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Topics - thvo82

Pages: [1]
Gallery / Gymnastics - AXYZ modulor
« on: 2016-05-20, 11:46:00 »
Hey guys,

We are happy here at Slashcube to share this cool image we prepared for the new release of the AXYZ Modulor models. The models were so inspiring, that we could not resist being also creative.
The models are really detailed and fine tuned too. We worked on making some custom maps and some nice blend shaders for the fabrics and the skins too.

Almost all is done in render too. Only ps work was done for general color grading and some particle screening...just to add up a bit.

MaxonC4D was used and of course Corona A4.1 rc1.

hope you like it,



Gallery / Hardturm Park
« on: 2015-11-19, 11:29:59 »
Hi Guys,

Long time no see. There have been too many high  projects here in the office the last 4 months, so we have too many stuff....but not really any ability to showcase some nice projects. But we have this small apartment we did for a private client in Zurich. Interior design is by Kalfopoulos Architects.

Most of the models are Design Connected. Model was done with Cinema 4D and we used CoronaC4D.

Hope you like it.


Gallery / Grindelwald Chalet Interiors
« on: 2015-09-14, 14:08:58 »
Hi there,

Long time no see. Just finished a small project with some nice chalet interiors. The project was done in a minimum amount of time, i think around 7 days. Most of the stuff were modelled from scratch, except some furniture like sofas and stools. The whole modeling was done with Cinema4D and of course CoronaC4D for the rendering. The scene is lighten by coronaSun/Sky and some adding of artificial lights for the better looking of the interiors.

Some post process was done, but not too much. Most of it was around some scattering of light and some minor color grading.
All critiques are welcome. just to mention that there are minor detail mistakes of UV mapping or smaller things all around. Due to the minimum amount of time, i just had to let them be!!!



Gallery / Xmas Tree - Corona C4D
« on: 2014-12-21, 13:14:27 »
Hi guys,

Well once again i had the luck to make something with Laubwerk's new Plant kit.

Especially when it is Xmas and what better than having a xmas tree! This one was done with Corona C4D and i loved it. A little expensive in render time, considering that i added  translucency for the Spruce needles. The rest, simple mats and some scattered Corona sphere lamps just for the effect!

Hope you enjoy it and lovely Xmas holidays to everyone.



Work in Progress/Tests / Crime Reflections
« on: 2014-12-19, 17:01:51 »
Hi guys,

Long time since i had some time for a personal project. I know it is holidays, but i had in mind this image for quite a long time. I started some modeling yesterday, so i figured out to post something from almost day 1.

The concept of the image is Crime Reflections. I love criminal cases and creepy will try and pass it over to the image. Dead trunks ( I have to put some biology and modeling skills to the table), swamp like water and more things.

The light is simple with an Hdri map from Vizpark. Model is Maxon C4D and render is CoronaC4D.

Till the next post


Gallery / Thru the Pines
« on: 2014-12-09, 09:39:02 »
Hi guys,

We had the chance here in Slashcube and the luck to assist our friends in Laubwerk with their new release of their Conifers Pack. They kindly ask us to test their new release and it was great.

We made this foresty scene with their conifers pack, along with lots of objects from Silva3D also.
The scene was modelled in Cinema4D and rendered with Corona for C4D. We were happy to pull this out in a short period of time, so we hope you like it guys.



Gallery / Spa Resort
« on: 2014-11-23, 14:03:00 »
Hi Guys,

It has been a while since the last time posting something on the forum. Some heavy work the last month.
I wanted to post this project we did some time ago for a Spa Resort here in Switzerland. Cinema 4D and Corona C4D were used for the Project. We try to put as much effort to keep CoronaC4D on our daily workflow so each project has its unique approach with Corona.

Time was short for this one, but still things went smooth almost all the way.



Hi guys,

I know these dont look like WIP's, but the whole project is just a week more will come and changes will be made. But i wanted to show you the progress. The spa has some more romos and i will be posting some more "real " progress rather than images like that.

I will be posting some more ideas on mats and general stuff...but these are the basics.

Work in Progress/Tests / Interior Apartment - Corona for C4D
« on: 2014-09-17, 01:11:13 »
Hey guys,

Long time no see. Had some vacation time and some traveling, so i had little time on the new Corona update. I m making a new scene , which is actually a Vray conversion. I will be testing some new moods and of course HDRi lighting.

I will try posting some variations, till i settle on some major settings and likings!!!

Average time on these...around 40 min each on a dual core Xeon  E5-2680 V2 workstation.

Hey guys,

Another one for the test here. I ve doing some fast fast interior shots for a project, so i though going Corona again. I ve testing Corona for C4D quite a bit and i am already fully got used to it. I will be passing by tomorrow with a full set of these images. The thing that keeps amazing me is the easiness you can control what you want to show...and not to much the "How" to make it.

4 days,3 scenes,8 renders...and plenty of time for thought in between!!!!!

Hope you like it in the end and be sure to drop comments and for the Cinema users....any questions are more than welcome!!!!


Hi guys,

Well working on the second phase of getting to know with Corona, i wanted to try out a Film-noire kind of style along with Corona Sun ( which i was curious to try out and check the plus and minors). First of all i want to say i was impressed with the natural look of the shadows. I love the soft halos and the contrast around the outline of shadows. This scene  is actually a small part of a project i am doing at the moment and the "Staircase" is part of it.

Although here, i just wanted to push it a bit towards my BW, contrast and some stylish framing. AXYZ models were used. Render time i think around 35 minutes ( around 440 phases i think).

I also like the options you have around exposure compensate, sky intensities along with sun intensities and overall contrast on post process.

I am waiting a lot more from the Software, but i think they are on their way!!!

Hi Guys,

Well i got to try out Corona for Cinema4D. First time with Corona in general. I do am a dedicated Cinema 4D user and Vray user also. So Corona was a long awaited renderer.

First impressions are promising, although in really basic options and of course lots of things to be added. But someone waits these things with something that just starts and has a long way ahead still.

I had some hours to put through some basic mats and familiarize with the settings and the Material Editor. Not so difficult to work it out though.

 Actually i will be continuing this scene, which is a scene i already did in Vray. So this is a wip that in the end will be a First thorough Corona Project. i am excited and happy that this is finally going to happen to Cinema..meaning Corona.

Keep close and stay tuned for more the next days. I will be also try to point out some personal notices and comments.

Well done to the guys in Corona. I know they work hard for this!!!



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