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Topics - akkoxe

Pages: [1]
[Max] Resolved Bugs / OnenEXR pases trouble in 1.5
« on: 2016-10-10, 16:17:23 »
The same problem as it was in the 1.4 at release. When OpenEXR saving, then open
in photoshop, all pases(no main) is broken. Look screenshot in atachment pls.
In 1.4 Hotfix 1 all ok.

Old topic,12548.msg81072.html#msg81072 then in 1.4 HF1 it fixed. Now again in 1.5.

[Max] I need help! / .exr save trouble (black layers)
« on: 2016-07-12, 12:07:40 »
If i save .exr image, and then open it in photoshop i have black render elements In VFB all elements is correct. If i save in png, all okay.
But it only after continue rendering from VFB, after stopping and save VFB. When i render all at once, I have correct saving elements in exr.
How can i save correct elements? ( exr settings)

[Max] I need help! / How create a towel(material)
« on: 2016-03-03, 16:32:52 »
I need create a towel. If i use bump, results are not realistic, look pls in attachment.
if i use hair and fur or scatter, my PC say me "good bye" and crash 3ds max. 32gb ram
If i use displasement-results is not good if pixel size or pc crash if world size (i try 0,5 mm)
How you create towels, realistic towels for closeapp? Tnx

[Max] I need help! / Corona proxy is transparent
« on: 2015-08-07, 14:31:11 »
I have some roblems
Look on this picture pls.
I try disturbed rendering. And some my proxy objects are transparent. How can i fix it?

Hi, please help me. I make a day scene only with daylight, no other lights. But i have more noise on picture.
Look please:

Noise in top left conner. 450 pases. Only HDRI in environment. In window portal, no glass in window.
But when i rendering over 1000 pases, it's not help to.
And second (ready) work.

I included other lights, but noise not gone away. And i have some artifacts (this white points, not on wall - its material, only on ceiling)

Pages: [1]