glare/bloom usually only takes about 15-20 seconds to render and about double that if i make changes in the post panel.

[Max] I need help! / Re: Multipass crippling time penalty?
« on: 2016-10-28, 15:21:02 »
Hmmm youre probably right.  What passes do you have set up?

[Max] I need help! / Re: How to make powder?
« on: 2016-10-28, 14:36:32 »
In photoshop generate some clouds. Up the contrast with levels.
The more white areas the more lumps of powder you will have.
Add a gradient ontop to create the 'full' part of the bottle.
Depending on how defined you want the edges you can apply gaussian blur.
Create a second glass material, set the diffuse to white/whatever colour your powder is and plug the map you created into the refraction colour slot.
Duplicate the inside faces of your bottle and scale them to 0.99 as mentioned above.
Apply the masked glass material to the inside faces and the normal glass to everything else.
Ive attached the map i made for reference and a render to show what it does.

Good luck!

How much RAM do you have and is it getting to the rendering stage and still using the same percentage or is it during the parsing and precalc?

[Max] I need help! / Re: Multipass crippling time penalty?
« on: 2016-10-28, 14:23:34 »
I had the same problem at work. had 16gb RAM and tried to render a 15000px wide image. said it would take 40+ hours and frequently crashed out.
We upped the machine to 128GB and it finished within 6.

[Max] Feature Requests / Re: VFB DOF Controls via zdepth
« on: 2016-10-26, 23:14:03 »
I am not sure about this - on one hand, fake DOF seems like something that will eventually die out, and produces worse quality than rendered one, on the other hand, a lot of people request this. There might be also the matter of finding the optimal algorithm, which sounds like another kind of black magic on its own.

Another thing is that we have one idea in our heads that could actually speed up DOF rendering A LOT while not being 100% fake (more like being 10% fake). We might try that first, before resorting to the 100% fake approach

Colour me intrigued :)

[Max] I need help! / Re: 1.5 Animation flicker-free?
« on: 2016-10-26, 18:57:35 »
Ive had the same thing with bloom and glare with animations. Maybe let your frames clear up a little more and see if the problem goes away when the noise has been reduced?

General CG Discussion / Re: VRscans Available
« on: 2016-10-26, 14:01:56 »
They look great. I saw one of their presentations earlier this year and the tech seems awesome but feels like its going against the flow of the whole PBR and photoscan movement. IMO i think its aimed at high end manufacturers in things like the auto or furniture industries and definitely not consumer level. The pricing alone confirms this for me.

Riiight i misunderstood.I thought it stored depth data and you could assign objects to layers and the higher the layer number the further from the camera it is.  i thought it meant you could render in layers in like a foreground midground background kind of way without occlusion. My bad.

I Realise now this might be a silly question as removing objects from the scene would obviously affect GI quite drastically. Unless im misunderstanding and this could be done with a feature similar to lightmix but for objects rather than for lights?

[Max] I need help! / Can we render deep EXR's with corona?
« on: 2016-10-25, 17:37:15 »
Im looking for a way to render a scene in layers and deep seems the way to go.
By that i mean id like to be able to render once, and turn off say the foreground layer and still see that was 'behind' the foreground layer. There might be a better way. Possibly just render layers? I dont know
Can corona do this yet?


[Max] General Discussion / Re: tooltips show-up time
« on: 2016-10-24, 23:12:35 »
Thanks :) Maybe its worth doing one for the corona materials too. I found this a really novel and really useful way or learning what each menu item did. A really great way to learn!

[Max] Daily Builds / Re: Daily Builds 1.6
« on: 2016-10-24, 23:05:46 »
I think the RAM usage has improved drastically since 1.3 but it all depends on how big youre rendering. For example, Our workstations at work only had 32gb ram and the nodes only had 16gb. i could render out 4k shots easily on my workstation but then i had a project where i needed to be rendering 15000px wide images. I tried using the nodes but  It would crash out every time so we upgraded to 128GB RAM on the workstation and have never looked back.

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