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Topics - SwishySwoosh79

Pages: [1]
[C4D] Bug Reporting / Stuck while initializing plugins
« on: 2019-01-09, 05:16:28 »
I've been using the Corona plugin for Cinema 4D Studio R18 for a while now, I've come across an issue just recently. I haven't changed any files within cinema, besides updating to a daily build of the corona beta 2, I cant remember which build it was but I believe it was the one posted on December 14th, 18:04:24. (This issue started just a little before the Corona 3 plugin was fully released). Cinema will start normally when corona is taken out of the plugins folder, but when corona is placed back in the folder and I try to start the application it launches with the splash screen but then "freezes" or gets stuck while "initializing plugins" is displayed in the bottom left of the splash screen.

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