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Messages - LeSill

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[C4D] I need help! / Re: Team Rendering
« on: 2024-06-10, 18:01:10 »
Thank you for your explanation.
It's a shame that the Corona license doesn't include at least one render node. Another engine includes render nodes as part of its licensing. Because the other PC is older and has a slower CPU, it may not make sense to use it at this time.

[C4D] I need help! / Re: Team Rendering
« on: 2024-06-10, 11:48:51 »
Hello and thanks for your response.

- Cinema team render licenses should be alright; because I only have one team render node connected, I believe there can be up to five.
- Corona render node, according to the documentation: A render node computer just renders the scene and does not display the Cinema 4D user interface, so only one render node license is required. The master machine and renderer nodes must all run the same version of Cinema 4D. All Corona Renderer instances must be the same.
- I will check the firewall, but if the team render node/machine icons are green or blue, it implies it is connected.
- The node's internet connections are fine.
- Cinema and Corona are the same versions; there was a mismatch at first, but I resolved it.

Are there any additional ideas?

[C4D] I need help! / Team Rendering
« on: 2024-06-08, 10:52:59 »
Hello, folks.
I'm calculating an animation, and because I have another slightly older PC in my workplace, I thought it could be useful to take advantage of another available processor. So I've chosen to try TEAM RENDERING. I've installed Cinema on the other PC and launched the client. Of course, I've installed the Corona plugin, etc. To avoid errors, I had to remove missing textures and materials from the scene. I followed the tutorials and everything seems to be working properly. Okay, almost fine.
The client window does not display any information (see the image). It's just a grey background. The cinema server indicates that everything is working properly; I believe the blue dots represent this. When I check the processor on the cient PC, it does not appear to be busy, thus I assume it does not contribute to the calculation. The rendering time did not vary significantly.

Any clue what the problem could be?

Many thanks

[C4D] General Discussion / Lightmix COLOR SPACE
« on: 2024-06-03, 16:09:08 »
Hello, guys.
I've rendered several cameras from a single project. Each camera captured roughly 50 frames. I've rendered passes, including lightmix. When I open the lightmix pass in Photoshop, it claims it was saved in LINEAR COLOR SPACE and prompts me to convert it to sRGB. I do not convert it and maintain the LINEAR COLOR SPACE. Somehow, it opens the image with "correct" colors, such as sRGB/gamma 2.2.
I'm not sure why, but now when I render a new animation, the lightmix pass is saved in LINEAR COLOR SPACE, therefore I have to convert it to sRGB.
What is the appropriate color space in which Cinema should save the LIGHTMIX PASS?
Best regards

Hi guys,

I am now rendering animation. I save passes such as LightMix, bloom and glare. The bloom and glare effect was displayed in approximately 50% of the images, but it was frequently saved as a black image, so it essentially disappeared. Of course, it was also missed in the Beauty Pass. When I checked the camera settings, I saw that the Bloom and Glare attribute fields, such as OVERRIDE and ENABLE EFFECT, were ticked. I'm not 100% sure, but it appears that sometimes the Bloom and Glare effects were turned off automatically in the VFB window when I open the VFB window.
Did anyone have that experience?

Thank you for replying.

The character "ΕΎ" was the issue.

I'd want to ask you about the VOLUME GRID loading. When I insert it in the scene and move the camera, the scene begins to parse. This means that anytime I walk around in my scene, the new point of view takes a long time to load. It appears that the volume grid must be loaded every time I move the camera. Is this proper behaviour?

Is there an option to scale the volume grid? Consider constructing a volume grid as a VDB sequence with a different measure unit, such as meters or millimeters, rather than the native C4D cm. When importing, the volume is too tiny. I can scale it by moving to object mode, but I'd want to have the SCALE attribute within the volume grid.

Many thanks, guys. I will look at all of the suggestions that you have provided.

Hello, folks.
I'm having trouble loading a VDB file made by the Cinema Pyro simulator. I tested VDB from Houdini, and it worked. When I try to load VDB from Cinema, it says, "Unable to load." Does anyone know why it doesn't accept VDB from Cinema? You can find a VDB file attached.
Many thanks!

[C4D] General Discussion / Re: Gobo Lights
« on: 2024-04-11, 14:05:26 »
Unfortunately, the lessons were only available online. There is no record of them. It was sponsored and organized by Chaos, so you might discover something about it.

[C4D] General Discussion / Re: Gobo Lights
« on: 2024-04-11, 11:45:57 »
Thank you for replying. So, Nikos Nikolopoulos utilized this technique during the Archviz Masterclass? I'm not sure whether you saw it, but he was able to effectively manipulate the Gobos, etc.

[C4D] General Discussion / Gobo Lights
« on: 2024-04-11, 09:53:36 »
Hello, folks.
I just saw a video of one of the Corona Masterclass sessions in which the instructor discussed using Gobo. Unfortunately, I couldn't pay attention and missed how to make a good gobo effect. I intended to utilize it today, but I'm not sure where to put the picture for the gobo effects when using an area light or a sector light. Do you know how to create the gobo effect and adjust the softness?
Many thanks!

[C4D] General Discussion / Mirrored tiling is not available
« on: 2024-04-04, 09:50:07 »
Hello, guys.

I was used to using the native Cinema Bitmap shader. It allowed me to select the SEAMLESS option on the material node, and it worked perfectly. To get the most out of Corona, I started using Corona Bitmap. The node's SEAMLESS function no longer works. I investigated the UV TILING area of the material editor, and there is no option for MIRRORED TILING. I checked the Corona manual, and this option should be present. Any ideas on how to mirror the texture while using the Corona Bitmap shader?

Many thanks!

[C4D] Bug Reporting / Re: Cloner plus Normal map BUG
« on: 2024-02-14, 09:13:17 »
I didn't think about it. I will definitely try that. Thank you for the tip.

[C4D] Bug Reporting / Re: Cloner plus Normal map BUG
« on: 2024-02-13, 07:56:19 »
Thank you for replying. I hadn't considered using the Corona randomizer for simple things like tiles or cubes. Anyway, Mograph, which includes the cloner and all of the effectors with fields etc., is perhaps the most powerful and versatile tool in Cinema. When I picture more sophisticated objects, such as humans for example. When I clone the human, rotate and scale it with the random effector, I will encounter the same issue, and I will be unable to use the Corona randomizer in this case. The person is placed beneath the cloner and assigned its own material tag. Then the cloner completes the cloning process. It signifies that the UV map does not rotate for human clones. The topology and its UVW map are bonded together. As a result, I see no reason why this should be an issue. This problem did not arise with other renderers.

[C4D] Bug Reporting / Cloner plus Normal map BUG
« on: 2024-02-12, 12:34:46 »
I made a tile floor using Cinema Mograph Cloner and a formula effector to rotate each second tile by 90 degrees. When I use a normal map for the material, the floor appears strangely shaded. Each tile reacts weirdly to light.
Why is this happening?

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