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Topics - UsmanS

Pages: [1]
[Max] I need help! / Corona Cryptomatte
« on: 2022-11-07, 05:48:27 »
Hi, I was recently looking into corona cryptomatte and how it works. I have added in the render element. In the render I can see all the different colours and then when I bring it in photoshop using EXR-IO it brings in everything with the masks, but all the masks are black and doesnt have any information in them. The cryptomatte still looks the same it did in max. Am I doing something wrong here ?

[Max] Bug Reporting / Corona 7 - 360 Interactive Crash
« on: 2021-08-09, 03:22:32 »
When ever I try to render corona cam spherical 360 cam it starts the render fine. But when I press stop it freezes and 3dsmax memory start increasing and keeps on going and I have to force close 3dsmax.
I have tried it with 3dsmax 2019 and 2021. There seems to be no issue if I use corona 6.

My 3dsmax randomly crashes when I open the material library, its doesnt happen all the time but atleast once every few hours and its a bit annoying. I have attached my minidum file can someone please check what the error is ?

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