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Topics - cjwidd

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[Max] I need help! / Master Curve Interpolation
« on: 2020-12-16, 11:01:56 »
Is there a controller in the Slate Material Editor to control the 'master curve interpolation' parameter of the Corona Color Correct texmap?

[Max] I need help! / Wool Shader
« on: 2020-12-08, 22:27:08 »
I have been trying to devise a convincing wool shader for an unreasonable amount of time and have not produced a successful result. Looking for tips, suggestions, or examples.

I've already studied the Corona mat lib fabrics and carpets, but those shaders do not translate to a convincing wool shader.

[Max] I need help! / Animation + Aliasing + Noise
« on: 2020-12-06, 20:52:34 »
Seeing a lot of noise and aliasing in a short turntable animation with a pure white background. Noise limit is 1.5% with .65 noise denoising (Intel CPU AI). File is saved into .avi format (link); download file and view with VLC.

Not sure how to reduce the noise further or why the aliasing is appearing at all(?)

Off-Topic / Real or Not Real: Pham Anh Vu - Lego 6957
« on: 2020-11-19, 00:21:13 »
Having a hard time believing this is full CG. I think I see some faceting on some of the cylinders, but other than that...

Pham Anh Vu - Lego 6957

Wondering if there are other aspects of the image that are giveaways that it's CG(?)

[Max] Bug Reporting / Ctrl+C VFB
« on: 2020-10-16, 10:51:42 »
Seeing an issue in which using the Ctrl+C button in the VFB causes 3ds Max / Corona Render to hang during interactive rendering. Has this been reported?

[Max] I need help! / Particles vs. Motion Blur
« on: 2020-10-13, 23:28:09 »
I understand that motion blur for topology that changes over time is not currently supported, but I am curious if there is a workaround.

yikes #1
yikes #2

Is it truly impossible to generate motion blur for particles using Max / Corona Renderer?

[Max] I need help! / OpenSubdiv vs. CoronaDisplacementMod
« on: 2020-09-01, 09:11:32 »
CoronaDisplamentMod produces geo / shading artifacts if OpenSubdiv is set to Render Iters. only(?)

Would be nice to have specialized fabric falloff curves, glossiness, albedo, etc. available directly in Corona Material and accessible via a drop-down list, e.g. linen, velvet cotton, etc.

Lighting a scene with only an HDRI, but glass (window) pane reflections are stretched, disproportionate, etc.

Thinking I should use a RaySwitch material to apply custom reflections to the windows so the reflections appear sensible, i.e. scene is lit with an HDRI of a train station, but it does not make sense to have reflections of a train station in the glass windows of a scene like this, e.g. office space.

Pretty sure this is a common problem, and I think I've articulated the basics of the workaround, but missing some details.

watch x1.5 speed

General CG Discussion / AllCity 3d Models - Alternative?
« on: 2020-08-11, 22:59:52 »
Not trying to unilaterally praise AllCity 3d models, but they are some of the best furniture models I have seen on the market. The selection on the AllCity store is very meager, and it doesn't seem like the library is being updated.

Can anyone recommended some furniture models that are of comparable quality?

Material Library menu has disappeared. After adding the menu back manually (Customize > Customize User Interface > Menus > ...) and saving default scene OR save Custom UI scheme OR save default state, the menu will not re-appear.

3ds Max booting up... (Corona Menu is visible)

3ds Max ready (Corona menu disappears)

[Max] I need help! / [RESOLVED] Fabric - fIOR
« on: 2020-07-31, 23:07:44 »
Are there any hard and fast rules about fabric fIOR values? For example, in general <1.52 fIOR? Are there any general tips for gloss falloff curves?

[Max] Feature Requests / VFB History - Fast Preview Denoiser
« on: 2020-07-31, 00:04:58 »
When using the Fast Preview Denoiser in the VFB, would it be possible to store the denoised image - as it appears in the VFB - in the History, i.e. store current VFB?

At the moment, a non-denoised image is stored in History(?)

[Max] Feature Requests / VFB History - Save VFB Settings
« on: 2020-07-15, 04:37:16 »
Corona supports a History tab in the VFB which allows users to store images into a history that can be recalled for preview purposes with an option to toggle the stored VFB post settings.

It would be great to extend this functionality to include an option to recall the VFB settings stored into an image back in to the VFB post settings.

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