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Topics - whitehat

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[C4D] General Discussion / Problem - start C4D with CORONA
« on: 2014-10-07, 15:18:27 »
Hi guys!

I have problem with CORONA plugin in Cinema4D r15. I try instal Corona for C4D Alpha1.1.
Instalation without problems, but when I want to start C4D - here is warning message

Vstupní bod procedury
?colorAdaptationTransform@corona@@YA?AVAffineTm@1@MMW4CatSpace@1@@Z se nepodařilo v dynamicky propojované knihovně Corona_Release.dll nalézt.
---in translation---
Insert point procedure
?colorAdaptationTransform@corona@@YA?AVAffineTm@1@MMW4CatSpace@1@@Z couldnt be in dynamic connected bookcase Corona_Release.dll founded.

Do you think thats problem with instaled Vray ? Or how can i Fixed it ?
Thanks a lot for help.

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