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Topics - TomG

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[Max] General Discussion / Anyone going to SIGGRAPH 2018?
« on: 2018-07-24, 23:40:47 »
There will be three events at SIGGRAPH 2018 in Vancouver this year featuring the Corona team!

- A presentation from Ondra on the past, present and future of Corona Renderer

- A technical paper from Jaroslav Krivanek (our head of R&D), and Petr Vevoda and Ivo Kondapaneni,  on Bayesian Online Regression for Adaptive Direct Illumination Sampling

- A course featuring Ondra (and Vlado and others) on Realistic Rendering in Architecture and Product Visualization

Info on this year's SIGGRAPH at - we hope to see some of you there!

[C4D] General Discussion / Know Your Devs - Nikola Tomšů
« on: 2018-07-17, 17:05:24 »
All the C4D users are following the general news and discussions on here too, right? :) Worth doing, because for example the next Know Your Devs is all about our C4D lead plugin developer! Post your questions to get to know him (not technical questions, feature requests etc, keep those in the already existing locations, ty!) over at the thread:

[Max] General Discussion / Know Your Devs - Nikola Tomšů
« on: 2018-07-13, 15:55:06 »
Here's the next in your "Know Your Devs" series! It's time to turn our attention to the Corona Renderer for Cinema 4D team, and invite you to ask your questions for our Cinema 4D lead plugin developer, Nikola Tomšu!

Here's how it works:

- Ask your questions in this forum thread
- We'll leave this thread open for about 5 business days, to give you time to ask your questions, then we'll lock it
- The developer will take a look through and answer the interesting questions, which we'll publish in the Corona Blog (probably a week or two after closing the thread)

So, what about that "interesting questions" part? Here are some guidelines:

- Please post only personal questions or questions about inner workings of the team. You can already ask technical questions in other parts of this forum, and this is about getting to know the developers as people.
- Keep your question relevant to the particular developer.
- Only ask, don't answer - even if you think you know the answer!
- It will be up to the developer to choose which they answer and which they don't.

Now satisfy your curiosity - post your questions below!

You can download some test scenes that use the new "Inside Volume" mode for the CoronaVolumeMtl in Corona Renderer 2. These are the scenes and settings used for the Development Insights and New Features videos:

News / Corona Renderer 2 for 3ds Max released!
« on: 2018-06-25, 21:57:49 »
Corona Renderer 2 for 3ds Max released!

Full details and download:

Some of the highlights:
- Heterogeneous media rendering (Phoenix FD, FumeFX, OpenVDB, new “Inside Volume” mode in the CoronaVolumeMtl)
- Compatibility with VRayMtl and VRayLight even without V-Ray installed (for assets from V-Ray 3.60 or newer; assets from earlier versions may work, but not guaranteed)
- Over 110 new materials in the Material Library, plus Real World Scale and Triplanar used wherever possible
- Advanced bokeh effects: Center Bias, Vignetting, Anisotropy
- Corona Official Toolbar

Read full details about all the above, plus everything else there isn't space to mention, over in the blog:

For those of you who have tried Corona before and your 45-day trial expired, we've automatically refreshed the demo period to give everyone an extra 14 days so you can try out all the new features! Simply download and install Corona Renderer 2, and you can activate the refreshed demo period right from within 3ds Max. Enjoy!

News / Corona Renderer 2, complete list of bug fixes
« on: 2018-06-25, 21:44:20 »
Below is the complete list of bugs and fixes for Corona Renderer 2, in chronological order of when they were released. Incremental bug fixes to new features are not listed here (see the changelog thread at for that information)

- Fixed black dots and black VFB screen in some cases when using the new experimental light solver
- Fixed a crash when changing a tonemapping parameter of a CoronaCamera that is referenced from another object (for example ForestPack)
- Fixed camera target moving when changing shift parameters
- Fixed occasional crashes when using textured lens distortion
- Fixed DR master not accumulating results from slave when one of them supports F16C instruction set and the other does not
- Fixed Hair & Fur simulation .stat file not being loaded correctly on DR slave
- Fixed vizpark plugins not being listed as compatible
- Fixed compatibility with certain Windows versions
- Fixed bad appearance of disabled spinners in VFB.
- Spinners in VFB and CIE now properly validate keyboard inputs.
- All Corona spinners now reset to defaults, not to zero
- Render elements named "A", "R", "G", or "B" will be now automatically renamed when saving to CXR since these names are reserved for beauty & alpha.
- Fixed UI controls being sometimes enabled in CIE with no image loaded
- Fixed render elements with non-ASCII characters being displayed incorrectly in CIE.
- Fixed VFB not zooming via mouse wheel in some cases on Windows 7 or when "Scroll inactive windows when I hover them" Windows 10 setting is off.
- Fixed vertical shift changing FOV of the Corona camera. The tilt & shift now works the same way as in Physical camera.
- Replaced LUT log curve with the curve used by V-Ray
- Fixed slow skin material evaluation on computers with many cores (threadripper, dual xeon)
- Fixed rare incorrect shading of 3ds Max volumetric effects
- Fixed start render button not working when IR pass limit is hit
- Updated to embree version 2.17.1
- Fixed occasional wxWidgets assert and/or crash when dragging the installer window
- Fixed installer not reinstalling components from previous failed installation (due to 3ds Max running during the installation, etc.)
- “Show VFB” button now reacts correctly to changes of the VFB type in system settings and is disabled when VFB cannot be shown for whatever reason (docked IR running, having selected native VFB with no prior image rendered to display, etc.)
- Corona Standalone is now installed by default (may be overriden by selecting custom installation)
- Installer now associates .scn file extension with Corona Standalone, so that double clicking any scene export file will automatically launch standalone
- Fixed CoronaCamera tilt & shift FOV issues - previous fix modified only behavior in viewport, this one also fixes behavior in rendering
- Fixed bump converter not working correctly with procedural maps and some geometry types such as geosphere, cylinder or extruded circle
- Improved denoising of bump maps
- CoronaCamera tilt shift legacy switch is no longer displayed in new scenes (the legacy mode is switched off)
- Fixed wildcard expansion in command-line version of CIE. Now -e argument does not get expanded which fixes CoronaImageBatch script.
- Switched to Visual Studio 2017 compiler - up to 5% performance gain in rendering
- Fixed crash when using NPower software NURBS
- Fixed reset xform in interactive rendering moving objects
- Fixed CoronaLight not updating color in viewport after unfreezing
- Lightmix: fixed bake to scene breaking instancing
- Added CoronaUserProperty texture
- Installer and uninstaller now list all running applications that need to be closed in a single dialog with retry/ignore/abort options
- Corona Standalone now supports hair rendering
- Legacy tilt & shift checkbox in CoronaCamera is now shown only when the tilt & shift functionality was actually used in the old scene
- Significantly faster rendering of shadowcatcher in compositing mode
- Fixed ornatrix crash when using hair strips
- Fixed text not being wrapped properly on installer EULA screen
- Vector displacement map is now listed as supported
- CoronaOutput texture map renamed to CoronaColorCorrect.
- Option "Affected by Corona VFB tone mapping" in CoronaColorCorrect map is now deprecated in favor of new map CoronaTonemapControl providing finer setup.
- Fixed using LUTs of type .3dl in CoronaColorCorrect map
- Legacy version was removed from the installer and will be no longer provided
  - Licensing server can still run on legacy CPUs
  - Installer disables “Typical installation” option on legacy CPUs to explicitly show which components can be installed (just the licensing server basically)
  - Explanation -
- Changed noise level to report approximately the same value as in Corona 1.7
- Fixed adaptivity oversampling dark areas
- Lowered memory usage by 8 bytes per triangle
- Fixed the “Streak count” spinner in VFB and CIE not changing the displayed value when clicked
- Fixed crashes when rendering very small images (<15x15 pixels)
- Optimized sampling of volumetric media
- Fixed unnecessary restarts of interactive rendering due to recent “Reset XForm” fix
- Fixed “Only remove fireflies” denoising mode not removing fireflies
- Installer now writes the installation log to disk (%LOCALAPPDATA%/CoronaRenderer/DeployLog.txt)
- Fixed creation of CoronaCam in orthographic viewports; it now behaves consistently with standard 3ds Max cameras
- Added a checkbox to Corona Camera to show/hide clipping planes in viewport
- Fixed random seed in scatter lister being stuck to -21 in certain 3ds Max versions
- Fixed CoronaFp.showVfb MaxScript function not working after rendering has been stopped in docked VFB
- Fixed crashes when parsing geometry on some machines
- Pass and noise limits are now displayed in VFB stats tab (when set)
- New keyboard shortcuts in VFB and CIE
  - CTRL + arrow keys for scrolling
  - CTRL + PAGE UP/DOWN for switching render elements
- Fixed noise level getting higher when DR is used
- Removed compatibility with Alpha 6 and older versions of CoronaScatter

Material Library Changes
  - Resized and fixed tiling of Wall, Concrete, Leather, Metal, Rubber, Stone, and Wood materials.
  - CoronaTriplanar map is now used wherever it is possible.
  - Fixed the scaling of CoronaTriplanar maps used in Fabrics and Leathers.
  - All CoronaOutput maps in Basic SSS materials are now set to be "Affected by Corona VFB tone mapping" so that they render as expected when any tone mapping is used.

- CIE - added bloom & glare virtual element which can be viewed and/or saved separately. This element is always automatically saved by “save all” functionality
- Scene copies left on disk when DR master crashes are now properly cleaned up during next DR session.
- Fixed CIE to correctly compute resulting alpha channel while merging multiple images.
- Fixed CoronaLayeredMtl layer weight texmaps sometimes not working properly
- Added support for full heterogenous media shading, including multibounce GI inside them.

- Added Corona Official Toolbar to 3ds Max
- Added console mode for installer and uninstaller
  - To run installer in console mode, use “installer.exe --acceptEulaAndAutoInstall”, this will run the same installation as using the “typical” installation mode in GUI
  -To run uninstaller in console mode, use “uninstaller.exe -q” or “uninstaller.exe --quiet”
  - Both are required to run from console with elevated privileges (admin console)
- New bokeh controls - these were previously ignored in physical camera and now are also added to CoronaCam
  - Center bias (ring effect)
  - Optical vignetting (“cat eye” effect)
  - “Affects exposure” checkbox for custom (texture) bokeh
- Implemented anamorphic factor in Physical camera
- Bladed bokeh now has the same area as the circular bokeh and its rotation is now consistent, independent of camera view
- Lens breathing/Zoom is now taken into account when calculating the aperture size
- Better error description of licensing connection failures (licensing server and corona licensing log)
- Fixed Corona objects not repainting with correct colors when unfrozen
- Fixed blurring causing artifacts with bright light sources
- It’s no longer possible to create Corona objects with zero size
- Speed-up of IR restarts in scenes containing environment lighting
  - The light is no longer reparsed whenever geometry changes. Only changes in geometry with portal material will trigger the reparsing.
- Lights from a light select element can be now selected/deselected via menu accessed by right-clicking the corresponding checkbox in the LightMix tab in Corona VFB.
- Added a maxscript function "showLightMixSetupDialog" to CoronaFp interface for showing the LightMix setup dialog.
- Fixed lens distortion not working properly with crop render region.
- Cubic lens distortion is now correctly applied when computing displacement resolution, evaluating text shader, etc.
- Added support of lens distortion to Standalone.
- Fixed hair & fur parsing causing crashes when username contains non-ASCII (cyrillic, etc.) characters

- The right-click menu allowing to (de)select included lights in VFB LightMix tab is now disabled for light select elements which do not contain any lights
- Improvements to installer and uninstaller when used from command line:
  - Both now support --help command-line argument.
  - When  run in command line / quiet mode (--acceptEulaAndAutoInstall for  installer, --noGui for uninstaller) from non-admin console, an UAC popup window is no longer displayed. An error text is now printed to console  instead.
  - Better error handling of wrong command-line arguments.

- Fixed LightMix setup dialog no longer setting focus to a wrong (non-max) window when it is finished.
- Fixed scrolling issues in combobox on hiDPI monitors
- Fixed render region created from MaxScript not refreshing in VFB until next render

- Added support for VRayLight (plane, disk, mesh, and sphere).
  - Note that some options of VRayLight are currently ignored by Corona (for example 'No decay', ...).
  - Works also without V-Ray being installed (with the exception of light excludes)
Added support for VRayMtl
  - Works also without V-Ray being installed

- Modifying tonemapping/postprocessing overrides in CoronaCamera no longer influences VFB post processing settings in IR when said camera is not used for the rendering
- Fixed noise level in completely noiseless image being reported as ‘unknown’
- Added support for FumeFx
  - Only supported versions of FumeFx are 4.12 and newer
  - Corona currently does not support some features, namely motion blur, space warps, illumination maps, channel data shader, etc.
- Fixed renderstamp changed by maxscript not affecting CInfo_RenderStamp when stamp is deactivated in render setup
- CIE no longer applies tone mapping for render elements that should not be tone-mapped.
- CIE now respects disabled Bloom and Glare effects in Render Elements tab in Max's Render Setup.
- Added support for 3ds Max 2019
- Fixed curve editor curves not updating when new post processing settings are loaded via VFB “load” button
- Fixed VFB applying incorrectly loaded (invalid) LUTs, resulting in gray/black image
- Fixed Corona IR crash when XRef objects are used
- Fixed incorrect results produced when single map is plugged into multiple UVW randomizer maps
- Albedo, SourceColor, and RawComponent elements now properly display shading from Corona Skin Material
- Fixed double clicking on corona buttons (like zoom buttons in VFB) registering just as single click
- Optimized render starts a bit (should shave a few milliseconds off each IR restart)
- Fixed crashes when a XRef CoronaCamera is added into the scene
- Scatter UI
  - Fixed incorrect tooltip for ‘density’ parameter
  - Disabling certain controls when they’re not used in current mode made more consistent
  - Renamed checkbox "Auto planar mapping" to more descriptive "Override by planar mapping"
- All parameters of newly created CScatter objects are now reset to their default values
- Fixed crash when changing viewport layout while docked IR is running
- Fixed render to texture not saving output when render elements are disabled
- CScatter
  - Fixed too long rollout names of disabled scattering modes in Max 2016 and earlier.
  - Number of scattered instances displayed in the viewport is now set as an absolute amount instead of a percentage amount.
- White balance of Physical camera is now applied correctly - setting the temperature of camera equal to the temperature of the light will result in white image (previously the white balance was applied as color tint).
- Fixed CoronaBitmap used as CoronaCamera custom bokeh map sometimes not loading during rendering
- Added options for preserving certain materials to material override
  - Material override options are now in a pop-up dialog, accessible from render settings
  - Override can now be excluded from all glass materials, light materials, portal materials, and/or unsupported materials

- CScatter
  - Y and Z scaling steps are now disabled when uniform scaling is selected
  - When the number of generated instances exceeds the display limit, instances will now be chosen randomly to be hidden in viewport.
  - Scattered animated instances no longer appear and disappear with enabled Avoid collisions and Temporal consistency (not colliding instances in set Rest pose frame are now allowed to collide in other frames).

- Multimap can now be created with just one map allowing to apply hue randomization and other options to just a single map
- Made motion blur parsing faster, significantly lowered motion blur memory consumption
- Estimated remaining render time can now be accessed from maxscript using “CoronaRenderer.CoronaFp.getStatistic 8”
- Martin Geupel’s (DeadClown here on Corona forum) Corona proxy exporter script updated to v0.07, which fixes a major bug with exporting collapsed proxies which under some circumstances caused the original model(s) to be altered
- CoronaLight viewport lines are now drawn on both sides for two-sided lights
- Pixel probe (right click on image in VFB and CIE) now displays an error message with explanation when a NaN is found
- Fixed corrupted EXR files when render resolution was overriden through backburner or similar means
Corona now respects LUT_xD_INPUT_RANGE when loading *.cube LUTs
- Added support for CoronaColorCorrect in Standalone
- DR server now displays local IP address
- Fixed viewport display of shader trees containing Corona texmaps after opening scene
- Fixed multi-materials being classified as unsupported (and thus preserved if “Preserve unsupported materials” is checked)
- UHD cache is no longer reset in IR when only the current camera/viewport has moved or rotated, speeding up IR restarts
- Fixed occasional crash with falloff map
- Fixed falloff map submaps sometimes not being loaded in DR
- “Export + Render” button in devel/experimental rollout is now disabled when a render is running
- Added localization for button tooltips in Error window and VFB history tab
- Added subdivision quality (screen/world size) override to displacement modifier
- Maximizing VFB for the first time after IR is launched now works correctly. VFB also stays maximized now when render is stopped and started again (either IR or production render)
- Fixed occasional crashes with Falloff map
- Fixed camera target moving slightly whenever CoronaCamera moves
- Added OpenVDB support (CoronaVolumeGrid)

CONTINUE FROM 2018 05 25
- Fixed slow interactive rendering after “reset scene” is used
- Standalone no longer displays a modal dialog when it fails to open the log file
- CScatter
  - Scattered instances displayed in the viewport as dots, point clouds, or wire boxes now use wire colors of original objects.
  - Fixed spline scattering to correctly respect the Offset (now entered as percentage amount of the Spacing). The change affects only new scenes. For old scenes it can be enabled by disabling Legacy mode checkbox in the Scattering rollout.
  - Improved tooltips related to spline scattering.
  - Scattering density in Surface/Bounding Box scattering is now entered as a number of instances per square/cube of a given size (defined by edge length).
  - Fixed spline scattering to correctly respect maximum number of instances.

- Fixed the bug when empty LUT filename was returned in MaxScript from newly created camera
- Fixed the bug when corona camera target was not visible when camera is created from toolbar or maxscript
- Decreased memory consumption of all scenes by 5-15%
- Fixed crash when CoronaLight was assigned as distance object in CoronaDistance map

- Interactive no longer starts with temporarily full render resolution for first time. This fixes excessive lag when starting interactive for the first time while having big render resolution set.
- Improved unicode support at few places, such as: cgeo proxy metadata, uninstaller not working for non-ASCII paths, unicode in passwords not supported
- Fixed denoising a region being potentially slower than denoising the whole image
- CoronaColorPicker
  - Fixed ColorPicker not working with substance map
  - Fixed ColorPicker not working with Standard 3ds Max lights
  - Fixed ColorPicker not working with 3ds Max color palette
  - Color changes are now properly registered by the undo system

- Added right-click menu to toolbar buttons with options to delete the button or launch 3ds max “customize user interface” dialog
- Fixed Scatter crashing when scattering unknown objects from missing plugins. Scattering of such objects is not supported.
- Material Library's "Select in scene" feature now also selects objects which have the material applied in Hair & Fur modifier.
- Noise level is now recomputed at the end of the rendering after final results from all DR slaves are gathered
- Fixed animated CoronaBitmap not working correctly in animation preview
- Fixed exposure in VFB post processing tab being incorrectly disabled when rendering from CoronaCam with just tone mapping override enabled
- Added a warning when an image is rendered with disabled denoising and the render is then resumed with denoising turned on. This is an issue similar to resuming the render from EXR
- Fixed bug where noise level in VFB stats tab is displayed as 0% after some passes instead of "unknown" when adaptivity is disabled
- Fixed UI slowdown with complex material shaded in viewport

- New version of material library
  - More than 100 new materials
  - Hair materials
  - Roofing and tiles
  - New carpet materials (Fabrics category)
  - Leather
  - New brick and stone materials
  - New wood materials
  - Road materials
  - Modified materials for real-world scale support - the material library should now be independent of display/system units in 3ds Max scene

- Fixed LightMix not working properly with lights set as ShadowCatcher illuminators
- Fixed bug where text was getting truncated when Corona Error window was resized
- Martin Geupel’s (DeadClown here on Corona forum) Corona Converter script updated to version 1.42
  - fixed errors in VraySSS2 material conversion with old vray versions
  - added support for VRayColor2Bump
  - added simple VrayBumpMtl conversion
  - fixed displacement checkbox in VraySSS2 Mtl
- Fixed CoronaSun created from maxscript having no target
- Fixed crash when rounded edges in fast mode + displacement + water level was used together
- Fixed 3ds Max not responding when multiscatter parameters are modified in IR

- Material library data files (both new and for older versions) moved to servers with greater bandwidth, allowing for much faster downloads
- Fixed bug where CIE did not remain maximized after loading a new image
- Buttons in all Corona materials, maps and objects are now correctly grayed out when they are disabled
- Map buttons in LayeredMtl are no longer disabled/grayed out when the map usage is disabled by checkbox, to make it consistent with other Corona materials and maps
- Fixed bug when showing hidden object did not restart interactive rendering
- Fixed occasional freezes during render when Vector Map is used
- Fixed noise level sometimes rising when rendering with DR
- Fixed Proxy Exporter script altering normals of the original object
- Fixed CoronaColor not working correctly when “input values are in linear color space” was used together with negative HDR values (yes, it is possible to use negative HDR values to specify very saturated colors)
- Fixed pixel probe having unreadable text when user uses specific Windows skin

- Fixed seam created by BumpConverter on objects with symmetry modifier.
- Fixed pixel probe in CIE having unreadable text when user uses specific Windows skin.
- Fixed occasional IR restarts caused by (auto)saving the 3ds Max scene.
- All materials in Material Library now have the "Show Shaded Material in Viewport" option enabled by default. Does not affect rendering.
- Fixed occasional crash when moving animated Corona Camera.
- Fixed material library search box losing focus when typing.
- Fixed displacement sometimes unnecessarily subdividing triangles in flat heightmap patches.
- Postprocessing, denoising, LightMix, and all other settings are now correctly merged while merging CXR images in CIE, both in GUI and command-line version.
- Error Window no longer shows up on warnings if “Error only” option is set.
- Fixed CoronaBitmap blur parameter not working when used as environment background
- Material previews in Material Library now open resized to maximum (native) size. If any of them gets resized during current Max session, size of the last resized one will be used instead.
- Fixed problems in DR when camera with non-ASCII name was used
- Fixed inverted mapping on backside when using Triplanar texture
- Fixed occasional crash when moving VFB render regions during rendering
- Fixed UvwRandomizer map not displaying preview in slate material editor correctly
- LightMtl no longer allows negative intensity
- Right-click menu in include/exclude lists (e.g. CoronaLight include/exclude) expanded with “select objects in scene” and “add objects to scene selection” options

- Fixed issue with rotated CoronaBitmap and enviro mapping
- CCamera - fixed automatic tilt not working correctly in animations
- Material library
  - Previews are now rendered in bigger resolution.
  - Category Foliage has been renamed to Nature. Favorite Foliage materials will be reset due this change.
- CScatter
  - Fixed  bug causing different scattering (moved/missing instances in some  cases) on Intel CPUs vs. on AMD Threadripper/Ryzen CPUs. In rare cases  some instances may be scattered a bit differently.
  - Fixed the Scatter Lister to avoid Maxscript errors with the new Corona Scatter parameters
  - Improved tooltips.
- Added bokeh anisotropy factor to CoronaCamera

Corona Renderer 2 for 3ds Max (Release Candidate 4) is out now!

Everyone with an active FairSaaS or Box with Subscription license has access, and the download is in the usual location:

A Release Candidate is close to being the final release, but we need your feedback to catch any remaining bugs or other issues from real world testing. The final release is getting very close now; we expect this to be the last RC, so do please test as much as possible.

Here are the changes in RC 4 since RC 3:

- LightMtl no longer allows negative intensity
- Right-click menu in include / exclude lists (e.g. CoronaLight) has been expanded with "Select objects in scene" and "Add objects to scene selection" options
- Fixed issue with rotated CoronaBitmap and environment mapping
- CoronaCamera, added Anisotropy factor to bokeh effects
- CoronaCamera, fixed automatic tilt not working correctly in animations
- Slightly reworked the Material Overrides UI

- CoronaVolumeGrid
  - Fixed rendering artifacts when the step size was too low
  - Fixed step size being incorrectly internally interpreted as specific in voxels instead of scene units
  - Absorption map now tints the volume color, instead of selecting which color will be absorbed (to be consistent with other absorption controls)
  - Cell counts in status window now contain thousands separators, and are shortened for large values for better readability
  - Fixed crash when rendering a CVolumeGrid with no grid files loaded
  - Fixed OpenVDB files not being sent to slaves when using Backburner
  - Emission / absorption / scattering Tint color is now disabled and not taken into account when a map is set
  - Stats box moved to a separate roll out
  - Fixed absorption to really repsesent what is basically a color tint of the volume
  - Fixed channels being reset to their autodetected values when reloading an OpenVDB file
  - Grid mapping dialog "reset" button now resets to defaults and not to the state before the dialog was opened

- Material Library
  - Renamed some of the new materials to have more descriptive names
  - Previews are now rendered in a bigger resolution (1024 x 1024)
  - The category "Foilage" has been reanmed to "Nature" to better describe the contents. Note that any Foilage materials previously set as Favorites will be rest due to this change

- CScatter
  - Fixed  bug causing different scattering (moved/missing instances in some  cases) on Intel CPUs vs. on AMD Threadripper/Ryzen CPUs. In rare cases  some instances may be scattered a bit differently.
  - Fixed the Scatter Lister to avoid Maxscript errors with the new Corona Scatter parameters
  - Improved tooltips.

Please post all bug reports, questions, etc. on the main Daily builds version 2 thread at

Corona Renderer 2 for 3ds Max (Release Candidate 3) is out now!

Everyone with an active FairSaaS or Box with Subscription license has access, and the download is in the usual location:

A Release Candidate is close to being the final release, but we need your feedback to catch any remaining bugs or other issues from real world testing!

Here are the changes in RC 3 since RC 2:

- Fixed seam created by BumpConverter on objects with symmetry modifier
- Fixed pixel probe in CIE having unreadable text when user uses a specific Windows skin
- Fixed occasional IR restarts caused by (auto)saving the 3ds Max scene
- All materials in the Material Library now have the "Show Shaded Material in Viewport" option enabled by default; this does not affect rendering
- Fixed occasional crash when moving an animated Corona Camera
- Fixed Material Library search box losing focus when typing
- Fixed displacement sometimes unnecessarily subdividing triangles in flat heightmap patches
- Fixed bounding box scattering mode to correctly respect non-default densities of distribution objects. The fix affects only newly created scenes. For old scenes the fix can be enabled by disabling the Legacy mode checkbox in the Scattering rollout.
- Postprocessing, denoising, LightMix, and all other settings are now correctly merged while merging CXR images in CIE (both in GUI and command-line version)
- CVolumeGrid
    -  Inverted meaning of frame offset parameter to be consistent with CProxy
    -  Inverted meaning of absorption tint and color mapping. Setting absorption tint to some color will now actually tint the volume in the scene to the set color
    -  Emission in blackbody mode can now be additionally modified by curves in the color mapping dialog
    -  “?” help button from grid mapping dialog replaced with general “Online help” button in CVolumeGrid itself, which launches a help page in a browser
- Error Window no longer shows up on warnings if “Error only” option is set
- Fixed CoronaBitmap blur parameter not working when used as environment background
- Material previews in the Material Library now open resized to maximum (native) size. If any of them gets resized during current Max session, size of the last resized one will be used instead
- Fixed problems in DR when camera with non-ASCII name was used
- Fixed inverted mapping on back side when using Triplanar texture
- Fixed occasional crash when moving VFB render regions during rendering
- Fixed UvwRandomizer map not displaying preview in Slate material editor correctly
- Fixed occasional crashes when CoronaDistance map is used in VolumeGrid

Please post all bug reports, questions, etc. on the main Daily builds version 2 thread at

Corona Renderer 2 for 3ds Max (Release Candidate 2) is out now!

Everyone with an active FairSaaS or Box with Subscription license has access, and the download is in the usual location:

A Release Candidate is close to being the final release, but we need your feedback to catch any remaining bugs or other issues from real world testing!

Here's just some of what has changed in RC 2 since RC 1:

- Martin Geupel’s (DeadClown here on Corona forum) Corona Converter script updated to version 1.42:
    - fixed errors in VraySSS2 material conversion with old vray versions
    - added support for VRayColor2Bump
    - added simple VrayBumpMtl conversion
    - fixed displacement checkbox in VraySSS2 Mtl
- Fixed LightMix not working properly with lights set as ShadowCatcher illuminators
- Fixed bug where text was getting truncated when Corona Error window was resized
- Fixed CoronaSun created from maxscript having no target
- Fixed crash when rounded edges + displacement + water level was used together
- Fixed 3ds Max not responding when multiscatter parameters are modified in IR
- Toolbar button “create camera from active perspective view” now automatically selects the newly created camera
- Material library data files (both new and for older versions) moved to servers with greater bandwidth, allowing for much faster downloads
- Fixed bug where CIE did not remain maximized after loading a new image
- Buttons in all Corona materials, maps and objects are now correctly grayed out when they are disabled
- Map buttons in LayeredMtl are no longer disabled/grayed out when the map usage is disabled by checkbox, to make it consistent with other Corona materials and maps
- Fixed bug when showing hidden object did not restart interactive rendering
- Fixed occasional freezes during render when Vector Map is used
- Fixed noise level sometimes rising when rendering with DR
- Fixed Proxy Exporter script altering normals of the original object

Please post all bug reports, questions, etc. on the main Daily builds version 2 thread at

The tooltip does show the folder location, but locating it in File Explorer is a bit of a chore - could a button be added to the DR UI that would open the folder in Windows Explorer?

Corona Renderer 2 for 3ds Max (Release Candidate 1) is out now!

Everyone with an active FairSaaS or Box with Subscription license has access, and the download is in the usual location:

A Release Candidate is close to being the final release, but we need your feedback to catch any remaining bugs or other issues from real world testing!

Here's just some of the new items in Corona Renderer 2:

- Heterogeneous media support (new 3D mode for CoronaVolume material; Phoenix FD, FumeFX support; CoronaVolumeGrid for OpenVDB support)
- Render VRayMtl and VRayLight without conversion (even if V-Ray is not installed!)
- Corona Official Toolbar added
- Around 150 new materials in the Material Library, including hair; where appropriate, materials now use Real World Scale or CoronaTriplanar mapping
- Improved Denoising of Bump maps (they will not lose as much detail)
- Center Bias and Vignetting added for CoronaCamera Bokeh effects
- IR no longer starts with full render resolution when first run.
- Memory improvements - Decreased memory consumption of all scenes by 5-15%; Motion Blur requires significantly less memory; and more
- Rendering speedups - Significantly faster rendering of Shadow Catcher in "For Compositing" mode; parsing of Motion Blur is now faster
- MANY bug fixes, UI improvements, and general improvements!

- The Legacy version has been removed from the installer. All CPUs supporting SSE 4.1 are still supported, see a list of those CPUs at
- Max 2012 is no longer supported
- We recommend downloading the material library from the dropbox location, and placing it beside the installer before running the install (though you can run the installer and let it download the material library, if you choose)

Hi all!

You may remember in our last blog post we mentioned testing integration with some CAD software - here at Total Chaos we just showed the first results of testing integrating Corona into ArchiCAD (can't share the video here, but it was very rudimentary initial testing so you aren't missing out on much ;) ).

So now we would welcome your comments and thoughts:

*Is it software you'd be interested in seeing Corona integrated into?
*What features of Corona would you like to see there?
*Do you have other CAD software that you think would be a better fit or has more need of Corona?

Everything is just early testing, so don't get excited one way or the other :)
But we would like to hear your thoughts before we do anything more than these early tests.



Here's the next in your "Know Your Devs" series, and this time our Lead of R&D, Jaroslav Křivánek!, finds himself in the hot seat!

He'll be at Total Chaos next month (, talking about what 3D printing, the accurate simulation of the behavior of light, and the Manhattan project have in common - but before that, you have a chance to get to know more about him as a person!

Here's how it works:

- Ask your questions in this forum thread
- We'll leave this thread open for 5 days, to give you time to ask your questions, then we'll lock it
- The developer will take a look through and answer the interesting questions, which we'll publish in the Corona Blog (probably a week or two after closing the thread)

So, what about that "interesting questions" part? Here are some guidelines:

- Please post only personal questions or questions about inner workings of the team. You can already ask technical questions in other parts of this forum, and this is about getting to know the developers as people.
- Keep your question relevant to the particular developer.
- Only ask, don't answer - even if you think you know the answer!
- It will be up to the developer to choose which they answer and which they don't.

Now satisfy your curiosity - post your questions below!

Corona Renderer 1.7 for 3ds Max (Hotfix 4) is out!

- Provides compatibility with the newly-released 3ds Max 2019
- Fixes rare crashes when parsing geometry on some machines

Download the new version from

Read what's new in Autodesk 3ds Max 2019 at

Learner’s Corner / About Learner's Corner
« on: 2018-03-20, 15:54:11 »
If you are taking your first steps with Corona Renderer, or even with 3D in general, and you'd like some encouragement, feedback, and constructive criticism on your finished works, then this is the place for you.

We look forward to seeing your art!

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