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Topics - aramavet

Pages: [1]
[Max] Resolved Bugs / Scatter Motion blur
« on: 2019-05-19, 19:34:17 »
Hi again guys!

I have been testing an automotive scene on my spare time and wanted to simulate motion blur of snow flakes dropping down. I scattered them in volume and animated with Z offset. Still couldnt get the blur showing. I also tried moving down and animating the Scatter volume box but still no luck. Have anyone tried and got any result of motion blur with Scatter? Thanks!

[Max] Bug Reporting / LightMix >Scene not exactly converting
« on: 2019-05-08, 12:27:36 »
Hi guys!

My first post but not the first bug I found :)
I have seen a similar topic from March 19th, 2019 but haven't seen it reported here. I would also like to mention few details about the LightMix >Scene conversion.
It seems that >Scene works pretty fine with CoronaLights but does quite unpredictable job with CoronaLightMtls. Basically the scene values get multiplied with the LightMix values and, as I checked, it was correctly converted for the Light objects (for example something with 350 intensity and 0.5 in LightMix got 175 intensity) but for the CoronaLightMtl the conversion landed odd numbers (something with 3500 intensity and 0.5 in LightMix got 0.0135 value). Also, as I noticed, there is conversion error/limitation for the Environment and specifically CoronaSky map. For example, I have a purple tint to Environment which was not correctly passed to scene as by 3Ds Max and Corona maps parameter there is no way to directly change the sky tint to purple. You can see the LightMix and >Scene-ed renders attached to this post.


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