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Topics - lacilaci

Pages: 1 2 [3] 4
Work in Progress/Tests / Caleb_wip
« on: 2013-02-16, 12:06:32 »
Caleb from Blood...Not many details and just wiretex in diffuse for now.. :)

Work in Progress/Tests / Nekker
« on: 2013-02-08, 18:25:43 »
Just a sculpt now... Will work on Displacement trying to retain as much detail as possible with corona.

[Max] General Discussion / light samples
« on: 2013-01-31, 20:49:20 »
Trying different values at different scenarios and I often see this behaviour... All at default just different lightsamples, note that both images are pretty much just ca. one minute initial passes and the scene is lit only by a HDRI image.

Work in Progress/Tests / SunSkyInterior
« on: 2013-01-26, 17:32:42 »
one hour render testing and figuring out how to properly lit interior with coronas sun&sky... uset preetham and sun in preetham mode. That random stuff in there is just so... I don't know I just wanted to quickly add some stuff :D anyways it's raw corona output no post done... I guess it would take another hour to get rid of aliasing and clean it all but I have no time now... PT+HD 64PT and 16 lightsamples (HD cache at defaults)

Work in Progress/Tests / SubSurface
« on: 2013-01-24, 10:48:40 »
Just playing with standard shader to fake skin sss behavior...

[Max] General Discussion / Next event estimation...
« on: 2013-01-22, 08:50:14 »
Will this boost rendering when path tracing complex GI situations?

[Max] Resolved Feature Requests / Multiple UV sets
« on: 2013-01-16, 12:38:23 »
Support for using multiple UV tiles per object allows to use multiple textures that are mapped outside the 0-1 UV coordinates.

Useful in example for characters and, or objects that needs very high resolution maps painted in mari or mudbox etc... Mapping different parts of mesh outside 0-1 UV allows to use many textures to get needed details all over mesh.

[Max] General Discussion / recommended HW
« on: 2013-01-11, 12:29:58 »
Hi I'm considering an upgrade "hopefully sometimes soon"

I'm currently considering a i7 3930K sandy bridge - E, 64GB (8x8) RAM 1600MHZ  non ecc (Not sure which brand now) and asus  P9x79 or sabertooth x79

I would like to build a solid rig that I would fully use the potential of corona and vice versa.

Any recommendations or experiences with this or similar config? Any stuff to be aware about corona and HW?

Thanks :)

[Max] General Discussion / VCM vs Refraction
« on: 2012-12-22, 16:39:31 »
Keymaster already mentioned that without using merge function it is a bi-dir tracing.

So, should I avoid using (in architecture openings) single sided one face glass object with 2sided glass material? Or will VCM handle this correctly?

Work in Progress/Tests / closedspaces
« on: 2012-12-14, 20:41:05 »
So here's some random spare-time stuff:D Almost all have default corona setup. Of course not to be considered as a real comparison between different illumination modes... Only top row was rendered with a 30 min. limit and only the two rightmost pics have glossy refl floor.

All lights have a one face emitter enclosed with twosided (oneface) material except the one marked in bottom right image which has thick geometry (one sided solid material).

Like I said. It's not a "real" comparison. However I was stunned by the result of IR+PM it's quality and speed. I failed to get it nicer in the reflection nothing was helping to get it cleaner (to fix photons visible in reflecitons). Also PPM seems like a great thing but the longer it renders the less efective it is even with changing alpha reduction and photons per iteration settings(at least in my observation).

Any tips how to get nice reflections with IR+PM combination?

[Max] Resolved Feature Requests / Dispersion?
« on: 2012-12-14, 18:34:23 »
Now, not a super important or anyhow cool feature. But it might be nice to see that effect when showcasing let's say.... diamonds :D possible? Not possible or unwanted? Timespan? :D

[Max] General Discussion / Deprecated?
« on: 2012-12-14, 18:29:47 »
Are there any currently provided solutions/functions that will be deprecated in the future? To be more clearly I'm doing currently some little GI tests in corona with a simple scene using different methods and I'm thinking if you are up to find and provide some sort of "ultimate lighting solution" for corona renderer or if all the currently implemented will stick with corona and may be improved in the future (Irradiance caching, Photon mapping, PPM, bucket mode etc...).

Is there something from current features that we should no longer count on to be developed more?

Work in Progress/Tests / MyLittleSomethingExperimental
« on: 2012-12-05, 09:33:27 »
An early wip. I'm still having a little problem with those white dots appearing in the rendering. This is ca. 3hr+ rendering. I'm using "rawafake" sky and sun with manualy set color to 200,200,200 using any color(even just a little saturation) only with this setup I get low presence of those fireflies. Using latest legacy build...

Gallery / furniture
« on: 2012-11-12, 16:39:31 »
2 recent models. No post, just converted from .exr to jpg

Work in Progress/Tests / Infection
« on: 2012-11-04, 17:21:31 »
A little illustration made from early shaders and textures rendering tests.

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