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Topics - MKopek

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Learner’s Corner / Lack realism/photorealism
« on: 2024-02-08, 09:45:02 »
Hello everyone. For about a month and a half, I've been learning 3D visualization for product rendering, primarily furniture. I used different software before, but despite various attempts and seeking advice from more experienced users, the results were not satisfying at all. However, last Saturday, I decided to start using 3ds Max along with the Corona Renderer. The effects were visible immediately, but I encountered a problem. My visualizations lack realism; there's something like a haze, not sharp and clean enough (?), and it just doesn't look like a photograph. What could I change, and what should I focus on? I'm using the Chaos library and free models and textures from the internet, mainly from 3dsky and Poliigon. I'm attaching my current render (white desk, blue walls, blue chair), a reference render that I found and would like to approach in terms of quality, and the render settings from Corona.

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