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Topics - digitaluka

Pages: [1]
[C4D] Resolved Bugs / RC4 Crash on IRR
« on: 2018-10-26, 01:54:07 »
Hi I have had to revert to RC3 as every time I open a scene with RC4 and do a interactive render region it crashes. Has anyone else experienced that?

[C4D] General Discussion / HDRI for product shots
« on: 2016-11-02, 11:24:25 »
Hi, firstly I have been waiting patiently to try Corona for C4d OSX for a while now and couldn't wait to try it out.
So far I like what i see:)

So here with the nitty gritty...
What is the best way to set up a HDRI for product shots?
So far I have tried placing a HDRI image in the Corona Emitter material and placing it on the various objects below
Corona Sky
Corona Light: Object :Sphere
Cinema4d sky
and plain old geometry

I just can't seem to get a nice result anyone got any tips?

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