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Topics - charne

Pages: [1]
[Max] I need help! / Performance debugging
« on: 2013-12-17, 13:45:49 »
Hello I am trying to get some more rays! But just cant figure out how to do tow of the steps sugested...

Disable/simplify portal meshes

Simplify complex shader networks in 3dsmax

and this one aint in post prossesing enymore cant find it...
Fake motion blur in postproduction

Thanks / Charne

[Max] I need help! / HELP color bleeding
« on: 2013-12-16, 16:19:34 »

Got this prob when the walls gets effectet to much by the floor. think there is a simple solution but just cant find it!


As the topic says. It´s possible i hope..


Hello I installed Corona today cuz i couldnt stand the fireflies that liked to visit my renders now and then useing Mr

problem is that the issue is still there. Im not satisfied with my renders...... still pixley/fireflies
even my material balls in material editor looks like crap.. should it be like that ?

and to the creation of glass and metals.
how to do it ? tried to search ofc but with nu succes... only the line "you can do it with two mouse clicks" haha so im feeling useless...

please help a man in need :)

Pages: [1]