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Topics - INVIZ

Pages: [1]
[Max] I need help! / Not installing denoiser or materials
« on: 2019-06-11, 20:04:58 »
Just updated to new corona 4 from last official release..

Get error at the end of installation saying nvidia denoiser and corona materials did not install.

Not idea why.

tried uninstalling and deleting file remains etc.. just not installing.


Gallery / Belfast city shop front
« on: 2019-02-25, 15:04:27 »
A recent piece I produced looking at much a local types of textures and architecture from where I live. Lighting and weather certainly more from our short summer.

I used 3ds max, corona renderer and photoshop to develop the visual..

It was created over 2/3 days, nd took 2.5 hours to render final render @5k

Hope you enjoy it!


Gallery / Quiet area off lobby...
« on: 2018-07-05, 10:24:34 »
My latest work produced in 3DsMax and Corona, very little post only adding some more passes and final colour correction and contrast.

The project is for Marketing purposes of the blinds, but we provided a few extra bonus visuals to capture some of the details of the scene.

Produced by: Gavin McGinty, creative director @ INVIZ -
As always we are provided a theme for the styling of the scene and we must produce our imagery inline to this style, it must include the clients product to help associate their product in the kinds of places they see it placed. We loved the idea of having large heavy looking granite blocks lower center to balance the look of the main visual. The client does want their product to be on show, but not over dominant within the image either. We think that's important as it can be a real balancing act to not let the blind completely take over and the story of the imagery can become one dimensional.

The kind of area we felt could work is a sided area of away from a hotel lobby, where you can take a few minutes, chat, read or even have a coffee. The rest of the environment around here has not been modeled as it's not required, But I think its nice to say what this is and hopefully people could probably already tell the story with it with needing to see the rest.

Thanks for taking the time to have a look and hopefully hear some feedback!

Gavin McGinty


Gallery / Concrete Kitchen - Belfast
« on: 2018-06-18, 23:43:40 »
A recent image produced in Corona.

Hope you like it and/or and feedback!

[Max] I need help! / Slow EXR saves
« on: 2018-03-14, 22:28:51 »
Anyway to speed these up?

Saving on a network via 1GB ethernet setup... But only saves at 40mbps...

EXR with all elements is around 3GB and takes ages to save at 40mbps

Saves in seconds on ssd... And copy's from local drive to network at 1GB as it should.. Which I expect corona to save at?

Any ideas?

[Max] I need help! / 1.7 RAM
« on: 2017-11-08, 19:32:11 »
Hi I'm getting huge waits on autosaves and unable to escape out of it... talking must be 15/20 waits on a 500mb scene...

I have 112gb ram, whats the best setting to get use of that ram.. always don't seem to go over 16gb ram usage which seems not right?

Gallery / Dark Living
« on: 2017-11-03, 14:36:03 »
This is a image from a personal project I drop into when I have spare time...

It's relating to this project...

Gallery / Sink area
« on: 2017-06-29, 16:59:32 »
Another personal project image..

Hope you like it, appreciate any comments!

Many thanks for looking!

Gallery / Kitchen Table
« on: 2017-06-29, 16:47:37 »
Another from a personal project

Hope you like it, appreciate any comments!

Many thanks for looking!

Gallery / Kitchen door
« on: 2017-06-23, 17:48:09 »
Personal project...

Hope you like it, appreciate any likes, comments or advice!!

Many thanks for looking!

Pages: [1]